Name It Win It Contest Closed - MicroPropPC
@potatohead wins with MicroProp . The product will officially be called MicroPropPC.
I'm hoping to have first hardware prototypes functional in first week of February 2011.
Depending on the prototype build and front/rear panel design/cutout progress boards
could be generally available by first week in March.
I've moved power plug and switch to back and PS2/USB ports to the front.
Thanks to all!
Name this propeller product! - Contest Closed!
If the name you suggest wins, you will get one free when they are available.
For the time being, I'll call it "PropellerPC." The board illustrated below
is designed for use as a general purpose single board computer which
will run C programs with Heater's Zog (also available for Parallax C3) and
other languages eventually such as PropellerJVM and BigSpin.
Programs are stored and fetched from SDRAM via a cache so the wider
the data bus the better. The optimal bus width is 16 bits since up to 15
latched address bits are used anyway. This is a second generation Propeller
SDRAM design.
The board is designed to fit in a Hammond RM2015S enclosure.
PropellerPC Features:
Architecture Summary:
The 2 Propeller architecture is used with 16 bit SDRAM to achieve the highest
possible SDRAM data throughput to/from the primary Propeller execution chip.
Both Propeller serial consoles are accessible via the front panel USB port.
The microSD card is connected to the primary Propeller.
The secondary Propeller provides VGA, simple R/C Stereo Audio, PS2 and/or USB
connection, SD card detect, system status LED, and RX/TX LED 2 bit drivers.
Communications between primary and secondary Propellers is via I2C and a
parallel 8 bit bus that will allow down stream pseudo-DMA transfers at 5MB/s.
The 5MB/s pipe is intended primarily to update the secondary Propeller VGA
and other data intensive buffers.
The color coded picture here is a bit out of date. The most recent Rev A0 PCB picture is attached.

Enclosure picture:

Rev A0 PCB:
@potatohead wins with MicroProp . The product will officially be called MicroPropPC.
I'm hoping to have first hardware prototypes functional in first week of February 2011.
Depending on the prototype build and front/rear panel design/cutout progress boards
could be generally available by first week in March.
I've moved power plug and switch to back and PS2/USB ports to the front.
Thanks to all!
Name this propeller product! - Contest Closed!
If the name you suggest wins, you will get one free when they are available.
For the time being, I'll call it "PropellerPC." The board illustrated below
is designed for use as a general purpose single board computer which
will run C programs with Heater's Zog (also available for Parallax C3) and
other languages eventually such as PropellerJVM and BigSpin.
Programs are stored and fetched from SDRAM via a cache so the wider
the data bus the better. The optimal bus width is 16 bits since up to 15
latched address bits are used anyway. This is a second generation Propeller
SDRAM design.
The board is designed to fit in a Hammond RM2015S enclosure.
PropellerPC Features:
- 2 Propellers (main uC and vgaC)
- 16 bit SDRAM: 8MB to 128MB
- 64KB EEPROM for each Propeller can be 128KB
- RTC with battery backup CR2012 or separate
- RM2015S 4x5x1.2" ABS Enclosure
- Front and Backpanel cutouts (TBD)
- +9VDC to 15VDC Center Positive Power Operation
(+7.5VDC Operation w/o Power Protection Diode)
- System Status LED
- uSD Card Slot
- Reset button
- USB Propeller Serial Port
- Propeller Serial Select Switch
- TX & RX LEDs capable of system status updates
- Dual PS2/USB Connector
- Optional 5V power on LED indicator.
- VGA Connector
- Stereo Audio Plug
- PS2 Keyboard Connector (2 port split)
- Center Positive Power Plug
- Power Switch
Architecture Summary:
The 2 Propeller architecture is used with 16 bit SDRAM to achieve the highest
possible SDRAM data throughput to/from the primary Propeller execution chip.
Both Propeller serial consoles are accessible via the front panel USB port.
The microSD card is connected to the primary Propeller.
The secondary Propeller provides VGA, simple R/C Stereo Audio, PS2 and/or USB
connection, SD card detect, system status LED, and RX/TX LED 2 bit drivers.
Communications between primary and secondary Propellers is via I2C and a
parallel 8 bit bus that will allow down stream pseudo-DMA transfers at 5MB/s.
The 5MB/s pipe is intended primarily to update the secondary Propeller VGA
and other data intensive buffers.
The color coded picture here is a bit out of date. The most recent Rev A0 PCB picture is attached.
Enclosure picture:

