Programer for the SX28 Microcontroller from Parallax
I am looking for someone to program a SX28 Microcontroller from Parallax. The workflow we are attempting to program would likely be simple for someone with the right experience. Please let me know if you are interested and I will send you the workflow. We can also discuss a payment arrangement...I'm willing to pay hourly or fixed price. My email is
It isn't clear from your post what you are looking to have done. Do you need someone to write a program for the SX28 chip or do you already have the code for it and just need someone to "Program" the blank SX28 chip by loading the code onto the internal flash memory of the chip?
If you want a program written then you need to be very specific on the requirements. That will enable someone to determine if they can handle the project and the amount of effort required.
Best Regards,
Thanks for your reply and advice. I will be glad to post my thread on the SX Chips forum, but before I do I was curious if you would be interested in helping? I'm looking for someone to program something from scratch. It is very likely that will need help defining specific requirements because I'm not a programmer & unsure what a good set of requirements might look like, but as a start I have attached the workflow workflow.doc. Is this something you would be interested in? Is this a good example of requirements, or what might a good set look like? I'm easily reached at
Thanks for any guidance you can provide,