linking the laptop with the basic stamp board
Hi to everybody!
My laptop has not the serial port 9 pins. Can I use a cable 9pins-usb to link the laptop and the basic stamp? Does it work?
My laptop has not the serial port 9 pins. Can I use a cable 9pins-usb to link the laptop and the basic stamp? Does it work?
This what you need and here is the link to it
Parallax USB to Serial (RS-232) Adapter
I hope this helps
but now I have further questions:
where have I to insert the usb to serial 232 on the board?
Then can I use the usb-usb cable?
I use this on my laptop all the time and work very well
I hope this helps
thank you sam!
The hardware is correctly installed in my laptop...but the link does not work.
If I click in the pbasic environment the icon "identify" the result is:
port: Com5
Device type:
loopback: Yes
Echo: Yes
If I try to run a simple code, a communication error reports: No basic stamp found.
how is it possible?
I hope someone can help me!
of course I installed the driver following the instructions reported at the following link:
The hardware configuration is:
BS board<
>serial cable<---->usbto232 converter<---->usb cable<
I've had the same results you did and the capacitor was between the wrong two pins. That might not help, but check your wiring and let us know.
I'm assuming you are using the microcontroller and not a board here.
1) The Stamp has to have power. It has to be plugged into its socket correctly.
2) The serial cable has to be in good condition. The USB cable has to be in good condition. Have you tried tried other cables? Have you tried plugging the USB to RS232 adapter directly into the Stamp board?
Concerning the first point how can I check if the stamp is plugged into its socket correctly?
Spiral_72, If I use my old pc with a serial 9 pins port it works properly. I think I am having troubles because of the usb adapter.,r:0,s:0&tx=76&ty=34
Your Stamp board doesn't use a Stamp module. It has a specially programmed SX microprocessor chip. I don't know which Stamp module it replaces. It would not be the BS2 which uses a PIC16F57, but could be a BS2sx.
Ok, I will try to install again the driver and check with different cable