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Embedded Basic Requirements (was Prop II: Too little, too late ???) - Page 2 — Parallax Forums

Embedded Basic Requirements (was Prop II: Too little, too late ???)



  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2011-05-11 09:51
    David Betz:
    I eagerly await your implementation, i think it will be quite good. My implementation is not even going to be in the works until I finish my Pascal compiler for the Prop (and by then I may be focusing on the Prop II).
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2011-05-11 09:55
    Would be nice to have:

    boolean expressions --> x=x+(y>5) [if y > 5 then add "true" to X]

    fixed length strings with simple numeric indexing of them b$(50) = a$(60); a$(30)="hello", which would just write the chars for "hello" into A$ at index 30, etc..

    if, then, else

    goto, on x goto (for simple, math based case statements)

    byte, word, long variables

    fixed point

    peek, poke, memcopy x, y

    print, print@x,y, perhaps with some rough formatting capability, though the minimum would be to just allow: print a;b;c

    serial I/O for console operation, and use with whatever video drivers people come up with, that can do TV_text type I/O

    gosub, return

    no line numbers, use labels, if line numbers, provide for renumber somehow, maybe externally

    bsave, bload, save, load (to / from serial and or SD card)

    some autorun capability for programmed EEPROM image, SD card binary kind of thing

    basic string compare A$=B$

    adr(A$), adr(X), type(X), where "adr" returns the HUB address of that variable, and type returns the type, 0-string, 1 byte, 2, word, 3, long, etc...

    on err goto

    A whole lot can be done with that, particularly if it's fast.

    Forgot: char(A$(30)), get numeric character value of string element, A$=str(50), return string from character value, though both of those could be subroutines easily enough.
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2011-05-11 10:09
    I would use FUNCTION and SUB declarations instead of GOSUB/RETURN. I do not think that GOSUB is really even needed or used in modern BASIC as every just uses FUNCTION and SUB to define and declare subroutines.

    And BASIC has not even used line numbers in a long time.
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2011-05-11 10:11
    David Betz:
    Could I request that the name of this thread be modified from:
    Embedded Basic Requirements (was Prop II: Too little, too late ???)
    Embedded BASIC Requirements (was Prop II: Too little, too late ???)
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2011-05-11 10:14
    David Betz:
    I eagerly await your implementation, i think it will be quite good. My implementation is not even going to be in the works until I finish my Pascal compiler for the Prop (and by then I may be focusing on the Prop II).

    That's cheating! :-)
    Pascal doesn't support dynamic strings or any kind of automatic garbage collection so I won't be able to steal your code!
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2011-05-11 10:16
    David Betz:
    Could I request that the name of this thread be modified from:
    Embedded Basic Requirements (was Prop II: Too little, too late ???)
    Embedded BASIC Requirements (was Prop II: Too little, too late ???)

    Yeah, I know "BASIC" is an acronym but I think it might be best to forget that aspect of its history. After all, "IBM" doesn't mean "International Business Machines" anymore either.
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2011-05-11 10:38
    David Betz wrote:
    "BASIC" is an acronym but I think it might be best to forget that aspect of its history.
    I will second that.
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2011-05-11 10:39
    David Betz wrote:
    That's cheating! :-)
    Pascal doesn't support dynamic strings or any kind of automatic garbage collection so I won't be able to steal your code!
  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2011-05-11 11:00

    Thanks for giving this thread a more positive title (and direction). I'm not sure when it switched to a discussion about Embedded Basic, but I'd like to second everything that potatohead said.

  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2011-05-11 11:09
    To get a bit of a start, I would like to suggest a list of KeyWords for this BASIC varient. All keywords listed are sugested in the form they take in FreeBASIC. Then someone will have to define the operaters code the parser and assembler.

    Here is a list of BASIC keywords I would suggest implementing in a Propeller based compiler:
    END IF
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2011-05-11 11:33
    I've used VB6 quite a bit and have written several PBASIC programs.

    Generally I'm not a BASIC user, but I would be a Propeller BASIC user if I could use external memory such as Flash and/or RAM (SRAM,SDRAM,etc....) for larger programs.

    There is no external memory usability on any stand alone Propeller BASIC today. That's a shame to me at least.

    David Betz XBASIC project would use external memory or just HUB memory. It is compiled basic and would run on any Propeller from HUB memory and platforms with external memory such as C3, SpinSocket-Flash, Gadget Gangster SDRAM, and DracBlade boards.

