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Propeller Assembly for beginners



  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    edited 2013-02-26 09:05

    As I thought. If I use a hex editor on a text file and insert one of those new fangled "hard spaces" then I find that my normal editors Vim, Emacs, Kedit, etc have no idea what it is.
  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2013-02-26 10:51

    Here is how I first found the problem.

    There are two Cogs, one in SPIN and one in PASM
    The spin cog sets a value at say PAR(3)
    The PASM cog reads the value into a countdown delay to pulse a signal

    If the value has not been set by the SPIN cog by the time the PASM cog reads it
    it is read it as a 0 and the loop now takes 53 minutes to run down. Once the
    timer runs down, the next read is fine.

    The PASM cog always beats the SPIN cog to it because it is
    hundreds to time faster than the SPIN cog.

  • mindrobotsmindrobots Posts: 6,506
    edited 2013-02-26 10:58
    Your two routines need to have a protocol of some sort (very simple in this case) to use in the mailbox (the area used to exchange data).

    For this example: If PASM COG finds 0, that's invalid and it needs to wait until it becomes non-zero indicating a valid delay.

    In other cases, you may want to have a memory cell that the PASM routine sets to some value indicating it is ready to receive commands. Whenever you have two or more things working together, they need to communicate both data and intentions.....just like people! How it is done is up to the programmer to use what's best for the situation.
  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    edited 2013-02-26 11:04
    Exactly what I was talking about.

    What you have told me there is that you have one LONG to communicate a 32 bit number between two parallel processes, which it does very well by all account.

    BUT you also imply that the value zero is not perhaps a valid value in this system.

    What to do?

    1) Assume that zero is not a valid input for the delay COG. That is to say that when it starts up if it sees a zero it just loops until that value changes from zero. It then uses the value as normal. When done with it's delay business it waits in the loop again for that value to become non-zero again.

    It's up to you if the delay cog sets the value to zero when it is done so that the master cog can set a new value when it is ready or simply reuses the old value again. Depends what you want to do. But basically a zero means "don't do anything".

    2) What if all the possible values of that input are valid inputs? Perhaps not useful for you delay example but perhaps some other task. Then you are going to need a second LONG to hold a "flag" or "semaphore" which is either one or zero. In this case the reader cog waits for the flag LONG to become non-zero before reading the value LONG and getting on with the work. When done it goes back to looping on the flag.
  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2013-02-26 11:20
    Thanks guys
    Got it


    Phil its is a great idea but right now I am trying so hard to get this done
    that nothing else can take even a second if I am to maintain my sanity.
    As you can tell from the forum, its getting close.

  • tonyp12tonyp12 Posts: 1,951
    edited 2013-02-26 11:33
    >There are two Cogs, one in SPIN and one in PASM The spin cog sets a value at say PAR(3)

    When you say PAR3, I assume you mean the third long reserved Spin Var and the address of the first is the one passed to Pasm in PAR.
    But if this cog is only reading one var,
    you could just as well pass on the address of the 3rd var in the first place and the t1 and +8 in code below is not needed, just use rdlong delay,PAR instead.

    Spin do: delay := 12000 ' delay is the third long var reserve in 'mailbox'

    Pasm do
                    mov     t1,PAR
                    add     t1,#8        ' hubram is in bytes (first is at 0, second at +4, third at +8)
    label1          mov     cnt,#46      ' to shadow just for overhead
                    add     cnt,cnt
    label2          rdlong  delay,t1 
                    cmp     delay,#46 wc
             if_c   jmp     #label1      ' values between 0-45 are to small    
                    waitcnt cnt,delay
                    xor     outa,pinmask
                    jmp     #label2 
  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2013-02-26 18:50
    Please tell me where the MAILBOX is located.
  • tonyp12tonyp12 Posts: 1,951
    edited 2013-02-26 18:56
    There is no mailbox, It's just what we call it as Spin variables are ALWAYS reserved in memory in the same order as you declare them.

