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Better than sliced bread! SD3.01 FAT16/32 Driver Updated!



  • pik33pik33 Posts: 2,396
    edited 2012-05-13 10:07
    Run at second try without changing the code.. 8 GB SDHC. Don't know why this didn't work at first run
  • pik33pik33 Posts: 2,396
    edited 2012-05-18 00:35
    This is strange

    After changing a quartz KyeDos can't see SD card at first power on. Reset don't help. You have to switch off power supply, then switch it on, then it can see SD. No matter, what is this change, from 5 to 6.25 or from 6.25 to 5 MHz. First power up after changing quartz - SD unavailable. Second power up, all ok. Works @80, 100, 112 MHz, you only have to reboot it twice after replacing a quartz.

  • KyeKye Posts: 2,200
    edited 2012-05-18 07:21
    IDK - There's all sort of random things that can make this not work. I've never had a problem with my own setup. :)

  • pik33pik33 Posts: 2,396
    edited 2012-05-18 10:44
    This is not a problem, if it is known. Now I know: after any frequency change, reboot twice, and then it works. After this, system can see SD card after every boot.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-07-27 22:18
    I have a problem that I now think resides in the FATEngine...
    I have a boot program that uses fsrwfemto. It loads a binary from the SD card and executes it. If that program also uses fsrwfemto or the later fsrw, everything is fine. However, if that binary uses Kye's FATEngine, the program hangs. I suspect the startup code in FATEngine is not properly resetting the SD card.
    Any thoughts/suggestions???
  • KyeKye Posts: 2,200
    edited 2013-07-28 07:22

    My FAT Engine code makes no attempts to get a card out of multiblock mode. That's the problem.

    Um, the thing to do would be to take the code from fsrw block driver that is in SPIN which gets the card out of multiblock mode.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-07-28 21:22
    Kye: This may be the problem. IMHO fatengine should be able to reset the SD card out of any mode. This could be the problem with other SD cards that fatengine cannot work with???
    Do you have any info on how I could go about this Kye? I found that sometimes, even fatengine does not work after it performs an SD load. So it seems to me that it is an SD card reset/initialisation problem. I would really like to solve this if at all possible so that the fswr variants and fatengine can switch between them without problems.
  • KyeKye Posts: 2,200
    edited 2013-07-29 14:51
    Hi Clusso,

    I understand what you are saying, but, it's not really easy to get a card out of multi-block mode and it wasn't a top priority to code up, get working, and then test when I was writing this code 3.5 years or so ago. Whatever the case, its a won't fix now. Anyway, the attached file should get you operational.

    Just run the start_explict command before launching the FATEngine to reset the SD card.

    I just took the init code from the regular multi-block code in FSRW and commented out starting the block driver. You may have to comment out some more stuff to get it to run, but, I think I got it.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-07-29 18:30
    Thanks Kye. I will let you know how it goes.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-07-29 23:51
    Kye, this did not fix the problem but I did narrow down the problem further. I use the old fsrwfemto which I don't think uses block mode. However, the problem appears not to be in fatengine not working, but rather that it cannot perform a fat.bootpartition - the file exists and the partition has mounted successfully.
    'Load/Run "_CMD.CMD"...
      waitcnt(clkfreq / 10 + cnt)                           ' delay
      errorString := \fat.bootPartition(string("_CMD.CMD")) ' load/run
      n := checkError(string("_CMD.CMD"), fat.partitionError, errorString) ' if error, display
    The problem is a little deeper than this because I can load/run other modules so there is something that fatengine uses that is either not setup of I have corrupted. Any ideas?
  • KyeKye Posts: 2,200
    edited 2013-07-30 08:28
    Oh... man, I don't know then. I have no clue what the problem could be. If the partition mounts then everything should work. What's the error printed?

    Booting will fail only if there is a problem accessing the SD card or if the image is corrupted. Otherwise you should be fine.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-07-30 19:39
    Thanks Kye. I have no idea either atm. The program never returns from the bootpartition call. I think I will need to put some debugging steps in to post to hub where it gets to. I am thinking more like I am corrupting something.
  • KyeKye Posts: 2,200
    edited 2013-08-03 10:58
    Well, the checksum may have failed. When I first added the booting functionality it was really slow because I had to iterate over all the bytes in the image in SPIN one by one. This took forever, so I moved it into the ASM code, however, the cost was that there would be no error messages anymore if there was a failure but instead the system would just shutdown. Additionally, the word at address 6+7 must be 16. Otherwise my code just stops the system clock.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-08-03 13:38
    Thanks for the suggestion Kye. I have already tried this by patching out the checks (though after my post above).
    What I have found is that I can make it work using two separate versions of your pasm...
    1. One version effectively reboots a binary by stopping all other cogs. This is your unmodified code.
    2. Second version used by my OS for all command binaries where the upper hub ram remains intact (the pasm loader section is modified to prevent overwriting the top part of hub ram), and not all cogs are stopped (I have a byte in top hub ram that I pass to your pasm) - ie I don't stop the current pasm cog, and I don't stop any others that I require to be resident.
    Both the versions work correctly, but for some reason I cannot run a combined version (the second version should run like the first). Below is the affected code in case you can see what I believe is a bug of mine - it is the second version above and it should also load the full binary when my cog byte =0 and my hub_free=$8000 (I set these in my calling code if the file to be loaded is a ".BIN" file.