    While I don't really think an embedded propeller language is so important, it should be possible to achieve with enough resources. Having the option to 1) build a program off-chip and download it or 2) edit and compile it on-chip would be nice. Right now it seems like an either/or situation. XBASIC can do it but maybe not in the first release.

    To me some type of off-chip storage would be required for an "embedded" basic for decent sized programs. That would make it less "system on a chip embedded," but would be more useful in the long run for Propeller 1. If all you want to do is blink LEDs, then it doesn't really matter and something like femtoBasic should be suitable.

    I guess hard core BASIC programmers have similar feelings about languages as C programmers. There is value in being practical though.

    For me I think getting something that works well for many is a practical and fair target. From what I've seen so far, David Betz's XBASIC project offers quality (from a very smart and experienced developer) in a modern language variation. The project fits the goal of practical support for large external memory (and smaller HUB only) programs very nicely.

    Embedded development is possible with XBASIC with SDCard, but it is unclear how valuable embedded development really is.
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2011-05-11 11:37
    @David: On a micro, I think it's best to keep it simple and fast. Was only trying to communicate what is "complete". With that set of stuff, most things that need to get done, can get done, given the scope of functionality is micro-controlling, not computing.
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2011-05-11 11:42
    I would add to my list above:

    Bit operators and comparison operators.

    AND, OR, NOT, XOR for both bit-wise masking, etc... and for comparisons.

    Shift and rotate too.
  • localrogerlocalroger Posts: 3,452
    edited 2011-05-11 16:01
    I think there is a tension here between the "embedded" part and the "modern" part.

    Basic was originally invented to be a small, lean, simple language which could run on a computer with 4K of RAM. Since the Propeller has more than 4K of RAM it's a good candidate for a Prop language, but since cogs only have 512 Longs it is going to require some compromise even if we provide external memory support.

    As an aside, VB was intended as a simple, robust, and very capable language to make a very difficult OS environment more accessible to less skilled programmers. They chose Basic syntax because most of the less skilled (e.g. not college educated in CS) programmers in 1990 had learned on platforms like the Apple ][ and Commodore 64 then QBasic and QuickBasic. VB was meant to be an easy migration path for them that would hide the complexity of the Windows environment and API and prevent the kind of obscure crash bugs that are possible when buffers are allowed to overrun and pointers are misused.

    But any Propeller basic has to deal with the whole 2K cog + 32K hub thing even if there is XMM. I am working on a system which sorts a similar set of challenges, and while I chose Forth as my starting point instead of Basic (because I wanted to be able to compile new code on the Prop) many of the compromise decisions are made in the same design space. With this in mind may I suggest a peek at the blog post I wrote about the Windmill byte code interpreter:

    What I did there was sacrifice a little bit of code density over Spin by implementing a LMM-like scheme that essentially creates one-byte LMM versions of most PASM instructions, and using the 400 or so Longs this saves to implement more complex helper functions. It would be a trivial matter to compile BASIC source to this interpreter. One big win is that I was able to implement a full complement of random buffer and Pascal-style string functions. The cog has functions for string comparison, moving strings around, and even a code that can with the right parameters do things like UCASE, LCASE, or ASCII-Hex conversion. The importance is that these loopy functions are in the Cog written in PASM, so they are far faster than even optimized LMM library routines would be.

    String manipulation is the single biggest weakness I see in Spin, and that is one reason for so much difficulty with things like filesystems and ethernet stacks, which are very heavily string oriented. You need PASM multiply and divide, which take maybe 20 longs and perform almost as well as hardware mul and div would in such an interpreter. Floating point is a crutch whose use should be discouraged, because it is very expensive both in time and memory terms. In order to make XMM transparent I decided to devote a second cog to that. (I got that cog back in my reference system by making it also implement the default TTY serial port.)

    You are not going to have room to deal with any workable real-time garbage collection scheme either for random length strings or more abstract variables. For that matter dealing with var types other than string and Long will overcomplicate what is already a tight system. With XMM code you can afford to use Longs for all data. You distinguish between signed and unsigned by using appropriate operators.

    Another issue is caching code that really has to run faster than it can from XMM. My experience is that most systems of this scale have a relatively small but important fraction of such routines. There needs to be a way to either move these to Hub RAM or temporarily cache them. (Windmill will permit both.) With an external compiler such a system can get pretty elaborate without straining the runtime environment.

