currentTemperature0; $nerdDoroXml = file_get_contents(''); // $nerdDoroXml = file_get_contents(''); $ePhidgetYXml = file_get_contents(''); //$ePhidgetYXml = file_get_contents(''); $nerdDoroXmlElement = new SimpleXMLElement($nerdDoroXml); $ePhidgetYXmlElement = new SimpleXMLElement($ePhidgetYXml); echo "nerdDoro says it is ".$nerdDoroXmlElement->currentTemperature0." degrees f "; echo "at ".$nerdDoroXmlElement->currentMeasuredTime; echo "
ePhidgetY says:".$ePhidgetYXmlElement->currentTemperature0; /* End of Your Code ---------- */ } /* -------------------------- */ /* Your custom code ends here */ function widget_test($args) { // Collect our widget's options, or define their defaults. $options = get_option('widget_test'); $title = empty($options['title']) ? __('test') : $options['title']; extract($args); echo $before_widget; echo $before_title; echo $title; echo $after_title; test(); echo $after_widget; } // This is the function that outputs the form to let users edit // the widget's title. It's an optional feature, but were're doing // it all for you so why not! function widget_test_control() { // Collect our widget options. $options = $newoptions = get_option('widget_test'); // This is for handing the control form submission. if ( $_POST['widget_test-submit'] ) { // Clean up control form submission options $newoptions['title'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['widget_test-title'])); } // If original widget options do not match control form // submission options, update them. if ( $options != $newoptions ) { $options = $newoptions; update_option('widget_test', $options); } $title = attribute_escape($options['title']); echo '

'; echo ''; } // This registers the widget. register_sidebar_widget('test', 'widget_test'); // This registers the (optional!) widget control form. register_widget_control('test', 'widget_test_control'); } add_action('plugins_loaded', 'widget_test_init');