Parallax Is To Blame!

Dear Parallax,
Until late last year, I was just your usual computer geek with 12 Macs, 7 peecees and the odd Silicon Graphics and Sun workstations. On a whim, I bought a Boe Bot kit and things changed!
Now my floor is littered with boxes of resistors, capacitors and assorted nuts, screws, and plastic moldings. Scattered across my desk are numerous blinky, flashy, clicky and whirry things along with the lab power supply, two VOMs and oscilloscope. I've become the community leader in alkaline battery consumption.
I can see where this is headed... I'm doomed!
It's all your fault!
PS - Just ordered the 7.2 volt motor and wheel kit, Propeller Dip parts kit and Ping sensor w/stand. (Not counting a few items from the local 'Shack)
Until late last year, I was just your usual computer geek with 12 Macs, 7 peecees and the odd Silicon Graphics and Sun workstations. On a whim, I bought a Boe Bot kit and things changed!
Now my floor is littered with boxes of resistors, capacitors and assorted nuts, screws, and plastic moldings. Scattered across my desk are numerous blinky, flashy, clicky and whirry things along with the lab power supply, two VOMs and oscilloscope. I've become the community leader in alkaline battery consumption.
I can see where this is headed... I'm doomed!
It's all your fault!

PS - Just ordered the 7.2 volt motor and wheel kit, Propeller Dip parts kit and Ping sensor w/stand. (Not counting a few items from the local 'Shack)
It's like a show I saw on PBS about crystal meth. When the purity of the crystal meth goes up so do the addiction rates. The Prop is the super-pure crystal meth of the microcontroller world. Just one blinking LED is all it takes to get addicted.
You are right, Chip deserves a lot of the blame too. Lets just say Ken and Chip are both equally to blame!
It is a kind of addiction...maybe we need our own version of AMCs "Breaking Bad"
As manufacturer and distributor Ken and Chip could play the lead roles ;-)
I too was once, just like you. I once bought a single BS2, then another, then another.
Chip and Ken (aka "the Borg") have a powerful influence over a week mind (witness me).
I was assimilated.
Yep, just like you, I drank the kool-aid.
Resistance was futile...
Bought a single Propeller Protoboard with programming plug...
Now it's spilling out all over.. I'm writing help guides, games, programs, hosting expos...
Parallax has a 8-cog(ehm! step) program for dealing with the addiction, but I'm afraid it only leads to more of the same!
I know the feeling! My computer book shelves used to have all books - now it is plastic boxes of ICs, displays, components, sensors, etc. And I have to drag them all out when breadboarding circuits!
I've had to start hanging parts bins (drawers) off the front of my bookshelves, doors, etc.
It started with a BS1.
But a few years ago I was surfing Hackaday when I saw the YBox2 as a featured hack. It was a mini web content mining appliance that fit in an Altoids tin. As I asked myself, how do you fit ethernet, video generation, and a CPU into an Altoids tin? I followed the link back to Parallax, from which I'd been buying the occasional Basic Stamp for years, to find they had made this amazing microprocessor. As the implications dawned on me I realized that my gradually dwindling career in hardware hacking was about to undergo a major expansion. There were several projects of dear importance to my corporate masters which are much, much easier to approach from Propellerland.
But that doesn't explain the BOE-bot on my desk. OK, I got the BOE-bot from the freebie table at UPEW (I took the one that had obviously been returned without a box, not the new one) and I'm just sure I can write a navigation system for this thing that will outperform anything you usually see on this scale. Not that I need another thing to do, but it's just so... seductive... hang on, I think I've figured out how to mount the 5th battery holder to the Proteus PCB...
This's the most pathetic buncha self-pitying losers I've ever seen!
You people are weak! Weak-minded, I tell ya.
A strong will, that's all it takes. Me, I can quit this stuff any time I want.
My electronics hobby certainly started before Parallax existed, but my first microcontroller was a BS1. I was soldering by 6th grade (mid-late seventies), had additional electronics hooked up to the TRS-80 Model I a few years later (does a Z-80 count?), and it just grew from there.
Admitting that you have a problem is the first step...
Sr. Certified Propaholic, 1st Class
Is that you?
At the last Parallax get together perhaps.
(obscure paraphrased Torah reference)
I don't know my Torah very well it appears
As the son of a minister... Groan!!! That's gotta be the best pun ever...
That's so true.... a person could grow up and develop an embarrassing
addiction to twitter and photography. <shudder>
lol... Irony overload!
With that name the jokes just write themselves
Still, it could be worse...much worse.
"It's so nice to meet you Mr Weiner"
"Please, call me Harry"
"And this is my unfortunate wife, Ima."