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We don't need anymore forum vigilantes... — Parallax Forums

We don't need anymore forum vigilantes...

RavenkallenRavenkallen Posts: 1,057
edited 2010-11-14 03:03 in General Discussion
I have noticed a disturbing trend. We have a bunch of forum members masquerading around as moderators. They often explain the rules of the forum in a belligerent way and the end result is the forum new comer leaving the forum or sparking tensions. They do not want to be told off by someone who is their equal. I am not saying this only because i was a recipient of this abuse, i am saying this for the good of the forum and the company.....Let the moderators do their job. IF they are not complaining or taking action, you should talk to a moderator about it, DON'T get all preachy and start biting people's heads off. We must maintain civility if we are to succeed. We must be better than the rest. We can recommend for people to re-post, but we should refrain from swearing or being as equally rude as we say they are.............Soapbox := 0


  • edited 2010-10-09 21:32
    I haven't seen this but I'm not disputing this as I haven't read everything. The only thing I've seen is a rise in language because of sabaticals.

    I'm at the age where I don't believe the internet can be cleaned up so I don't care anymore not because I don't care but because there isn't much you can do about it. They will clean you up before you clean them up.

    It is only through love that this world might change.
  • P!-RoP!-Ro Posts: 1,189
    edited 2010-10-10 21:04
    Don't suppose you're reffering to the Classifieds section? Didn't bother me but obviously it bothered someone.
  • Ron CzapalaRon Czapala Posts: 2,418
    edited 2010-10-11 09:29
    Posting items for sale in the classified and then posting references to it in the the other forums is annoying.

    Also posting things in Completed Projects that are obviously not complete and do not provide the information described in the Sticky Thread is also annoying. I hope the moderators reject some of this junk...
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-10-11 14:36
    Crossposting and bumping is against the forum guidelines ("rules"). It has been so for as long as I can remember here and I have freely, but politely, reminded people when I've run across it. I've recently been asked by Parallax to serve as a moderator and I've been given access to tools to do the work. Mostly I remind people or point out things.

    It is the responsibility of all forum members to abide by the "rules" and to politely remind others of them when necessary. It's also the responsibility of all forum members to help others when they can. Sometimes people haven't read the "rules" and sometimes they've chosen to ignore them. A polite reminder is perfectly appropriate, whether among "equals" or not.
  • RavenkallenRavenkallen Posts: 1,057
    edited 2010-10-11 17:35
    @All....Oh, well. That post you are referring to is just another example(And was not the main reason for posting this). That fella who got mad might badmouth the forum and Parallax just for one post by a fellow member. What did that comment solve? Did it help Parallax? Or did it hurt it? It is just another case of this problem i am seeing. Mike is right when he says that we can "Politely" nudge our fellow members, but we must be very careful. I just don't want to see these forums turn into a ghost site.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-10-14 22:39
    The people being destructive rude angry insulting bad mouths are part of this forum and internet as a whole, but what we really need is some actual designated moderators with the balls to go up against this sort of thing from happening.
  • Jim EwaldJim Ewald Posts: 733
    edited 2010-10-15 15:50
    We have quite a few moderators on the site with the tools to deal with just about any issue. Will someone please point me to post(s) where I can see the calamity? You can send it to my PM if you would like. Thanks.
  • zappmanzappman Posts: 418
    edited 2010-10-16 07:48
    Hi Jim,

    Here is a link to one of the related posts.

    The whole thing was no big deal; except the forums lost a user and Parallax may have lost a customer.



    P.S. Thanks for all your hard work on the new forums, they are looking great.
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-10-16 08:23
    Actually, the user referenced is still active on the forum.

  • Jim EwaldJim Ewald Posts: 733
    edited 2010-10-16 08:32
    Thanks to everyone for your messages. We'll learn from this and move on.

    The new forum system has been an interesting project but I have received a lot of help from a few of our fellow forum members. They deserve recognition as well.

    Now, about that next software upgrade....
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-10-16 11:27
    Jim Ewald wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone for your messages. We'll learn from this and move on.
    What did we learn?
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-10-16 11:54
    I can't speak for Jim, but I noticed the variety of opinions and feelings about "what's right" and "what's proper". Humanoido, you mentioned "actual designated moderators with the balls to go up against this sort of thing". I ask what "sort of thing" specifically? I'm one of these moderators and I browse the forums from time to time depending on what else I have to do in my life. I also get the "report to the moderators" e-mails and, if I have time, I go and look. Then I'm faced with having to decide if the message or thread or exchange is appropriate, in good taste or not, maybe Spam. I try to consider intention. I sometimes try to prod people to be considerate and responsible, but different people have different ideas of what that might be. Sometimes I delete messages or close a thread. For Spam, I'll also lock a user's account.

    It isn't a question of having the "nerve" to do something. It's a matter of these forums being somewhat like a family with people usually being polite and considerate, but some members having different opinions of just what that entails, sometime with conflicting opinions, sometimes strongly held. The elders' job in any family or whoever serves in that role is partly to balance all these different viewpoints and behaviors, to keep the family mostly together and mostly talking to each other, partly by doing as little as necessary other than observing what is done over time and trying to guide people into a "right" behavior.
  • RavenkallenRavenkallen Posts: 1,057
    edited 2010-10-16 19:58
    I guess what i am really saying is that we all could be a little nicer to each other...I don't want to just give up on netiquette. If we have a problem with someone, DON'T flame them or make 'em discouraged, Talk to them in private. I..If you see someone posting out of protocol, GENTLY remind them(OR let the moderators do their job). Don't make a whole other post just to mock them(Yes, i am talking to you PJ) .Mike's analogy of a family is a pretty good one...I still give this forum credit for being one of the cleanest places around and i just want to keep it that way.

    If i may ask, Humanoido. What has you so angered towards the moderators?
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-10-16 20:42
    By the same token, Raven, there are many personalities on this forum -- some more blunt than others, a few perhaps even a bit sarcastic. Frankly, that's part of their charm, once you grow accustomed to them; and it certainly should not take away from their more positive aspects. It pays big dividends not to be thin-skinned or take offense when confronted by such individuals. Just look past the sarcasm at the underlying contribution such people have to offer.

    Sometimes whimpering about an apparent slight is more annoying to rest of us than the original offense could possibly have been. 'Just saying...

  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-10-17 00:28
    I guess what i am really saying is that we all could be a little nicer to each other...I don't want to just give up on netiquette. If we have a problem with someone, DON'T flame them or make 'em discouraged, Talk to them in private. I..If you see someone posting out of protocol, GENTLY remind them(OR let the moderators do their job). Don't make a whole other post just to mock them(Yes, i am talking to you PJ) .Mike's analogy of a family is a pretty good one...I still give this forum credit for being one of the cleanest places around and i just want to keep it that way. If i may ask, Humanoido. What has you so angered towards the moderators?
    Ravenkallen, I agree with maintaining a netiquette and keeping decent politeness and courtesy towards each other.

    What I don't agree with is Phil, who thinks being rude is perfectly fine and you need thicker and thicker skin to contend with it. Now I know Phil is a good old man, I just don't agree with the "rude is ok" philosophy.

    Just because another person has some good data or info to share does not give him or her a ticket to be mean. Should we all be rude and grow thick skin? We can, it's easy, but I think not. Approving wrong behavior was never an option.

    I'm happy with the moderators - they do a great job at what they do within the confines of what was outlined earlier. Do they address the actual issue talked about, outside of those boundaries? No or rarely.

    I've seen moderators posting within the same threads as insulting hecklers and they think nothing of it. So we have another issue, i.e. what Phil finds perfectly acceptable, other people will find rude. Clearly, Ravenkallen, you have addressed a very important issue.
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-10-17 01:44
    I never said "rude is okay", just that when stung by rudeness -- and we all are from time to time -- equanimity is usually preferable to a public outcry.

  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-10-17 03:04
    I never said "rude is okay", just that when stung by rudeness -- and we all are from time to time -- equanimity is usually preferable to a public outcry. -Phil
    Hi Phil. You are already saying rude is okay by your accepting it and in terms of equanimity you are condoning it. Phil, on the other hand, why not? - on a public forum we diagnosticate problems publicly as the first step in finding a solution. Do you think Salk would hide from Polio or Edison from filament light? Facing the problem is the first step towards a solution. Ravenkallen and others have taken time and effort to identify reasonable points and take the first step.

    "Once the curtain is raised, the actor ceases to belong to himself. He belongs to his character, to his author, to his public. He must do the impossible to identify himself with the first, not to betray the second, and not to disappoint the third." Sarah Bernhardt
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-10-17 09:24
    Phil is correct in that it's important to separate how one regards behavior from what one is obligated to do about it. Particularly in a medium like an on-line forum where things are written and with relatively slow response times, it's possible for people to have misunderstandings or misinterpretations. What one person intends as a legitimate criticism may be interpreted as a groundless insult by someone else. It might also be just bad manners. The best response to bad manners is not bad manners. It's to say (politely) that "that seems harsh" or "that seems unfair" or something that isn't accusatory. It may be that the other person doesn't realize how their comment is perceived. It may also be that the other person lives or works in a less polite environment and is used to a different standard.
  • RavenkallenRavenkallen Posts: 1,057
    edited 2010-10-17 09:57
    @Mike and Phil.....I try to understand what you guys are saying, but it is so easy to do the talking when on the right end of the barrel...Humanoido and i are simply making an appeal. ALL i am saying is that we have to be nicer to each other. I think we can all agree on that.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-10-18 06:52
    @Mike and Phil.....I try to understand what you guys are saying, but it is so easy to do the talking when on the right end of the barrel...Humanoido and i are simply making an appeal. ALL i am saying is that we have to be nicer to each other. I think we can all agree on that.
    Ravenkallen, well said.

    Route A) I would like to suggest a special school for "not nice" Forum offenders. Lasting two weeks, take the online study course, read it, pass the written exam, and the rehabilitated offender will be allowed back into the Forum. Fail the polite manners test and only posts in the Jail House Forum will be allowed.

    There's one major consideration about being polite. It is not based on your background, education, religion, political party, gender, social status, sexual preference, color of your skin, nationality, or whether you were raised by wolves or not. Anyone can be polite. It's simple and an absolute.