Rev A0 PCB:
Why is the power plug on the front panel? Wouldn't it be better on the back so that the power cord can be hidden behind the case?
The Turbine-ator
The Proper Computer
Twin Props
The Twinster
they're my entries, for now anyway
XTerminator (with subscript mm between the X and the T - ie XmmTerminator)
Prop Pod
ProCo (Propeller Computer)
TwinProp 16
DiProp 16
BiProp 16
I like the 16 referring to 16 cores and the 16bit sram.
V-PitchProp as in Variable Pitch Propeller
F-PitchProp as in Fixed Pitch Propeller
V-Twin Prop
Twin Prop
Some Q&A's:
@dbetz, the power plug is on the front for a few reasons mainly having to do with board layout.
@RobotWorkshop, I'll see if I have room for a small reset header; there is no more room on the front. I was thinking that since the reset button is through hole, it would be pretty easy to replace it with a cable if necessary. Is that solution a suitable substitute for a separate header?
By the way, I plan to provide these "built to order" and sell them myself.
The configurations will mainly be regarding SDRAM sizes.
I'll provide a generic version to GadgetGangster and others later.
Edit: Okay second best name: Jazzed Up Prop or Jazzed Up Propeller, and Jazzed Up TurboProp. Oh yeah, that board is as good as mine.
Micro Propeller PC
Personal Propeller Computer
Propeller Powered PC
Prop Station 2 DUO
The Deuce (simple)
Deuces Wild
Synergy Prop X2 (my favorite)
Prop Unity PC
Unity Duo
Propeller Jazz! (Technical Development Workstation)
Gestalt PC (DUO)
Propeller Direct PC
Zen! (Technical Development PC -- Propeller Powered)
Smart PC (Dual Propeller Powered Development / Entertainment Micro Computer System)
Phoenix Duo (Includes PDE, Propeller Development Environment)
OxyProp --> Breathe new life into your Propeller Development Efforts
Tetragen, Duogen, Propgen -- Personal Development Station
Prop PDS
Boss! DPC (Dual Propeller Computer)
As for names, I would offer you TwinBlade or RetroBlade, but I have both those in the pipleine.
JazzyProp - A dual propeller based single board computer
Jazzy SBC
I can see we will have a few boxed designs which I think will help open up the playing field.
Propeller Iced Twice?
Double down?
Very nice, Jazzed! You're going to have trouble picking out of all those names...
Prop DRAMatics
DRAMaPro or DRAMaProp
"The Prop that Refreshes" (ugh!)
Turbo Blade DUO
Blade Turbo DUO
Dualblade PPC.
Another totally audacious concept for the Propeller.
Zog will love it, Catalina will love it. Already can't wait for the Prop II version:)
You need something cool, something powerful.. How about,
ZZTop...What, how did that get in there?:)
bebop O.o .. you know , honoring the jazzy nickname
With the jazzed theme, how about an instrument such as
Trumpet "with much fanfare jazzed introduces the Trumpet - a modern small dual propeller based single board computer".
Now you just need for the board to play a trumpet tune as a default on powerup and you are away!
Propeller 2x8 SBC
Bin8SBC or Byn8Prop ("binate" means "growing in pairs")
Prim8PC (and use a pair of monkeys as a logo)
Propeller WORKM8 or WORKM8 SBC
Tried to come up with something using 2 and 8, but dualocto sounds like a cartoon villain......however, is available!