QuickStart Board
Posts: 375
I can't seem to find the DipTrace and Altium files mentioned on the QuickStart page.
The QuickStart board is currently available for pre-orders. As soon as it is available, the information will be posted to the QuickStart page as well.
Edit : Looks like I found my answer in the 2nd tutorial for the QS - RTFM I guess
Will the design files be available in Eagle CAD format as well?
I've already asked this in the Prop forum but didn't get much of a response.
TonyD, the design's native files are easily interchangeable between DipTrace and Altium. If one of these programs can export to Eagle then we'll do it for our customers. If you could give us about a week or two we should be able to sort this out. I realize it seems like a long time, but we want to ensure that it's done correctly and that our team has adequate time to test this export.
Parallax chose DipTrace as the preferred open-source release platform several months ago. This doesn't mean that we won't export to Eagle if we can, only that DipTrace will be a guaranteed format.
I realize it's not the exact reply you wanted, but time will tell. I've put this task on David's to-do list.
Ken Gracey
If you make them available as Altium ASCII files they can probably be imported into Eagle. I'll definitely be able to import them into the Pulsonix software I use. They probably have to be ASCII files to import them into DipTrace, anyway.
You could send me a file for checking.
Okay. We'll certainly rely on our customers to see if they can import/export files in this way. We'll get this week behind us and David will begin sharing the files - I'll copy this thread to him so he can see your request for ASCII formats. Thanks for the help.
Ken Gracey
Where is the QuickStart page ?
Do you mean here ?
When I checked the PCB against the schematic using the Pulsonix Synchronise function, I got lots of discrepancies which update didn't fix:
The last item is that missing node from the first report.
I think I'll need to fix those discrepancies manually, by changing those parts to ones in the Pulsonix library. If DipTrace had a library export feature that would make things much easier, I can import Eagle libraries into Pulsonix.
I installed the new beta, but the results are even worse. All the connections between the Prop and J1/J3 are missing. It looks like direct connections between pins are OK, but stubs with the same net name don't get converted and connected.
You could download the Pulsonix demo and try it for yourself:
It's limited to 100 pins, but I think that you should be able to load the files and see what is going on. You won't be able to save them, though.
If you have P-CAD, you could check if that imports them correctly, in which case I can get Pulsonix to fix their software.
Where did you get the PCAD-ASCII files - is there a link, or can ou upload them ?
Please create a .pdf version.
Adobe, PDF, Acrobat, et al. -- copyright, trademarks, licensing; they aren't on the Open Source (working for free) Bus.
[We don't have to star-out "heck", do we? ]
I swear I remember seeing the whole thing in .pdf somewhere.
Guess someone should bug Diptrace about upgrading their tool.
I said something a bit ruder than "heck".
Other PCB packages, such as the Pulsonix software I use, can output PDFs.
They must be paying Adobe to do so.
I do not believe so.
Open Office and a number of other Open Source programs can output to PDF.
See how absurd it is?
See how absurd it is?"
Nobody around here has given a monkey's about the English and/or their absurdities for 235 years.
Additionally, "Open Office and a number of other Open Source programs can output to PDF."
Wow, there's an "open and shut case."
Look, if you want a dust-up, let's take it someplace else.
PE - According to The arbiter of truth (a/k/a wikipedia):
"Originally a proprietary format, PDF was officially released as an open standard on July 1, 2008, and published by the International Organization for Standardization as ISO 32000-1:2008."
Maybe DipTrace aren't into it, maybe they're not "hep" to 'open standard'.
"Wiki" open standard, et al., and open a can of worms.
Looks like a lot of fun till Mr. Happy gets caught in a wringer.
Openly murky.
My point was nothing personal and nothing much to do with English as such. I may as well said "Mongolian" if you happened to be writing in Monogolian and I happened to understand it.
It has always seemed absurd that we have these formats for exchanging information in digital form and we end up having to buy licences to use them.
PDF is a good example a Portable Document Format that you have to pay to use. Crazy.
We are are talking about communications between humans. All be it via computers in this case. Humans should no more have to licence such languages than they do their natural languages.
Luckily the world has been moving that way for some time now.
Regarding the Open Office outputting PDF being an open and shut case. I believe it almost is. Open Office would not implement such a thing if it were a standard that needed paying for to use.
As for the poor old English. There is no such thing. Despite calling myself an English man my passport disagrees. Thers is no mention of England or bing an English citizen in the entire document. In fact the only country named in there is Ireland. How absurd is that?
The sooner England gets independence the better.
Extensions to PDF do cost money, and personally, I think that's why Adobe let go of core 2D bitmap and vector PDF. I was personally involved with a CAD document viewer for commercial use that wrote both of those with no license back to Adobe.
What happened is PDF ended up *everywhere* which was good for Adobe, and everyone using PDF. 3D PDF today is headed down the same road, though it currently does require a license. It's still in development too. Adobe sees a lot of synergy between PDF and their other authoring tools. Opening the format essentially snuffed out competing formats. Adobe still has many licenses out there for more advanced authoring tools. Those are going nowhere, due to other things like color management, which really isn't part of the free PDF format.
@Heater, completely agreed.
I suspect the Diptrace authors realize that any number of "print to PDF" tools will get their users output, and are probably focusing on where their efforts add value. That is usually how that kind of thing goes. These days, not directly outputting PDF isn't that significant of a limitation. The one exception is vector PDF. Print driver type solutions generally include a lot of vectors and do not perform advanced functions like culling and optimization, both of which can very seriously improve size / performance on high detail or large image data-sets. (the viewer project was coupled with a engineering drawing output server that did both of those things, generating extremely small PDF's, better optimized than the Adobe tools, for "over the web" type viewing of engineering drawings and technical illustrations.
Larger projects could benefit from that, but I've not seen anything published here that would be worth that level of investment. (not devaluing the projects, just noting their overall size in relation to what direct output to PDF can provide, seeing no real value there performance wise, that's all!)
I guess it's a good opportunity for leveraged marketing
Only problem is that lots of potential customers targeted by Parallax Semiconductor do not have the flexibility to just download diptrace on their workstations. It's an I.T. thang. Typical corporate in-security hangup.