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Countdown to UPEW: 48 Hours — Parallax Forums

Countdown to UPEW: 48 Hours

Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
edited 2011-05-22 20:57 in Propeller 1
Hey Gang it's time to start putting the finishing touches on those projects, pack some stuff for the Freebie table, and get ready to meet in Rocklin!

If you haven't registered, by all means, please do so soon as it will help us calculate food, etc.



  • Bill HenningBill Henning Posts: 6,445
    edited 2011-05-03 08:11
    My wife will be registering tomorrow I think...

    I expect three more shipments of PCB's this week :-)

    ... and I will bring at least one robot (with RoboProp as its controller) to UPEW!
  • TinkersALotTinkersALot Posts: 535
    edited 2011-05-03 09:53
    where do we register again?
  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2011-05-03 10:22
    where do we register again?
  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2011-05-03 10:35
    Someday I definitely want to make it out to the UPEW at Parallax. I bet it is going to be a lot of fun! I'll be at the UPENE in August for sure. Already have two full boxes of stuff for the freebie table.

  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2011-05-04 09:17
    Coming up on the fifteen day mark!

    Things to pack

    1) A few hand tools and projects for midnight propeller hacking.
    2) Projects for display and discussion
    3) Items for the freebie table (Time to clean up the shop!)
    4) Donations for the Red Cross Raffle (Items must be in good condition, something you might buy a ticket for.)
    5) Propeller related items for sale/trade

    Last minute registrations are pouring in! I'm holding off creation of the name/lanyards as long as possible. Don't wait!

  • SSteveSSteve Posts: 808
    edited 2011-05-04 09:37
    3) Items for the freebie table (Time to clean up the shop!)

    I have an old Tek 'scope from the 70s. It's been sitting in my storage locker for years. The knob for one of the channels is broken off. (Lesson learned: never lend your 'scope to a musician.)

    Think anyone one would want it if it was on the freebie table?
  • schillschill Posts: 741
    edited 2011-05-04 09:59
    SSteve wrote: »
    I have an old Tek 'scope from the 70s. It's been sitting in my storage locker for years. The knob for one of the channels is broken off. (Lesson learned: never lend your 'scope to a musician.)

    Think anyone one would want it if it was on the freebie table?

    Very few things get left behind on the freebie table. I expect this would probably disappear pretty quickly (but not to me since I won't be there). :)
  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2011-05-04 13:28
    I give that scope 5min of freebie table time, tops.. :)

  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2011-05-04 13:37
    But will that pink anti-static bag full of chips re-appear at the UPEW event like it has at the UPENE in years past....

  • schillschill Posts: 741
    edited 2011-05-04 14:11
    But will that pink anti-static bag full of chips re-appear at the UPEW event like it has at the UPENE in years past....

    I was going to mention that in my post, but I figured it did leave the table so someone did pick it up. Coming back is a different matter. :)

    Maybe I need to start gathering together all my pink bags before UPEC and UPENE and then I can cover the table with them.
  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2011-05-09 07:47
    Registrations are still coming in!

    I'm going to hold off creating name tags until next week, after that, we'll hand you a sharpy at registration. :)

  • Bill HenningBill Henning Posts: 6,445
    edited 2011-05-09 10:22

    PLEASE put forum handles on them this time!!!!
    Registrations are still coming in!

    I'm going to hold off creating name tags until next week, after that, we'll hand you a sharpy at registration. :)

  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,780
    edited 2011-05-09 12:08
    Is it possible to print them twice side be side to fold the badge to have the proper side always directed to your next?
  • SSteveSSteve Posts: 808
    edited 2011-05-09 12:27
    Here's a good blog post about conference badge design:

    Here are some entries for a badge design contest. Where he has twitter names, we could have forum names.

    Here's another good design. The forum name can replace the blog URL. (If you want to borrow Helvetica Neue, PM me):
  • TtailspinTtailspin Posts: 1,326
    edited 2011-05-09 12:41
    Good idea to print both sides of the ID badge. :thumb:
    Reaching in to flip someones badge around is allways somewhat awkward... just sayin.. :)

    Will a Live Feed be available for the veiwing pleasure of the less fortunate non attendees?

  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,995
    edited 2011-05-09 14:59

    PLEASE put forum handles on them this time!!!!

    I tried to be clever and put in my first name as "Ray (Rayman)"....

    We'll see if that was a good idea or not soon....
  • localrogerlocalroger Posts: 3,452
    edited 2011-05-09 15:50
    Closer than that for me... I just realized Saturday night that the way my wife made the travel arrangements, we're flying out next Saturday and Sunday was the last full weekend day I'd have to prepare my LCD demo. So I won't have the DVD player but I have ported PropCMD to the photo frame. It won't be as fancy as I was planning but should get the idea across.

