And what are your credentials? I am almost 100% certain that you are WRONG!
I will provide a reference to the USC.
I believe some one else suggested you contact a lawye which is good advice. You are currently argueing aspects of law about copyrights with other forum members, if I didn't already know better, it sounds to me like you are practicing law by providing legal advice and I seriously doubt you have the credentials to do so. Just because you filled for a copyright does not make you an authority on the legal aspects of copyright law.
If you want legal advice, go to those who can provide it, the lawyers.
I am under no obligation to infer to you my credentials. And I will not let someone take me into a battle of whits in a "he said, I said, he said" contest where the only winning move is to make your statement then move on. Apparently you take offense to ANYONE whom disagrees with you in your claimed area of expertise. Ok, fair enough. I will not argue with you. However, I share with you and every one whom may wish to read this as my closing statements on this thread and the subject matter:
The poster of the image did not knowingly or willingly infringe on any copyrights. The image is not noticed as copy protected, and to the posters best information at hand, noticed the indicated official body with credit of the image. Now, this does not negate any legal ramifications, however, it will become an issue of damages done to the claimed offended owner of the image. In this context, the poster was verbalizing how, in his opinion, the punishments for violations of that particular crime could be considered excessive. Because the poster didn't indicate good or bad of the indicated official offices, titles or it's members, the case wouldn't be heard in the district federal court.
This I know, as fact. Simply stated because I've been there. I have prosecuted against others and won, and in like wise, have been prosecuted against and I was found not guilty (I won). In all 6 cases, 4 against me and 2 against others. The object of concern was an image that is associated with my program code. The issue at hand, the part you are forgetting about is Knowingly and willingly. This is where book learned law differs from practical law. The fact is, now matter how you try to "book it up" is this: In this case; this post in this forum, there is no reason for legal action because no fraudulent activity either knowingly or willingly was executed against the claimed officials and the poster did in fact give the indicated officials credit for the image.
My post and this reply refer only to the issue of your claimed infringement of rights due to an image posted and the suggestion to remove it.
I like to see the forums as a congenial, welcoming place where people don't have to feel afraid to be wrong or know less than some other people. It is a great place to learn from the special expertise and experience of others and works best when the drama level is low.
Bruce You have a wonderfully twisted sense of humor..I think I like You after all.
Personally, I think Paranoia is a good thing...
Trust no one, and grandmaster the ability to build "walls", fast!. It has served Me well.
Honestly, I would'nt be so Paranoid, if everyone wasn't out to get Me...
Anyway's, I use the Homeland Security Emblem often, it is an excellent tool for scambaiting...
More then a few Law Enforcement Personal (the cops) have read the letter's I have written, using the Homland Security Emblems, I assure You, they are not the least bit concerned...
Bruce You have a wonderfully twisted sense of humor..I think I like You after all
Well thanks. I can truly appreciate that at least one person likes me
And yes, LOL, my sense of humor is definitely twisted. There is nothing better than an intellectual conversation, however, getting the natives all excited and restless comes in a close second
I am surprised by that. I would imagine Homeland Security being the toughest enforcer for using their emblem.
I am surprised by that. I would imagine Homeland Security being the toughest enforcer for using their emblem.
Nay, They like the Emblems right in Your face as often as possable, so as You will get "used" to it...
I believe, do to the Public Service that scambaiting serves, Law Enforcement turns a blind eye.
at least they do for Me, Maybe it's cuz they can call when they have questions about some new scam or another...
I typically get laughter and utter amazement when they get to see the newest Homeland Security "Secure Transfer" forms.
specially when they are all filled out by some "Mugu" scammer, (I allways insist they use red ink too.)
1. The discussion was interesting and informative. Discussions on licensing are always a good thing. All software comes with a license. That's just reality. Knowing all that one can about that reality is just a smart investment. There are many implications to this stuff. And they change...
2. Why "Letter #2"
Seems to me, a post requesting formal permission is just fine. If it's ignored, then a PM or thread bump would be appropriate, and effective given the past behavior of this community in general. I see no need to put some pressure on it like that. And, public pressure is sometimes warranted, but only after less prominent measures failed. Seems to be basic consideration to me. Post it up. Bump it. PM somebody, e-mail, then put the pressure on in the public view holds far less potential for friction and mis-aligned expectations.
Would the next one have been Letter #3? And if so, why that, instead of the other more discrete options?
The follow on questions then are:
If it's a different permission, and I didn't go to look mind you, then why number them? Is that significant data somehow? If so, what significance does it have?
No answer required, and no negative statements implied, nor intended.
The discussion was interesting and informative. Discussions on licensing are always a good thing. All software comes with a license. That's just reality. Knowing all that one can about that reality is just a smart investment.