    Ultimately, there will be many compromises to make and many decisions which are more optimal for some projects than others; I'm targeting both my hardware selection and software environment at a particular class of instruments which require a limited but critical amount of time critical processing combined with some complex decision making and user interface maintenance that doesn't have to happen quite so fast. Other people however will have different needs; some will really need floating point, others might need the buffer overrun protection I decided to ditch. For the same reason that Propeller hardware solutions proliferate, I imagine Propeller development solutions will continue to do so as well.
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2011-05-11 17:37
    Have any of you guys tried my PE-BASIC ?

    I have attached the documentation.

    The easiest way to try it is to use "TELNET" this will allow you to program my spinneret at my house.

  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2011-05-11 18:24
    Bean wrote: »
    Have any of you guys tried my PE-BASIC ?

    I have attached the documentation.

    The easiest way to try it is to use "TELNET" this will allow you to program my spinneret at my house.


    I just tried this but got the following results:
    Syntax Error IN LINE 0
    Syntax Error IN LINE 0
    10 for x=1 to 10
    Syntax Error IN LINE 0
    Syntax Error IN LINE 0

    What am I doing wrong?
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2011-05-11 18:26
    OK, a simple revision of my list of ops. This is in consideration of the (quite valid) arguments made.
    PRINT on TV/VGA/Terminal no extra formatting.
    INKEY For PS/2 or Terminal.
    SUB With RETURN for function like functionality (Possibly limit to 6 Parameters).
    Math functions.
    + - * / MOD XOR OR AND NOT
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2011-05-11 18:30
    And IF...THEN
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2011-05-11 18:37
    I'm not sure. I just reset it, try it again.
    What type of computer are you using ? I know it works with windows telnet, I haven't tested it on any other OS.

  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2011-05-11 18:41
    Bean wrote: »
    I'm not sure. I just reset it, try it again.
    What type of computer are you using ? I know it works with windows telnet, I haven't tested it on any other OS.


    I'm still getting the same result. I'm using a MacBook Pro under Mac OS X.
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2011-05-11 18:50
    Whatever it's doing, it locks up the spinneret. I have reset it again.
    I'll investigate and see if I can figure out what is happening.

  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2011-05-11 18:54
    Clearly, it fails on a UNIX Bean. Just tried it with OS X, and after connecting, I input a single line "10 for i = 1 to 1000"[enter], got unknown command in line 0.

    Any combination of entries appears to result in the same error. Maybe it wants both CR/LF?
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2011-05-11 18:58
    Yeah something is happening. I get the same error now.
    I reset it again, but I don't have the time right now to diagnose the problem.
    Something must be getting the input buffer messed up.

  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2011-05-11 20:06
    It works well with my Linux box, the telnet client set to CR/LF EOL and local ECHO disabled (even though this means not seeing what I type [thankfully there is a list command])
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2011-05-11 22:32
    jazzed said
    There is no external memory usability on any stand alone Propeller BASIC today. That's a shame to me at least.

    RossH and I have been quietly working on something like this. We have Basic running with XMM using a subset of the BCX to C translator

    There is a catch and that is that BCX outputs a syntax that is not quite C89 C. But with a lot of behind the scenes modification, it is possible to have a Basic program, hit F12 and have it compiled and downloaded into external ram on a propeller.

    Simple demo
    Dim Mystring$ As String * 80            ' dim with 80 bytes
    Mystring = "Hello World"                ' put Hello World in a string
    Print Mystring$                          ' print out the string

    This works, but with the command line for catalina being rather critical, there is an argument for making this command line part of the program. So add
    catalina -lcx -lm -x5 -M 128k -D DRACBLADE -D VGA_HIRES
    ' library cx, library maths (slow, doesn't use a cog), memory size, board, high res vga, mouse, keyboard

    And then the Basic purists might not like this, but there needs to be a way of including or not including modules which C needs, and so though this looks a bit like C, we add this at the beginning
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    #include <float.h>
    #include <inttypes.h>
    #include <limits.h>

