Rapture coincides with UPEW
Divine Planning?
I'm thinking that UPEW is a good place to be if the rapture does start this coming Saturday. After all, the mother ship will need techie types, and so being among a gathering of them is bound to increase my odds of catching a ride off this doomed rock.
Ho, wait, what is that bulge on the side of my face. Why it is my tongue in cheek.
Please forgive me lord for that, but you have to admit it is a strange happening.
Party On Dudes!
Divine Planning?
I'm thinking that UPEW is a good place to be if the rapture does start this coming Saturday. After all, the mother ship will need techie types, and so being among a gathering of them is bound to increase my odds of catching a ride off this doomed rock.
Ho, wait, what is that bulge on the side of my face. Why it is my tongue in cheek.
Please forgive me lord for that, but you have to admit it is a strange happening.
Party On Dudes!
Won't we all look foolish when it is all the Propellers that get caught up, leaving us mere humans struggling down here with all those PIC, AVR and XMOS chips?
Its not going to happen. That guy has been date setting most of his life and it hasn't happened all of the other times he predicted and he uses flawed methodology. Have a good time at UPEW.
OMGROFLOL!!! Funniest reference all day!
It is. Just wait and see.
Really? Did that beater-of-a-Mercedes finally roll over and die? That thing had at least 250K ocean-corroded miles on it, right?
Get a Subaru this time.
Ken Gracey
Spoken like a true Mountain Man. One time I was driving down from Tahoe in snow so bad the chain control guys couldn't tell what kind of car I was driving. When they realized it was a Subaru they waved me through without chains.
then again, maybe we should work on one of these as our overnight project?
I'm sure some folks would get a kick out this kind of stunt on the 'morning after'
I guess the CDC felt it would be inappropriate to suggest a Mossberg and a few cases of double-ought buckshot.
According to Steven Hawkings
He says: "There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."
In "Grand Design," a book published last year, Hawking had declared that it was "not necessary to invoke God ... to get the universe going."
That man has seen the future: on that holy day we all get Macs:
While I may have a shrine to Steve Jobs in my foyer and bow toward Cupertino three times a day
Also, when you see articles like that keep in mind that websites know that posting articles like that will get them truckloads of page views. It's called link bait.
Steve Jobs???? You must be a cultist. I on the other hand am completely normal with a shrine to Steve Wozniak…
In a matter of hours, the world will see that God was right all along. There is still time to look into what the Bible says about this matter.
Matthew 24:36
I figure as long as Br'er Whit is still here, we're golden.
But I haven't... heard... from... him... lately...