Thanks Potatohead, I try to make all my posts interesting and informative. It was mentioned in this post by Batang that writing your own code would prevent all infringement possibilities, and he was absolutely correct, and then Heater wrote that writing all your own code is very unproductive, which is also absolutely correct. Of course these are just summaries of the actual dialog. And as I previously mentioned, even with the attached license, you could still end up in court. If a person is unwilling or does not have the time to write their own code, the best possible protection they can achieve is getting written permission from an owner or author to use the copywritten material. Of course, that is what the MIT license is supposed to represent. Actual written permission, is a far more powerful defense against an infringement lawsuit than that MIT license. The best possible advice that I can give is to weigh each situation seperately and assess the risk. In the case of my letter to Parallax, I assessed my risk like this:
Corporate entities are less likely to have a carefree attitude toward their proprietary materials as compared to an individual.
Corporate entities have far more resources at their fingertips than an individual. If you upset a corporation, you better watch out, you may end up in debt for the rest of your life.
As to answering the remainder of your questions in summary, here goes.
When I make a post, it is one of two situations. I am either requesting information or I am providing information. But either way it goes, I want it to be a learning situation for everyone that bothers to read it in it's entirety. So the very first thing I do, is try to create a headline that captures a readers attention. Now that headline might not meet everyones expectations, as a couple people have complained to me already, but that is not my point, my objective is to get them to open the thread. Once inside the thread, they can read, write, agree, disagree, etc....
As for the letters to Mr.Parallax, Inc., and the numbering system. As it was mentioned in the previous thread, it is a public forum. I could have easily asked for the requested permission in private, but if I had, this discussion would have never occurred. So yes, I am sure there will be more letters to Mr. Parallax, and those will be letters that I want open to the public, so that others can submit input and others can get output.
Corporate entities are less likely to have a carefree attitude toward their proprietary materials as compared to an individual.
Corporate entities have far more resources at their fingertips than an individual. If you upset a corporation, you better watch out, you may end up in debt for the rest of your life.
When I make a post, it is one of two situations. I am either requesting information or I am providing information. But either way it goes, I want it to be a learning situation for everyone that bothers to read it in it's entirety. So the very first thing I do, is try to create a headline that captures a readers attention. Now that headline might not meet everyones expectations, as a couple people have complained to me already, but that is not my point, my objective is to get them to open the thread. Once inside the thread, they can read, write, agree, disagree, etc....
I'm one of the people that complained, I guess.
If your point is to make people open a thread right now and comment then, ok, you made your point.
If you want this to be a learning situation that lasts beyond whatever might happen right after the thread is created, then a more descriptive thread name would be much more useful.
So the way these two threads have worked out, you have gotten people to open them, you have gotten people to "argue" with you, and now the useful thread (not this one) will be lost because it doesn't have a very good name. And the post from Ken, which provides the most useful information in that thread, will probably never be seen again. A new thread will need to be started the next time this comes up because it will be hard to find the old one.
People get very irritated by threads with meaningless titles like that one that was closed. Perhaps someone could start a new thread with a sensible title with links to the useful information in the original one.
It is a matter of etiquette. I never go to a thread that someone else started and stir up trouble like you. However, if I create a thread, I stick around and answer questions, etc... therefore I am the creator. I may not own it, but at least I will provide input. It is plain to see that you are a trouble maker and your true colors will shine through to other forum members. Have fun.
I'm not sure I deserve such admiration. For sure I have stepped over the line with some off hand comments here occasionally, thankfully these transgressions have been forgiven and forgotten after a little humility on my part. As for "thick skin" I usually don't get perturbed by what anyone says, only those I respect can really shake me up by what they say, usually because they are so awfully right:)
What is so interesting about you is that in a difficult situation you always respond with humor. If the antagonist has been particularly rude, you may also deliver a barb, but you do that in an amusing way, too. Leon is more like a boxer with a wooden head. He just keeps coming back like nothing happened. He never goes postal. He just keeps coming back. Both types of responses are amazing to me (in a good way).
I believe some one else suggested you contact a lawye which is good advice. You are currently argueing aspects of law about copyrights with other forum members, if I didn't already know better, it sounds to me like you are practicing law by providing legal advice and I seriously doubt you have the credentials to do so. Just because you filled for a copyright does not make you an authority on the legal aspects of copyright law.
If you want legal advice, go to those who can provide it, the lawyers.
Words of wisdom!
The poster of the image did not knowingly or willingly infringe on any copyrights. The image is not noticed as copy protected, and to the posters best information at hand, noticed the indicated official body with credit of the image. Now, this does not negate any legal ramifications, however, it will become an issue of damages done to the claimed offended owner of the image. In this context, the poster was verbalizing how, in his opinion, the punishments for violations of that particular crime could be considered excessive. Because the poster didn't indicate good or bad of the indicated official offices, titles or it's members, the case wouldn't be heard in the district federal court.
This I know, as fact. Simply stated because I've been there. I have prosecuted against others and won, and in like wise, have been prosecuted against and I was found not guilty (I won). In all 6 cases, 4 against me and 2 against others. The object of concern was an image that is associated with my program code. The issue at hand, the part you are forgetting about is Knowingly and willingly. This is where book learned law differs from practical law. The fact is, now matter how you try to "book it up" is this: In this case; this post in this forum, there is no reason for legal action because no fraudulent activity either knowingly or willingly was executed against the claimed officials and the poster did in fact give the indicated officials credit for the image.
My post and this reply refer only to the issue of your claimed infringement of rights due to an image posted and the suggestion to remove it.