    And then it is a matter of testing every single command and to see if Catalina can handle the output. This is the test program so far
    ' Big Basic For external memory on the Propeller using BCX Basic To C converter And Catalina
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    #include <float.h>
    #include <inttypes.h>
    #include <limits.h>
    '#include <mathconst.h>
    ' mathconst.h upsets tinyc
    catalina -lcx -lm -x5 -M 128k -D DRACBLADE -D VGA_HIRES
    ' library cx, library maths (slow, Doesn't use a cog), memory size, board, high res vga, mouse, keyboard
    Call WhiteOnBlue
    Dim a As integer
    Dim i As integer
    For a=1 To 3
        Print "hello world";
        Print a
    Next a
    ' file test copied from bcx examples - Files work - commented Out For speed 
    Print "Opening file For output"
    Dim MyFileHandle@ ' BCX Reserves @ For "C" FILE* Data types
    Open "new.txt" For OUTPUT  AS  FP1
    MyFileHandle@ = FP1
    FPrint MyFileHandle@, "This is a test"
    Close FP1
    Print "Closing file"
    ' ASC Function 
    Dim Mystring$ As String * 80 ' 80 characters
    Dim RetVal%
    Print Mystring$
    RetVal% = ASC(Mystring$) 
    Print RetVal%
    'CHR$ Function - opposite Of ASC
    Mystring$=Chr$(a) ' declared in asc
    Print "Character should be A: ";Mystring$
    'VAL Function - converts string To Double number. From the BCX help file
    Dim StringNum$ As String * 20
    Dim RetDub# 
    Print RetDub#
    'STR$ Function - opposite Of VAL. Converts number To string
    Dim RetStr$ As String * 20
    Dim DoubleNumber#
    DoubleNumber# = 1.23456789
    RetStr$ = Str$(DoubleNumber#)
    Print RetStr$
    ' Test some inLine C code - pass a value in myarray, C changes it, Print the return value
    Dim myarray[5] As integer ' this can be much bigger If you like, eg 50000
    Print myarray[1]
    Call TestCCode
    Print myarray[1]
    ' test some string functions
    Dim lineoftext1$ As String * 80 ' strings must End in $ otherwise compiler Doesn't copy properly
    Dim lineoftext2$ As String * 80
    lineoftext1$="Hello World" ' string name is Case sensitive
    lineoftext2$=Left$(lineoftext1$,4) ' left characters
    Print "Left$ test ";lineoftext2$
    lineoftext2$=Mid$(lineoftext1$,5,4) ' mid characters
    Print "Mid$ test ";lineoftext2$
    lineoftext2$=ucase$(lineoftext1$) ' upper case
    Print "Upper Case test ";lineoftext2$
    lineoftext2$=Right$(lineoftext1$,3) ' right characters
    Print "Right$ test ";lineoftext2$
    Concat(lineoftext1$,lineoftext2$) ' add two strings - same as + Or & in
    Print "String concat test ";lineoftext1$
    lineoftext2$=lcase$(lineoftext1$) ' lower case
    Print "Lower Case test ";lineoftext2$
    lineoftext1$=Hex$(a) ' hex$ working
    Print lineoftext1$
    Dim retval% ' hex2dec = two errors, DWORD (which I think can be changed To unsigned long) And CharLowerA which instr also is unhappy about
    retval%=hex2dec("0xFFFF") ' reverse Of hex$, can use 0x Or &H syntax Or even FFFF
    Print "Hex2Dec test ";retval%
    a=Instr(lineoftext1$,lineoftext2$,3,0) ' instr search For characters. Last value is needed, use dummy 0 (matches case)
    Print "Instr test, string is at position ";a
    lineoftext1$=bin$(a) ' test Binary
    lineoftext1$=lpad$(lineoftext1$,32,48) ' test adding leading zeros with lpad so is always 32 char long
    Print "Binary value is ";lineoftext1$ ' test Binary To strings And back again
    Print "Binary string To decimal ";Bin2dec(lineoftext1$) ' Binary
    Print "String Function ";lineoftext1$' n characters Of ascii value m
    lineoftext1$="   trim test    " ' trim off leading zeros, spaces etc
    Print "Trim test:";lineoftext1$
    ' test a string array
    Dim Stringarray[5] As String * 80 ' 80 characters
    Print Stringarray[2]
    ' bitwise operators - there are many more Of these but they all seem To work ok withOut code changes
    a=a << 10
    Print "bitwise shift left";a
    a=a >> 4
    Print "bitwise shift right";a
    a=a And 0xFF
    Print "logical and";a
    a=a Or 0xFF
    Print "logical or";a
    Print "test starting with a Binary string And shifting"; bin2dec("00000001") << 4
    ' test program control Loops - For is already tested above
        Print a
    Loop Until a=3
    Print "Do Loop finished"
    While a <3
        Print a
        Incr(a)' translates To a++ in C
    Print "Wend Loop finished"
    Select Case a
        Case 1
          Print "1"
        Case > 1 And < 6
          Print "more than 1 And less than six"  
        Case Else
          Print "something Else"
    End select
    ' test functions
      Print addnumbers(5,6)
    ' test some maths with floating point numbers
    Dim number1 As Double
    Print number1
    Print Sin(number1)
    Print Log(number1)
    while(1); // Loop instead Of finishing
    ' And exitprocess Does Not work on the propeller. So Don't use End For the moment
    ' Subroutines And functions
    Function addnumbers(a As integer, b As integer)
      Dim returnvalue As uint
      returnvalue = a + b
    End Function
    Sub TestCCode
      // declare the variables:
      int nNumber;
      int *pPointer;
      // now, give a value To them:
      nNumber = 15;
      pPointer = &nNumber;
      // Print Out the value Of nNumber:
      printf("nNumber is equal To : %d\n", nNumber);
      // now, alter nNumber through pPointer:
      *pPointer = 25;
      // prove that nNumber has changed as a result Of the above
      // by Printing its value again:
      printf("nNumber is equal To : %d\n", nNumber);
    End Sub
    Sub WhiteOnBlue()                       ' white text on blue background
      int i;
      for (i=0;i<40;i++)
          t_setpos(0,0,i);                 // move cursOr To Next line
          t_color(0,0x08FC);               // RRGGBBxx eg dark blue background 00001000 white text 11111100
    End Sub