    VAR 'Global variable declarations
    long mydata1 ' these 3 longs MUST be contiguous
    long mydata2
    long delay

    cognew(@entry, @mydata1) ' the mailbox starts at mydata1 location, the @ is to get the address and not the value that mydata1 have.
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2013-02-26 20:51
    tonyp12 wrote: »
    you could just as well pass on the address of the 3rd var in the first place and the t1 and +12 in code below ...
    The 3rd variable is at offset +8, and - this being for beginners - you might want to explain how you arrived at 46 as a minimum delay. While you could have picked e.g. 100 to be safe, people (are supposed to) play around with the setup and then wonder why it stops working.
  • tonyp12tonyp12 Posts: 1,951
    edited 2013-02-27 06:49
    Yes +8, I updated the above code.

    Rule1 for waitcnt:
    You can not have your cntvalue to be lower than the hardware cnt by the the time you get to the waitcnt instruction.

    22.. rdlong delay,t1
    04.. cmp delay,#46 wc
    04.. if_c jmp #label1
    04.. waitcnt cnt,delay (value is latched at clock 03..) delay is added to shadow-cnt at exit
    04.. xor outa,pinmask
    04.. jmp #label2

    22 for hub access is in worse case scenario, if you count your clock cycles and always get 8,24,40.... cog cycles in between, you could use 8 clocks for hub access
    If my calculations are right the lowest acceptable value would be 42
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2013-02-27 15:49
    tonyp12 wrote: »
    If my calculations are right the lowest acceptable value would be 42
    Make that 45:

    23.. rdlong delay,t1
    04.. cmp delay,#46 wc
    04.. if_c jmp #label1
    06.. waitcnt cnt,delay (first comparison in 4th cycle, 2 cycles exit path) delay is added to shadow-cnt at exit
    04.. xor outa,pinmask
    04.. jmp #label2
  • tonyp12tonyp12 Posts: 1,951
    edited 2013-02-27 15:57
    >23.. rdlong delay,t1
    would this one now not be
    10.. rdlong delay,t1
    As the cycles below now are 22 total and next window is only 2 cycles away?

    Though It may depend on what value delay had before.
    Entry value should be left at 46
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2013-02-27 16:30
    tonyp12 wrote: »
    would this one now not be
    10.. rdlong delay,t1
    As the cycles below now are 22 total and next window is only 2 cycles away?
    True for that specific case (loop taking 32 cycles total, ideal entry conditions). Then use a 33 cycle loop count and you're back at the point where you need 45 to keep it going reasonably. I think for this purpose we should stick with the worst case timing.
  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2013-03-04 18:13
    Here is my code for transferring a data array from listing code to the hub memory accessible via PAR
    and displaying it on the PST.

    It avoids indexing (which I was having trouble with) for now and its done in SPIN
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
      Vars =20     'hub variables to be displayed
      long  p_Val[vars],subscr
      fds : "FullDuplexSerial"
    PUB Go|x                           
    fds.start(31,30,0,115200)       'start PST console at 115200 for output 
       fds.tx(1)                    'home 
       fds.str(string("Displaying Hub variables")) 'heading                                                                                              
       fds.str(string("  "))        'spaces to erase old data overflow  
       fds.tx($d)                   'new line      
       fds.tx($d)                   'new line
       repeat subscr from 0 to vars 'loop to display all vars                                                                                                                                 
         fds.dec(subscr)            'print value as decimal value                                                                                                                
         fds.str(string(" "))       'spaces to erase old data overflow
         fds.dec(P_Val[subscr])     'print to the PST in binary                                                                                                              
       waitcnt(clkfreq/60+cnt)         'wait 1/60.   
       x:=x+1             'increment counter. (This routine clears up the screen    )
       if x>100           'decision point     (by erasing extraneous lines of       )
         fds.tx(16)       'clear screen       (bottom of PST display every 100 loops)
         x:=0             'reset counter      (Needed only once in most cases.      )
    [COLOR=#ff0000][B]Pub Transfer
       repeat subscr from 0 to 15
    mydata long  15, 313, 364, 46754, 85868, 969690, 3345, 345437, 995969
    long 23, 44567, 234, 5, 887, 1988, 47475475[/COLOR]
    Fit[COLOR=#000000]     [/COLOR] 

    This completes all the code in the book
    Only the Index still to go now.

