How wide is your Android phone ?

I'm making a sleeve to hold a prop circuit that needs to be wider than the Android phones in use.
If you have an Android phone, can you please do a quick measurement of width including buttons, port covers (but not cables) etc. The datasheet data often ignore the buttons, and its important I allow for them
To kick things off, my Nexus S is 64mm including its buttons, 1mm more than the spec'd 63mm
Thanks in advance
If you have an Android phone, can you please do a quick measurement of width including buttons, port covers (but not cables) etc. The datasheet data often ignore the buttons, and its important I allow for them
To kick things off, my Nexus S is 64mm including its buttons, 1mm more than the spec'd 63mm
Thanks in advance
Any Android phone. I'm making something that needs to fit at least 80% of the range, which is now hundreds of phones
If you've got one, please take a quick width measurement including buttons and post results here (phone make, and width in mm or inches)