Anyone else put 12v into a prop pin?
I forgot to set up a resistor ladder and put 12v directly into my prop pin # 10.
I can't connect to it now and both voltage regulators are getting very very hot when I supply the first one with 12v?
I'm a little unsure as to how the two are connected? Anyone else experience this? Is just the chip needing replaced or should I scrap all of the components and replace them all?
This is on a prop breadboard.
I can't connect to it now and both voltage regulators are getting very very hot when I supply the first one with 12v?
I'm a little unsure as to how the two are connected? Anyone else experience this? Is just the chip needing replaced or should I scrap all of the components and replace them all?
This is on a prop breadboard.
Leon Heller
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Post Edited (Leon) : 7/11/2010 6:45:01 PM GMT
I would guess the prop itself is toast.
Then I put a new LM2940CT and LM2937ET in its place and I can't get less than 5.5v out of them. I tried another LM3937, same thing?
I have no idea what is going on with this now?
Should I just throw the entire thing in the trash and order a new board to build? I have enough gremlins to work out, and don't need damaged component gremlins on top of those.
I have to wonder if my prop plug serial to usb is hosed also?
Maybe my components were mislabeled from mouser?
Looks like 3.3v regulators are not readily available from Radioshack or something like that [noparse]:([/noparse]
That 12v could have hit alot, and could have been fed backwards through alot of components too. I would check each component one at a time personally. If you have a decent meter, check for shorts through atleast the gnd and v+ pins on all chips, might go through each pin. Check the caps for shorts. Check the eeprom, etc. The prop is probably toast.
90 * 2 = Pi
I put an LED from the output to ground and the output pin still read 5.1v? This is on a breadboard completely separate from the prop
I then connected my DMM to the location that normally gets 3.3v on the prop board Row J/5, but I did not connect the 317output to the prop board yet.
I connected my DMM black prope to the prop board DC ground and the red probe to the 3.3v location RowJ/5.
I got 2.2v? Now I'm at about 1.64v. Maybe a fried capacitor that is the slowest discharge capacitor in the world?
It's a 1000uF 6.3v capacitor ... but I can't see it holding a charge this long if it had a proper ground to discharge through, correct?
Hope this helps.
My PUB main keeps looping it appears? Meaning the code in PUB main that is above my repeat loop, will still repeat itself over and over again?
This has really shaken my confidence and I'm second guessing everything now ... should what is in the serial out be there?
Here is what serial out looks like?
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If You fried REG's by 12V You need change all Electrolitic/Tantalum capacitors to ---- Most of them are fried to.
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Don't guess - ask instead.
If you don't ask you won't know.
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I just loaded my code to my prop demo board just to see how it acted and the code inside PUB main, before the repeat loop only executes once.
Leon Heller
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Leon Heller
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
I'll have concrete results later today or tomorrow
90 * 2 = Pi
Leon Heller
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM