WARNING: Quickstart board has a 32K EEPROM not a 64K

Just a heads-up to everyone...
The Quickstart board has a 32K EEPROM not a 64K like the specifications say.
The schematic IS correct.
Might want to correct that Ken.
The Quickstart board has a 32K EEPROM not a 64K like the specifications say.
The schematic IS correct.
Might want to correct that Ken.
Quite annoying; the two I ordered have already been shipped.
Edit: I will post the size of the eeproms after I receive the boards...
If this is really true of all of the boards shipped so far and not just a fluke with the one you got it seems like it would be better to fix the problem by making sure future boards ship with 64k EEPROMs rather than just changing the documentation. The extra 32k is a useful feature it would be too bad to lose. I suppose that would mean Parallax would have to offer to replace any 32k boards that shipped by mistake though.
You are correct. It's 32k-eeprom.
That being said, we did mess up on the published specifications, so you may not have received a board with all of the features that you expected. If this is the case send me a private message or send an email to [URL="email:support@parallax.com"]support@parallax.com[/URL] and I'll see what I can do.
As for building the QuickStarts with a 64 KB EEPROM, the BOM cost difference is about 25¢, which is a small amount, but those little differences add up quickly. It looks like there is enough room in the cost to switch to the more expensive 64 KB EEPROM, but all of the 64 KB EEPROMs we have in stock are allocated to the Spinneret Web Servers. I'll check with our manufacturing department and see if they have already used all of them. If not, we may be able to get the next batch built with larger 64 KB EEPROMs.
David Carrier
Parallax Inc.
Thanks for the explaination. I prefixed my post with "WARNING" knowing that some people planned to use the Quickstart for applications that required 64K.
I certainly don't think a 64K EEPROM is a requirement, but it sure would be nice
Just as an FYI: I remember that the 64K vs. 32K cost issue came up during the development of the S2 robot. At the time, and because the parts were being sourced offshore, it was cheaper to use two 32K EEPROMs than a single 64K device, which is why the S2 has two EEPROM chips. Of course, that was last year, and things may be different now due to more recent pricing or domestic sourcing.
This isn't for a project, I just want to use the extra parts for the parctice.
I just received four boards yesterday. I also received four USB Propeller Proto boards. The QuickStart board looks like it uses EEPROM by Microchip. The Proto board uses Atmel chips.
The Proto board EEPROM has printed on it "13 A AT512". The QuickStart has "4LD I629 M OJP". I figure the "512" is for 512 bits on the Atmel chip. Is there anything on he Microchip chip to indicate its size? I'm sure the data sheet explains it, but it would be nice if Microchip had "256" printed on the chip.
@Leon, I hope you're right. I know I have several 64K EEPROMs of the correct package size. I think I have an adapter with a small opening for my hot air station. I've never tried to replace anything but a Prop chip with hot air before. And no, I don't have any QuickChip (I think that's what it's called). I should get some sometime.
Now to tryout my new QuickStart board.
Edit: I misread the characters on the QuickStart EEPROM as "4LD 1629 M DJP". Corrected above.
You could piggy-back one of your 32K devices atop the one that's there. Just parallel all the pins except A0, which gets connected to Vdd.
Note: Two 32K devices are not addressed the same as one 64K device. With two devices, the upper 32K get addressed in the control byte, not the address high byte.
Propeller suffers from lack of hub memory. Having to keep COG code in hub memory makes the lack of HUB memory unnecessarily worse.
Here's a way. It's certainly not the easiest. I suppose it could also be used with the QuickStart board. (There, now I'm not off topic.
I had some extra EEPROMs that were the same package size as used with the Proto boards (and QuickStart boards). I added a second EEPROM right on top of the first. I just tied one of the address pins high so it had a different address than the original EEPROM. I've attached a picture from my very dusty robot.
I've also attached a picture of the QuickStart's EEPROM. Those characters are hard to read. It wasn't until I saw the "super macro" photo that I realized I had misread several of the characters.
Edit: I see Phil suggested this while I was taking a picture of my piggybacked EEPROM.
Leon, you are probably correct, but I have been using Solder Wick since the 80's and I think most people have that on hand.
I do have ChipQuik on my next order. Looking forward to using it. You did bring this nice product to our attention.
ERROR: I posted the 14 pin EEPROM part. Here is the 8 pin part, (even cheaper
Then, use braid or wick to clean it up...
BTW: I think it's a major mistake not to have used 64kB chips when so many cool things (Like Catalina) use it.
I think you could change those blue leds to red and save the 25 cents there....
If one did go the swap out the part method, could a larger than 64K eeprom be used?
But... but... red LED's are so 20th century!
I see both sides of the EE thing. QuickStart is suitable for some much more impressive uses with the extra 32K, but then again it is close to a loss leader already, and how many people other than us even notice the extra 32K on say protoboards on a regular basis?
I think the Atmel 1024 kbit / 128 kbyte part should work there. I'm using them as direct replacements in thru-hole boards.
Yes, we all want 64KB EPROMs, but we are not the real intended target. For the sake of repeating myself, the target is clearly the new potential professional users of the prop. For that reason, the circuit needs to be minimal. Engineers are going to cost the minimum configuration. That 25c difference could be all the difference between the prop getting the job or another chip.
So, I say, keep the 32KB EEPROM and change the specs. We can all resolve the problem by adding another EEPROM, or replacing the EEPROM.
I agree with you to some extent but I'm looking at this from a software point of view. If I'm going to write software for the QuickStart board I only want to target the stock board and not some configuration that requires replacing a chip or adding another chip. That will limit my audience too much. So, unless they build the next batch with the 64k EEPROMs as stated in the current product description, I have to assume that no QuickStart board has any more than 32k. Of course, I doubt any of these commercial customers will want to use a Basic interpreter anyway. :-)
David, what Basic intereter are you using ?
Have you tried PE-Basic ?
I'm still working on my own Basic interpreter called xbasic. I started it back when I was a "democoder" for Andre' LaMothe for his XGS PIC and XGS AVR products and then continued it on the Chameleon PIC and Chameleon AVR and am now working on it for the C3. At the moment it consists of a bytecode compiler that runs on the PC and a PASM VM that runs on the Propeller and a downloader. I've also run the compiler on the Propeller as well using Catalina C but the performance wasn't really good enough on the C3. The sources for this interpreter were included in the "samples" directory for my version of Heater's GCC/ZPU/ZOG system. It's main claim to fame (or infamy) is that it can run programs from external memory to escape the 32k hub memory size limitation. I'm currently working on adding cognew/coginit to allow xbasic programs to load PASM drivers into other COGs.
However, I should try your PE-Basic and also PropBasic. I've wanted to look at PropBasic for a while but I haven't found where to download the sources. Are they available or is it only available as part of BST?
Here is the source for PE-Basic (which is written in PropBasic). And the compiled .spin files for the Serial Termial compiled version.
The Delphi source code for PropBasic is not open-source, but I'll e-mail it to you if you send me a PM with your e-mail address.
PropBasic is a compiler that runs under BST.
PE-Basic is an interpreter that is fully contained on the propeller. You can set options to make a the following versions:
Serial terminal
Keyboard, TV
Telnet (Spinneret)
My guess is that it compiles fine with Lazarus/Free Pascal, since you can download the compiler for Windows/OSX/Linux.
I agree. Half the fun is finding out that even I can modify components on the board, which is kind of a big deal to a software-only guy. Previously, my control of the hardware configuration ended at the on/off switch.
More EEPROM (along with other I2C devices) could easily be accommodated (with through-hole parts, even) on an external mezzanine board.