    We're showing up a week early so we can drive over to see Yosemite and maybe spend a few days in Lake Tahoe before the UPEW and flying back home on Monday. I'm sure she will be out watching birds while I'm at the expo.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,995
    edited 2011-05-10 05:26
    I just realized that May 21 is the day they say the world will end (for real this time)...
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2011-05-10 20:25
    I'll be getting in around 6:00 on the 19th (Thursday) but if anybody needs a pickup from the Sacramento airport on Friday or later Thursday night, just send me a PM.

    @Raymon - "I just realized that May 21 is the day they say the world will end (for real this time)... " - So I'll see you there at the EXPO then?:smile:
  • Roy ElthamRoy Eltham Posts: 3,000
    edited 2011-05-10 21:50
    Hey Beau,
    I'll be In Rocklin from the 16th until the 23rd. Maybe we can meet up on Thursday night or Friday?

    Jeff, are we going to have a pre-UPEW meetup Friday night sort of like last year?
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2011-05-10 21:56
    Roy Eltham,

    "Maybe we can meet up on Thursday night or Friday" - Absolutely!

    "Jeff, are we going to have a pre-UPEW meetup Friday night sort of like last year?" - I'll answer for Jeff ... Traditionally, this just happens no matter what anyway. Usually in the courtyard at the hotel. Many folks come and go, as they are preparing to show their projects, but occasionally are compelled to take a break and visit with folks that have arrived early.
  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2011-05-11 10:26
    I'll likely wind up in the courtyard.. (outdoor, center patio area) late Friday evening.

    It's a good place to catch up with folks in a less busy atmosphere, as the expo will be hopping. :)

    Watch the forums, generally a thread kicks up when folks are heading that direction.

  • Sal AmmoniacSal Ammoniac Posts: 213
    edited 2011-05-14 20:37
    Why, oh way, was the UPEW scheduled for the same weekend as the Maker Fair?
  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2011-05-15 16:17
    So folks who were coming from out of state could take them both in...

    Actually, If I planned around every event around the country, we might not have an expo, but planning against Maker Faire wasn't intentional, yet it works for some folks who will attend UPEW on Saturday, then blast out to Maker Faire on Sunday.

    Hey, we planned it on the same day the end of the world is going to happen as well..

  • doggiedocdoggiedoc Posts: 2,246
    edited 2011-05-15 16:33
    Hey, we planned it on the same day the end of the world is going to happen as well.

    :D oh nooooooooo!!!!
  • localrogerlocalroger Posts: 3,452
    edited 2011-05-15 18:30
    Well at least I'm in California. I was supposed to be in Lake Tahoe right now, but the closure of US 50 and truly craptacular explanatory signage landed me in Jackson, CA. Yeah, I'd never heard of it either, but it's in very picturesque gold rush country and after seeing what the weather along the mountains was this morning we decided to stay here, since our next move is to 3 pre-paid days at a hotel near Yosemite.

    And even here, today we have seen fog, simple overcast, snow, melty snow falling in dangerous chunks from the roadside trees, rain, hail, more rain, more hail, sunny cloudless skies, more rain, more hail, and now the sun is shining again. And I thought the weather in southern Louisiana was interesting.

    Anyway, tomorrow we drive to the general vecinity of Yosemite to join the waterfall worshiping throngs before ROCKLIN OR BUST.
  • JimInCAJimInCA Posts: 80
    edited 2011-05-16 09:02
    Enjoy the falls - they should be spectacular given all the rainfall we've had this year. The SF bay area has been a burst of color, far more than usual, so Yosemite should be as well. So enjoy and see you in Rocklin...
    Take care...
  • Peter KG6LSEPeter KG6LSE Posts: 1,383
    edited 2011-05-16 09:16
    lll be there at 3 to 4 PM Friday !
  • Roy ElthamRoy Eltham Posts: 3,000
    edited 2011-05-16 20:56
    JohnR & I are here in the Rocklin area. We visited Parallax today (saw Jim Carrey, Chris Savage, Jessica Uelman(sp?), and a few others). We'll be going back tomorrow morning for the webinar on the GCC/Eclipse stuff.

    Right, now we're sitting at a picnic table in the campground, with the generater power going using the laptops to get online over the cell phone. It's great fun :)

    See you all when you get here!
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2011-05-16 21:09
    Roy and Raffy, sorry I missed you today. We were at a customer's location most of the morning.

    But when I returned I found this amazing Wisconsin cheese, and lots of it. This is quite unusual for a company to get such a nice gift from a customer; usually it's supposed to be the other way around. I tried the swiss cheese on a piece of bread (cheddar tomorrow) and was amazed! Just in time to get on a webinar with the chip packaging company.

    Tomorrow when the two of you arrive please plant yourselves in the Green Room for the webinar. Let me know if you have access trouble with our internal WiFi. Roy, you can send Raffy a copy of your invitation to the webinar (I sent you one, right) so he can join us. If you both don't have USB headsets then one of you should hang out in the training room during the webinar to avoid having your PC speakers create an echo.

    Where are you guys camping, anyway? You might be getting rained on right now. If you're at Folsom Lake you're probably having a nice time. Great place for Raffy's little dog(s).

    See ya soon!

    Ken Gracey
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