Have a good day everyone
I SO 100% Agree!!!!
If you want to email me about it, I'd be happy to be objective and neutral.
The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 1,000,000 characters.
Me too.
Personally, I think Paranoia is a good thing...
Trust no one, and grandmaster the ability to build "walls", fast!. It has served Me well.
Honestly, I would'nt be so Paranoid, if everyone wasn't out to get Me...
Anyway's, I use the Homeland Security Emblem often, it is an excellent tool for scambaiting...
More then a few Law Enforcement Personal (the cops) have read the letter's I have written, using the Homland Security Emblems, I assure You, they are not the least bit concerned...
Well thanks. I can truly appreciate that at least one person likes me
And yes, LOL, my sense of humor is definitely twisted. There is nothing better than an intellectual conversation, however, getting the natives all excited and restless comes in a close second
I am surprised by that. I would imagine Homeland Security being the toughest enforcer for using their emblem.
I believe, do to the Public Service that scambaiting serves, Law Enforcement turns a blind eye.
at least they do for Me, Maybe it's cuz they can call when they have questions about some new scam or another...
I typically get laughter and utter amazement when they get to see the newest Homeland Security "Secure Transfer" forms.
specially when they are all filled out by some "Mugu" scammer, (I allways insist they use red ink too.)
1. The discussion was interesting and informative. Discussions on licensing are always a good thing. All software comes with a license. That's just reality. Knowing all that one can about that reality is just a smart investment. There are many implications to this stuff. And they change...
2. Why "Letter #2"
Seems to me, a post requesting formal permission is just fine. If it's ignored, then a PM or thread bump would be appropriate, and effective given the past behavior of this community in general. I see no need to put some pressure on it like that. And, public pressure is sometimes warranted, but only after less prominent measures failed. Seems to be basic consideration to me. Post it up. Bump it. PM somebody, e-mail, then put the pressure on in the public view holds far less potential for friction and mis-aligned expectations.
Would the next one have been Letter #3? And if so, why that, instead of the other more discrete options?
The follow on questions then are:
If it's a different permission, and I didn't go to look mind you, then why number them? Is that significant data somehow? If so, what significance does it have?
No answer required, and no negative statements implied, nor intended.
Thanks Potatohead, I try to make all my posts interesting and informative. It was mentioned in this post by Batang that writing your own code would prevent all infringement possibilities, and he was absolutely correct, and then Heater wrote that writing all your own code is very unproductive, which is also absolutely correct. Of course these are just summaries of the actual dialog. And as I previously mentioned, even with the attached license, you could still end up in court. If a person is unwilling or does not have the time to write their own code, the best possible protection they can achieve is getting written permission from an owner or author to use the copywritten material. Of course, that is what the MIT license is supposed to represent. Actual written permission, is a far more powerful defense against an infringement lawsuit than that MIT license. The best possible advice that I can give is to weigh each situation seperately and assess the risk. In the case of my letter to Parallax, I assessed my risk like this:
Corporate entities have far more resources at their fingertips than an individual. If you upset a corporation, you better watch out, you may end up in debt for the rest of your life.
When I make a post, it is one of two situations. I am either requesting information or I am providing information. But either way it goes, I want it to be a learning situation for everyone that bothers to read it in it's entirety. So the very first thing I do, is try to create a headline that captures a readers attention. Now that headline might not meet everyones expectations, as a couple people have complained to me already, but that is not my point, my objective is to get them to open the thread. Once inside the thread, they can read, write, agree, disagree, etc....
As for the letters to Mr.Parallax, Inc., and the numbering system. As it was mentioned in the previous thread, it is a public forum. I could have easily asked for the requested permission in private, but if I had, this discussion would have never occurred. So yes, I am sure there will be more letters to Mr. Parallax, and those will be letters that I want open to the public, so that others can submit input and others can get output.
I agree with your post 100% and took the words right out of my mouth:thumb:.
I agree with these statements.
I'm one of the people that complained, I guess.
If your point is to make people open a thread right now and comment then, ok, you made your point.
If you want this to be a learning situation that lasts beyond whatever might happen right after the thread is created, then a more descriptive thread name would be much more useful.
So the way these two threads have worked out, you have gotten people to open them, you have gotten people to "argue" with you, and now the useful thread (not this one) will be lost because it doesn't have a very good name. And the post from Ken, which provides the most useful information in that thread, will probably never be seen again. A new thread will need to be started the next time this comes up because it will be hard to find the old one.
What is wrong with my suggestion?
It is a matter of etiquette. I never go to a thread that someone else started and stir up trouble like you. However, if I create a thread, I stick around and answer questions, etc... therefore I am the creator. I may not own it, but at least I will provide input. It is plain to see that you are a trouble maker and your true colors will shine through to other forum members. Have fun.
What is so interesting about you is that in a difficult situation you always respond with humor. If the antagonist has been particularly rude, you may also deliver a barb, but you do that in an amusing way, too. Leon is more like a boxer with a wooden head. He just keeps coming back like nothing happened. He never goes postal. He just keeps coming back. Both types of responses are amazing to me (in a good way).