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nerdDoro Spinneret design contest entry submission — Parallax Forums

nerdDoro Spinneret design contest entry submission

JeffaJeffa Posts: 80
edited 2011-07-31 21:47 in Accessories
This is the submission of my entry nerdDoro to the 2011 Parallax Spinneret Design Contest.

I have published a post on my blog Review or Discard at Will as documenting my entry. I have converted that blog post to pdf and attached it to this forum post. It reads better on the web. The nerdDoro.pdf did not convert the embedded video but I did keep a web link to it as well. It did not keep image placement either.

Also attached to this post is nerdDoro.spin published under the MIT License. It's also avaiable on my gitHub account

And also attached is a .net application that reads the nerdDoro XML and persists in an SQL db.

Finally find attached jWidget.php.txt (.php uploads not allowed) a wordpress widget that displays nerdDoro temperature information on my site.

Good luck to everyone. And thank you Parallax and Wiznet for sponsiring the Spinneretdesign contest.

- jeffa
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