    I am not sure if this would be useful or not. I got sidetracked with getting plugins working on catalina, but if there is enough interest maybe this could be useful?
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2011-05-11 23:08
    David Betz:
    I eagerly await your implementation, i think it will be quite good. My implementation is not even going to be in the works until I finish my Pascal compiler for the Prop (and by then I may be focusing on the Prop II).

    How advanced is your Pascal Compiler ?
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2011-05-11 23:49
    David Betz wrote: »
    . I'm working on a version of basic for the Propeller and I'd be interested to know what you think is needed for it to be complete.

    1) Given the Prop's memory mix, one item I'd place high in the list, is the ability to run(fetch byte codes) from QuadSPI memory, in a choice of counts. ( some call this execute in place )
    QuadSPI are SO8, so are small, and cheap and a single device can hit 52MBytes/sec, two give 104Mbytes/sec (etc).

    The choice of chip counts works like this :
    One reads a nibble at a time, Two streams a Byte, Three Streams 12 bits, 4 streams 16 bits, (etc)

    Also, this memory has a jump cost, so a skip(0..5) type byte-code 'fits' well, with the streaming data

    2) The source code should have 'linking' options, to allow placing/preloading of (small) sections of code into Prop on-chip memory.

    3) In line ASM - it's ok if this has caveats, but variable access should be implicit.

    4) Block comments, and nested comments and clone the // as line comment.

    5) Simple Source Debug Pin-tag commands, so that users can map a Pin for CRO/Counter debug, then use commands like
     DIM DebugPinQE  AS Boolean AT PinNumber  ' allocates Pin, If PinNumber is illegal, Debug is Off, and Debug lines are skipped.
     DebugPinQE = True   ' Sets Pin
     DebugPinQE = False  ' clears pin
     DebugPinQE = NOT DebugPinQE  ' Toggles Pin
     DebugPinQE = BooleanVar   'copies BooleanVar to the pin

    6) and since I am on a roll, a choice of code generation
    a) byte code intended to be interpreted
    b) machine code, intended to be placed in a cog. This would typically include in-line-asm, and code b) would have a size ceiling, and a destination specified.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2011-05-12 05:33
    localroger wrote: »
    With this in mind may I suggest a peek at the blog post I wrote about the Windmill byte code interpreter:

    Thanks for the pointer. This looks very interesting. You've made very clever use of the unique features of the Propeller instruction set. I skimmed through your blog and I think I get the gist of what you're proposing but I was wondering if you had a summary of the bytecodes you ended up with. Is the code available for this VM?
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2011-05-12 06:04
    jmg wrote: »
    1) Given the Prop's memory mix, one item I'd place high in the list, is the ability to run(fetch byte codes) from QuadSPI memory, in a choice of counts. ( some call this execute in place )
    QuadSPI are SO8, so are small, and cheap and a single device can hit 52MBytes/sec, two give 104Mbytes/sec (etc).
    I have two QuadSPI chips on upcoming GameBaby and SpinSocket-Flash.
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2011-05-12 06:50
    The Pascal compiler is quite simple. Basically supporting standard variable types, arrays, structures, simple expressions (only limit is no more than 8 operators in an expression), and most of the standard language. It should be fairly simple to modify to compile a different language (once it is done). Though I have not yet even announced this project (do not wish to get peoples hopes up), my mention of it above was just to tell David Betz that it will be a while before I can even think about making a BASIC compiler (besides the other projects that I am working on, and getting a bit behind on some of).
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