Lots of interesting suggestions so far. Keep 'em coming. Thanks!
Some Q&A's:
@RobotWorkshop, I'll see if I have room for a small reset header; there is no more room on the front. I was thinking that since the reset button is through hole, it would be pretty easy to replace it with a cable if necessary. Is that solution a suitable substitute for a separate header?
If there isn't room for a separate 2-pin header and you could just place those alon with the pads for the reset switch that would be fine. That way someone could install a 2-pin header instead.
Most people tend to leave that out on boards but mount an acutal switch on the board instead. My preference is the two pin header with an option for an onboard switch. I've got a bunch of cables with 2-pin connectors and it makes it so easy to mount a remote reset switch if you add the pads. Alternately you can just solder it tothe board but I like having a plug.
Lately I've been using more than one board in my robot projects and I've had to add headers like this to the boards so I can more easily make a master reset for everything at once. I keep poking at Parallax to consider doing the same to all their development boards too....
Great suggestions everyone! There are a few names very high on my list.
I will choose the name before 4PM PST today.
The prototype PCB fabrication must start today to meet my schedule.
Someone mentioned it would be hard to choose. It is, but it's a good problem to have.
The product will be available by the following SKUs (Stock Keeping Unit):
<name>-nMBbRc - where:
n = 8,16,32,64,or 128 MB SDRAM
b = C for CoinCell or X for external RTC battery.
c = front/back-panel color option if available.
@RobotWorkShop, I've found room for a 2 pin header nestled between the mounting pins of the right-angle reset push-button.
@william chan, I really would like to put the power complex on the back and the USB connectors on the front, but that is a significant challenge at this point. I'll see what I can do.
I have a list of finalists, but only a few of them make sense with a logo.
Maybe there are some easily "pictured" suggestions out there?
I have another idea but no one would get credit for it as of now.
don't know if I'm late to the party, anyway here's my suggestion: SupraDynaProp (pun intended ;-))
I also have a question (didn't have the time to accurately read the whole thread, sorry if you already answered this): I can see two SDRAMs on the component drawing, but I can't see any specific mention in the description. Is that a second one accessable from the other prop (i.e. for graphics)?
as in
inconvenient name: PC( $50726F70 )
tinyPC where PC = Propeller Compunter
Prop Squared
Prop Hotrod
Though come to think of it, that would be a great name for the next-gen Propeller chip as well...
Kitty Hawk - History first twin prop to fly.
Lightning - P38 twin engine WWII fighter
In fact you could say it was a bit of a beast so with that in mind I would call it Typhon.
(The most deadly of all the beast from Greek mythology)
I'm sure you'd have it running TyphOS in no time
Propeller Jazz! (Technical Development Workstation)
If there isn't room for a separate 2-pin header and you could just place those alon with the pads for the reset switch that would be fine. That way someone could install a 2-pin header instead.
Most people tend to leave that out on boards but mount an acutal switch on the board instead. My preference is the two pin header with an option for an onboard switch. I've got a bunch of cables with 2-pin connectors and it makes it so easy to mount a remote reset switch if you add the pads. Alternately you can just solder it tothe board but I like having a plug.
Lately I've been using more than one board in my robot projects and I've had to add headers like this to the boards so I can more easily make a master reset for everything at once. I keep poking at Parallax to consider doing the same to all their development boards too....
I will choose the name before 4PM PST today.
The prototype PCB fabrication must start today to meet my schedule.
Someone mentioned it would be hard to choose. It is, but it's a good problem to have.
The product will be available by the following SKUs (Stock Keeping Unit):
<name>-nMBbRc - where:
n = 8,16,32,64,or 128 MB SDRAM
b = C for CoinCell or X for external RTC battery.
c = front/back-panel color option if available.
@RobotWorkShop, I've found room for a 2 pin header nestled between the mounting pins of the right-angle reset push-button.
@william chan, I really would like to put the power complex on the back and the USB connectors on the front, but that is a significant challenge at this point. I'll see what I can do.
Thanks for all the suggestions.
PDS PPDS personal propeller dev station
RPDC rapid propeller dev computer
PPC Jazz! (Could be extended to different products such as Zen Tiger Model 1 2, etc)
Xtreme PPC. Xtreme RPDC
Xtreme PPC DUO
RTDE Jazz! ; jazz RDC.
2 props, 134217728 bytes = 128MB
Maybe there are some easily "pictured" suggestions out there?
I have another idea but no one would get credit for it as of now.
Something like this.
Here's the short-list:
Propulsion - ambroxio
PropDuo - Rsadeika
PropellerT16 - Roy Eltham
ProperTon - BTX
JazzPC - Brian Riley
JazzedUP - Duane Degn
TheJazz - Heater
Turbinator - Baggers
Propinator - Shawn Lowe
Turbine - jeff-o
Typhoon - Coley
SpinPC - bsnut
MicroProp - potatohead
PocketPropPC - idbruce
ZZProp - ravenkallen
Other names with more visual opportunities will be considered. More pictures please
Some things I've definitely ruled out:
PropBox & PSP - used by Rayman
TurboProp - reserved as Parallax Propeller2
ScrewPC - name of a propeller on a ship
AnyThingBlade - Cluso99's "line"
Something I've seriously considered with attached etch-able logo is "Propagator"
However, if you expect a line of prop pcbs then you need to think this through too.
Well, here's my picture....
I've got this drawn in vectors, so fonts, scaling, etc... all can change. Let me know.
Propcopter ( helicopters have 2 propellers )
Dioscuros ( Castor and P
The Chinook
How about SirPropalot, Picture Mounted Lancelot figure with a twin Prop Beenie!
don't know if I'm late to the party, anyway here's my suggestion: SupraDynaProp (pun intended ;-))
I also have a question (didn't have the time to accurately read the whole thread, sorry if you already answered this): I can see two SDRAMs on the component drawing, but I can't see any specific mention in the description. Is that a second one accessable from the other prop (i.e. for graphics)?