    BTW I still have the problem that your FatEngine will not run after fsrw has been run. I still have not found this problem yet. Perhaps the fix attempts were masked by the above problem. Anyway I found a temporary way around both problems.
    ' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    '                       Reboot Chip
    ' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    rebootChip              mov     counter,               #8                           ' Setup cog stop loop.
                            cogid   buffer                                              '
                            rdbyte  SPIExtraCounter,       ptrHubOScogs                 '\ don't stop these cogs  RR20120321
                            shl     SPIExtraCounter,       #24                          '|   and shift to b24-31
                            rdlong  saveClockFreq,         #$0                          '| save the clock freq
                            rdbyte  saveClockSet,          #$4                          '/ save the clock setting
    rebootCogLoop           sub     counter,               #1                           ' Stop all cogs but this one.
                            cmp     counter,               buffer wz                    '
                            rcl     SPIExtraCounter,       #1     wc                    ' Dont stop this cog?
    ''RR20120321 replace next line
    ''if_nz                 cogstop counter               
    if_nz_and_nc            cogstop counter                                             ' Stop some cogs  RR20120321
                            tjnz    counter,               #rebootCogLoop               '
                            mov     counter,               #8                           ' Free all locks. (07654321)
    rebootLockLoop          lockclr counter                                             '
                            lockret counter                                             '
                            djnz    counter,               #rebootLockLoop              '
    ' //////////////////////SetupMemory///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                            mov     counter,               #64                          ' Setup to grab all sector addresses.
                            rdlong  buffer,                sectorPntrAddress            '
    rebootSectorLoadLoop    rdlong  cardRebootSectors,     buffer                       ' Get all addresses of the 64 sectors.
                            add     buffer,                #4                           '
                            add     rebootSectorLoadLoop,  fiveHundredAndTwelve         '
                            djnz    counter,               #rebootSectorLoadLoop        '
    ' //////////////////////FillMemory////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                            mov     readBlock,             #0                           ' Fill these two commands with NOPs.
                            mov     readBlockModify,       #0                           '
    ''RR20120321            mov     SPIExtraCounter,       #64                          ' Ready to fill all memory. Pointer at 0.
                            rdlong  SPIExtraCounter,       ptrHubFree                   '\  get top of hub clear limit  RR20120321
                            shr     SPIExtraCounter,       #9                           '/  /512 to get no of sectors
                            mov     buffer,                #0                           '
    rebootCodeFillLoop      mov     SPIextraBuffer,        cardRebootSectors            ' Reuse read block code. Finish if 0 seen.
                            tjz     SPIextraBuffer,        #rebootCodeClear             '
                            add     rebootCodeFillLoop,    #1                           '
                            call    #readBlock                                          '
                            djnz    SPIExtraCounter,       #rebootCodeFillLoop          '
    ' //////////////////////ClearMemory///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    rebootCodeClear         rdword  counter,               #$8                          ' Setup to clear the rest.
    ''RR20120321            mov     SPIExtraCounter,       fiveHundredAndTwelve         ' \ $8000
    ''RR20120321            shl     SPIExtraCounter,       #6                           ' /
                            rdlong  SPIExtraCounter,       ptrHubFree                   '>  get top of hub clear limit  RR20120321
    rebootCodeClearLoop     wrbyte  fiveHundredAndTwelve,  counter                      ' Clear the remaining memory.
                            add     counter,               #1                           '
                            cmp     counter,               SPIExtraCounter wz           '
    if_nz                   jmp     #rebootCodeClearLoop                                '
                            rdword  buffer,                #$A                          ' Setup the stack markers.
                            sub     buffer,                #4                           '
                            wrlong  rebootStackMarker,     buffer                       '
                            sub     buffer,                #4                           '
                            wrlong  rebootStackMarker,     buffer                       '
    ' //////////////////////VerifyMemory//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                            mov     counter,               #0                           ' Setup to compute the checksum.
    rebootCheckSumLoop      sub     SPIExtraCounter,       #1                           ' Compute the RAM checksum.
                            rdbyte  buffer,                SPIExtraCounter              '
                            add     counter,               buffer                       '
                            tjnz    SPIExtraCounter,       #rebootCheckSumLoop          '
                            and     counter,               #$FF                         ' Crash if checksum not 0.
                            tjnz    counter,               #instructionHalt             '
                            rdword  buffer,                #$6                          ' Crash if program base invalid.
                            cmp     buffer,                #$10 wz                      '
    if_nz                   jmp     #instructionHalt                                    '
    ' //////////////////////BootInterpreter////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                            jmp     #noClockChange                                      ' Dont change the clock  RR20120321
                            rdbyte  buffer,                #$4                          ' Switch clock mode for PLL stabilization.
                            and     buffer,                #$F8                         '
                            clkset  buffer                                              '
    rebootDelayLoop         djnz    twentyMilliseconds,    #rebootDelayLoop             ' Allow PLL to stabilize.
                            rdbyte  buffer,                #$4                          ' Switch to new clock mode.
                            clkset  buffer                                              '
                            jmp     #bootSpin                                           '\ RR20120321
    noClockChange           wrlong  saveClockFreq,         #$0                          '| restore clock freq    RR20120321
                            wrbyte  saveClockSet,          #$4                          '/ restore clock setting
    bootSpin                coginit rebootInterpreter                                   ' Restart running new code.
                            cogid   buffer                                              ' Shutdown.
                            cogstop buffer                                              '
  • KyeKye Posts: 2,200
    edited 2013-08-04 06:52
    Okay, cool.
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