Please test URL for Spinneret Web Server
Please try to hit the following URL. It's my Spinneret web server.
Please try to hit the following URL. It's my Spinneret web server.
FireFox not complain But them not show anything
I still can't see anything on this page (Blank)
Now it function for me to
I just got my spinneret today so hopefully I will get to play with it soon
Would it be possible for you to post the code your useing.
I'm using Opera V10.10 (64bit) running on Mandriva 2009 64 bit distribution
If you guys don't mind, please try to hit the spinneret URL - first post. I added timeout logic and encoding. Just curious if the Spinneret web server can handle the load any better.
Keep up the good work!
On my end I had 15KB downstream --- NOT so bad.
Have downloaded that PDF to
I tried your link with my phone using the Dolphin HD and it states that it's unavailable. This maybe due to my phone's browser. I will try it with my laptop later today to see works. If it doesn't work, I will have to wait for you to get it back on line.