  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    edited 2013-03-05 14:27
    I don't have an inclination to understand what that code does but:

    As far as I can tell all you have done is move some data from a DAT section in HUB memory to a VAR section.
    Which may be of interest to someone who wants to initialize their ojects data but is nothing to do with PASM programming. Which I thought this book was all about.

    As for the "It avoids indexing" thing, I presume you mean using self modifying code in PASM to access arrays in COG or HUB. You might think this too much for a beginners book on PASM but I would suggest it is esential.

    There is no reason to have a FIT statement when you are not loading code into COG. A DAT section sitting in HUB can be as long as it likes. A FIT makes no sense with out a previous ORG.
  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2013-03-11 19:15
    Its the best I could do....

    THE BOOK IS DONE. 276 pages plus all code listings in one text file by email to buyers.
    Printers will take two weeks so it should ship by end of month. Will be book post US mail.
    $35.00 each includes everything for US residents. No insurance on book posts.
    Paypal only

    Will send first copy to Parallax. Don't yet know if they will want to handle it.
    Amazon etc will not be selling it.

    I will send a personal note to all who had expressed and interest in getting a copy tomorrow.

    Will announce it again when the books get here.

  • mindrobotsmindrobots Posts: 6,506
    edited 2013-03-11 20:36
    Best of luck, Harprit!!

    I know it's been a long road getting to this point!
  • doggiedocdoggiedoc Posts: 2,240
    edited 2013-03-12 02:35
    Glad to hear your done. I know you have put a lot of work into it. Looking forward to getting a copy.

  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2013-03-15 14:50
    Just got word from the printers. They are scheduled to ship books to me on the 22nd of this month.
    My email address is for PayPal payments. $35.00 includes
    everything in the USA. Mailed from Champaign Il. 61820 on about the 25th of March '13.
    274 page book plus a file with ~100 pages of fully documented code you can cut and paste from.
  • richaj45richaj45 Posts: 179
    edited 2013-03-15 16:13
    Just sent my money for the book.

    I am looking forward to reading it cover to cover.

  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2013-03-15 17:44
    Harprit wrote: »
    ... plus all code listings in one text file by email to buyers ...
    Harprit wrote: »
    ... a file with ~100 pages of fully documented code you can cut and paste from.
    This may be a communication issue but wouldn't it be better/easier to provide a ZIP archive with the (working) source code?
  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2013-03-16 10:14
    Maybe later.
    Right now I have my plate full with lot of catch up I need to do.
  • doggiedocdoggiedoc Posts: 2,240
    edited 2013-03-17 11:40
    Paid. (you can ignore my PM, I found the paypal address above)

    A direct link to paypal payment could prove helpful to others.

  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2013-03-17 12:36
    Payment should be made to my PayPal account
    Same as my email address

  • JordanCClarkJordanCClark Posts: 198
    edited 2013-03-18 02:41
    Harprit wrote: »
    Payment should be made to my PayPal account...

    Done and done!
  • Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL)Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL) Posts: 1,720
    edited 2013-03-18 14:34
    My PayPal notice of purchase has been sent. I'm looking forward to the book.
  • TrapperBobTrapperBob Posts: 140
    edited 2013-03-18 17:11
    Payment sent. Looking forward to reading the book.
  • Francis BauerFrancis Bauer Posts: 358
    edited 2013-03-19 17:21
    Just sent my payment too...
  • D.PD.P Posts: 790
    edited 2013-03-19 21:00
    Just sent a payment, congratulations.
  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2013-03-23 07:28
    When you select the documentation listing it tells you how long the program is.
    Does this include the objects that were called under OBJ and if not how can you detect an overflow of code in hub memory (not cog FIT)?
    When you call a method inside an OBJ does it call just the method or the whole OBJ into hub memory.
    Where is such compiler specific information available to beginners?
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