VUPES- very unofficial propeller expo sydney..
I'm stopping over in Sydney, Australia in 10 days on my way to UPEW. How about we have a "very unofficial expo"?
I'm flying in Sunday the 15th in the morning, leaving on the 18th. I'll bring my toys if you bring yours!
I'm stopping over in Sydney, Australia in 10 days on my way to UPEW. How about we have a "very unofficial expo"?
I'm flying in Sunday the 15th in the morning, leaving on the 18th. I'll bring my toys if you bring yours!
I have no toys to bring along, but I'd be interested in joining in. Let's see who else we can rope in!
I'll bring some TBots, PropScope and assorted peripherals- bluetooth, cameras, lasers...
Sounds good. I may also have family in tow. I'll pencil in the date and we can figure out the details later.
Hopefully I can show you my new pcb designs.
Let me see what's possible tomorrow. I gather Sunday looks the most practical ?
Of course, I can't even find time off to make it to UPEW so VUPES would probably be out of the question anyway.
I'd love to come - but I'd be on the 'sponge' end of the scale (rather than the "font of knowledge" end)
Ohh so tempting........
Be warned... This is how it starts.. You'll think you have a few guys showing up and wind up with standing room only.
Keep up updated guys!
It'll be fantastic to meet you guys in real life! Really looking forward to this. Still need to sort out logistics. Let's figure out what time/location works best for everyone. I'm staying in Manly and can arrange things around this event. I fly in at 11, am taking kids to music at the Opera House from 2pm-3pm and at some point need to check in. Other than that I'm free until I head to LAX on Wednesday morning.
Should we start at 5pm?
I've PM'd the other prop users I know are in Sydney - to check in with this thread if interested.
Okay - see you (and everyone else) there!
Pacman: Do you need a lift from Gosford/Woy Woy??
I'm not going to be able to make it. I'm still recovering and need the rest just a little too much. Please have a ale in my absence and do lots of good networking.... Make sure someone takes a photo please...
Cluso - Thanks heaps for your offer..
So..Next year??
That's a shame - but don't worry. I'll enter your name in the sweepstakes anyway.
One lucky VUPES participant will go home with .... (wait for it!) .... a free copy of Catalina!
(that double up is deliberate...)
I was recently given one microchip Multimedia expansion board
I had visions of connecting this to a propeller and having some form of driver to "do stuff". The prop as a back end, and this as front end. Thought that might get some PIC users more interested in the prop..
Life has gotten in the way and I have made absolutely no progress.
Hence I offer it to one of you to "'carry the torch" and "do good things"
So if one of you would like this then please drop me a line.
Couple of proviso's
1) you must actually do something with it {unlike me} - or pass it to another propeller head if you are unable to complete the quest :-)
2) any "object(s)" you develop much be made available in the obex...
3) When your done with it - you might consider passing it to someone else on the forums to further advance the cause of the propeller
That's not too onerous is it?
Had no idea people would pay $250 for such a thing!
Yes, I'll be there!
Sorry, had issues with getting away this evening. Perhaps we can catch up tomorrow or Tuesday?
Hope you and Ross have a great time
I don't care how manly that fairy is, you'd better get off quicksmart! New Zealand may be quite liberal about this kind of thing, but not here in Australia!
P.S. VUPES was a great success! Cool propeller gadgets and cold beer - what could be better? A good time was had by all two of the official participants (and the several non-official family members seemed to have a nice time as well!). Pacman won the door prize, and can download his prize any time from SourceForge.
Hanno, do you still have time tomorrow or Tuesday? I have to work around my daughter leaving Tuesday afternoon, but otherwise anytime that suits.
How about you meet me at the bottom, rear of the Manly National Building at 6pm on Tuesday (tomorrow)- we'll find a pub.