    Got those mean tendencies coming on? Stop in the name of politeness! Take a break. Deep breath. Sign up for our help Webinar sessions.

    Route B) In the second proposal, we are all given 100 points. Not nice offenders will lose points based on the magnitude of the infraction. Slip up one time, a mere 10 points subtracted. Insult negatively, subtract 20 points. Direct personal insults to other Forum members subtract 50 points. Repeat offenders take off 50 percent off the top. When you run out of points, go directly to Forum jail. To gain points, go directly to Route A. It may be possible to regain some points by doing Forum Community Service.
  • YoshtiYoshti Posts: 108
    edited 2010-10-19 18:04
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-10-19 22:47
    Yoshti wrote: »
  • YoshtiYoshti Posts: 108
    edited 2010-10-20 05:04
    Hope this signature will help ;-)
  • Computer Geek 101Computer Geek 101 Posts: 179
    edited 2010-10-20 05:40
    I think just giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. If someone seems rude, maybe they had a bad day, or maybe they didn’t mean it the way it came out. I think the signature idea is like saying “I’m sorry for not speaking English”. I’m a big boy it won’t ruin my day if I see something that “offends” me. Phil is right about just letting it go….if they are truly meaning an offence, that’s their problem.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-10-20 07:18
    I think just giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. If someone seems rude, maybe they had a bad day, or maybe they didn’t mean it the way it came out. I think the signature idea is like saying “I’m sorry for not speaking English”. I’m a big boy it won’t ruin my day if I see something that “offends” me. Phil is right about just letting it go….if they are truly meaning an offence, that’s their problem.
    Computer Geek, of course we recognize these points, however, we are talking about something more serious, i.e. how can it just be a bad day posting when the same person repeats attacks on the same person on other days? We are not talking about the accidental "oops" when someone has no problem apologizing the next day. As Ravenkallen has pointed out, maybe the people who say "let it go" are the ones on the other light end of the stick. Jeeze, it's not that difficult to be polite.

    Sorry for not speaking English? uh no.. It's an international world of many languages. In fact, if you speak a second language you are to be congratulated for your talent and ability. By example, I have much better understanding in the German Forums when I announce that I'm a student of German. I'm sure English speaking people can exhibit the same courtesy and friendship. Thank you for setting a good example.

    As an English teacher, it is relatively easy to recognize ESL. Look for variances in tense, conjugations, plurals, gender and sentence structures. If it seems a bit unusual, it could be a second language communique. There is no shame in asking your friend if English is his or her second language. They will be honored that you are so thoughtful. Just remember to be polite. It sets a good example for everyone.
  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2010-10-20 07:20
    The moderators do an excellent job with the forums. It isn't an easy job and they need to keep a 'hands off' approach and only step in when really required. This would be removing SPAM, and threats against other forum members, profanity, etc. If the moderation is too heavy handed and people don't feel they have their free speech (within reason of course) then that can kill vibrant forums.

    I don't personally think it is appropriate to be rude on the forums (or anywhere else) but people are who they are. You shouldn't judge a person on just a single post. As Computer Geek mentions a person may have just had a bad day or their message may have had multiple meanings and misinterpreted by others. It's better to look at the history of what they've posted to make a judgment about them. Also, there are a few who seem to come off as rude but are very helpful and contribute to the forums. Once you get used to them it doesn't even register and you end up expecting it from certain individuals. So, if there is someone you don't like just ignore them.

    Adding a point system is something I'm not in favor of. On forums that implement that type of system I've seen tons of trite and crappy posts from people just to get the number of posts up. There may be some out there that work but I haven't seen one yet. If you are on the forum for a while you'll end up getting a good idea of who really contributes and also who you may not want to deal with as well.

  • Dave HeinDave Hein Posts: 6,347
    edited 2010-10-20 09:54
    Ravenkallen, I think you violated the forum rules by posting this topic in the wrong forum. It really should be in the sandbox. :)
  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2010-10-20 11:08
    Well in case anyone was wondering what they looked like, I happened to find a picture of these "Forum Vigilantes" when browsing the Internet. Now we can watch out for them.......
    300 x 393 - 147K
  • RavenkallenRavenkallen Posts: 1,057
    edited 2010-10-20 17:45
    @Robotshop.....That is exactly what i imagined them looking like, haha
  • VernVern Posts: 75
    edited 2010-10-20 19:45
    I'm new here but that shouldn't make my opinion any less valid. No one is forcing anyone to read or respond to posts, so as long as they are withing forum guidelines it is up to you to decide to read that user's posts or not. I'm fairly confident the forum is equiped with an ignore list so if someone offends you a mere two clicks will permenantly solve whatever issue you may have with them.

    I personally don't worry to much about offending others, then again i don't go around intentially trying to elicit conflict. My upbringing and my large family both have forced me to develop a thick skin and a razor sharp sarcastic wit. I do my best to keep it in check but sometimes if someone is going to pitch one right down the pipe, you've got to hit it out of the park :D

    Hope to see you all around in the forums and I look forward to learning as much as I can here.
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