Parallax SBC (Single Board Computer) makes it into Digikey's TechZone Magazine.
On pages 43-44 of my latest smoking hot issue of Digikey's TechZone Magazine, the author of an article on Vishay's smart IR proximity sensor talks about how he used a Parallax SBC (Single Board Computer) to demonstrate the IR sensor.
I know my eyesight isn't so good, but the photo of the "SBC" looks a lot like the Propeller Demo Board.
I know my eyesight isn't so good, but the photo of the "SBC" looks a lot like the Propeller Demo Board.
Them are correct.
Look on PDF
I just feel sorry for anyone reading that article and trying to buy an "SBC" from the Parallax website. Hmmmm, maybe they will find this thread and achieve illumination - or at least something approximating it in the IR part of the spectrum.
I doubt that the reference to the Parallax demoboard was intentional.
But, It really does represent a single board computer.