Are most forumers here a liitle autistic or scizophrenic?

I have his theory that most geniuses carry the autistic or schizophrenic gene, even though they may not be aware of it.
Here's a test. How many of you here :-
1. Have autistic or schizophrenic relatives?
2. Are yourselves a little autistic, schizophrenic or eccentric?
3. Flap both your hands when excited about a prop design?
4. Think about Prop programming while doing other work?
5. Have other people think that you are daydreaming all the time?
6. Cover your ears when encountering a scary PASM code?
7. Live a recluse life? like on a boat?
8. Have delusions about creating a Prop based PC, Notebook, Tablet or PDA?
9. Turns your gaze to somewhere else when people are still talking to you?
10. Does not believe in seeing doctors when sick?
11. Cannot find your way around the city?
12. Hears voices while programming in PASM or SPIN?
13. Does not take baths every day or takes baths without soap?
14. Talk to yourself when trying to figure out a complex problem?
15. Prefer to hack the Propeller than go out on a hot date?
16. Can't hear people calling your name when watching a movie or when engrossed in programming?
Here's a test. How many of you here :-
1. Have autistic or schizophrenic relatives?
2. Are yourselves a little autistic, schizophrenic or eccentric?
3. Flap both your hands when excited about a prop design?
4. Think about Prop programming while doing other work?
5. Have other people think that you are daydreaming all the time?
6. Cover your ears when encountering a scary PASM code?
7. Live a recluse life? like on a boat?
8. Have delusions about creating a Prop based PC, Notebook, Tablet or PDA?
9. Turns your gaze to somewhere else when people are still talking to you?
10. Does not believe in seeing doctors when sick?
11. Cannot find your way around the city?
12. Hears voices while programming in PASM or SPIN?
13. Does not take baths every day or takes baths without soap?
14. Talk to yourself when trying to figure out a complex problem?
15. Prefer to hack the Propeller than go out on a hot date?
16. Can't hear people calling your name when watching a movie or when engrossed in programming?
I think I'd be classified a bit reclusive. But not so much so as to live on a boat. That's just crazy!
Edit again: I'd say this deserves a "chatter" prefix.
2. I'm a bit eccentric.
7. I'm a recluse, but not living in a boat. I'm still doing my stuff and mix around with students and officemates.
8. Of course. I'm planning to do this some day.
And so are my relatives:
So what gives there EA?
I have trouble reading faces.
Leon I AM A CAT .
Some how Browser looks JUST like Mr Misto from CATS .
Neither am I.
Who are you? Never mind, maybe we are...
I do have 4 cats, that might be an issue...
-- Only while doing yard work, taking a shower, or driving.
8. Have delusions about creating a Prop based PC, Notebook, Tablet or PDA?
-- PDA for sure: PropTouch and GameBaby.
9. Turns your gaze to somewhere else when people are still talking to you?
-- Only if I'm annoyed.
1. Have autistic or schizophrenic relatives?
No, but my grandmothers sister was a resident of Britain's highest security mental hospital back in 1936 (seriously). Never did find out what she had been up to but in those days you did not have to be so eccentric to get into hot water. Anyway it's kind of hard to live to:)
2. Are yourselves a little autistic, schizophrenic or eccentric?
No, we are not autistic. As for eccentric that's for others to judge.
3. Flap both your hands when excited about a prop design?
I never flap anything.
4. Think about Prop programming while doing other work?
Oh yes.
5. Have other people think that you are daydreaming all the time?
What was that you said?
6. Cover your ears when encountering a scary PASM code?
Yes, so that I can hear the voices clearly See answer to 12)
7. Live a recluse life? like on a boat?
No, far from it.
8. Have delusions about creating a Prop based PC, Notebook, Tablet or PDA?
Delusions no. We just did it. A full up CP/M computer capable of running you favorite editors, compilers, word processors etc from the 1980s. See PropAltair, ZiCog and Pullmolls Z80 emulation threads.
9. Turns your gaze to somewhere else when people are still talking to you?
Oh, sorry, you are you still here.
10. Does not believe in seeing doctors when sick?
Doctors, bleh, worse than lawyers. Not only expensive but ultimately less successful.
11. Cannot find your way around the city?
No problem. My phone has GPS:)
12. Hears voices while programming in PASM or SPIN?
Sometimes I believe I can here Lonesock or Bill Henning or Kuroneko advising me to look at things from a different angle.
13. Does not take baths every day or takes baths without soap?
I'd love to take a bath. No one I know in Helsinki has a bath tub. Mostly only a shower. Mostly homes have a sauna rather than a bath tub.
Also soap. What happened to good old fashions soap, in hard lumps and medicated enough to sting your eyes? Like we had at school. I hate this fruit salad scented dish washing liquid everyone uses now a days.
We can still get Wright's Coal Tar soap (it smells similar) here:
I used to like it but it doesn't seem to be sold in shops any more. It no longer contains coal tar, which is a pity; it was probably carcinogenic.
Great, Wright's Coal Tar soap, that's the stuff. I'll be trying to pick some up on my trip to Blighty at the end of the month.
God knows what we had back in school. Similar smell but came it lumps the size of half a house brick. Industrial strength. That and Izal "skid Smile" toilet paper. That's what turned boys into men in those days.
I like lava soap with the Pumice, and it floats.
2. Are yourselves a little autistic, schizophrenic or eccentric? Eccentic, perhaps, but not as much as Leon ;-)
3. Flap both your hands when excited about a prop design? I do this happy arm shake thing
4. Think about Prop programming while doing other work? Yes
5. Have other people think that you are daydreaming all the time? Yes, I have ADHD
6. Cover your ears when encountering a scary PASM code? Not really
7. Live a recluse life? like on a boat? No, but would like to
8. Have delusions about creating a Prop based PC, Notebook, Tablet or PDA? I admit it!
9. Turns your gaze to somewhere else when people are still talking to you? Sometimes
10. Does not believe in seeing doctors when sick? YES, AND THIS IS THE SCARY ONE BECAUSE I'M A DOCTOR
11. Cannot find your way around the city? no
12. Hears voices while programming in PASM or SPIN? no
13. Does not take baths every day or takes baths without soap? no
14. Talk to yourself when trying to figure out a complex problem? yes
15. Prefer to hack the Propeller than go out on a hot date?
No, can't you talk about the propeller whilst on the date?
Or just can't stand not know what really makes some invention work? Oh, that might be someone that is just inquiring and intelligent.
Neutrogena makes Coal Tar Shampoo. Occasionally, my dog needs it.
I was adopted by the MD that delivered me, so I have no idea about any blood relatives. But my adopted ones are adequately horrific.
This means that your brain works well only when all processors work in concert concurrently.
we are beginning to worry about you.
math + BACH .
and handel for of all things soldeirng and fab ...