WI (Wisconsin) Propeller Heads
I recently attended UPEC and had the fortune of meeting at least two Wisconsin Propeller heads which got me thinking. I'm wondering how many WI Propeller heads are here on the forum. If we have enough maybe we should think about meeting up at some point in the future (I'm not sure that I'm the best person to organize this but we can determine that later).
If you are in WI, USA post here. Also would you be interested in a WI meet up?
NOTE: This is not a thread intended to announced where you are, its a thread for organizing a Wisconsin meet-up.
Post Edited (DynamoBen) : 5/24/2010 2:25:30 PM GMT
If you are in WI, USA post here. Also would you be interested in a WI meet up?
NOTE: This is not a thread intended to announced where you are, its a thread for organizing a Wisconsin meet-up.
Post Edited (DynamoBen) : 5/24/2010 2:25:30 PM GMT
A woman is the only thing I am afraid of that I know will not hurt me. - Abraham Lincoln
I presented my rocket project at UPEC, and was hoping to fly it the next day. That didn't happen because of the ceiling, but it should fly this afternoon down at Bong (Google it) Recreation Area. I'm installing new batteries as we speak.
I think you and I may have sat at the same table for Dinner at UPEC
I always have someone watching my back.
It was good to see some fellow cheesheads at UPEC...
Maybe a quarterly meeting?
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
Did not have the fortune of attending UPEC, but second the quarterly meeting.
BS2: $49
SX48 Protoboard: $10
Propeller Protoboard: Priceless
Maybe we could make it an "all Parallax" type event (including Stamps, etc.) to grow the numbers.
Also, would we be interested in planning an "introduction to the Prop" or "introduction to Parallax" for early in the fall semister for the UW, MATC, Phoenix, etc., electrical/electronic students?
In July, I would think we could get some space to meet at someplace like Essen House or The Great Dane on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon.
We could refer to the gathering as "PCB" (Props, Cheese and Beer" (low empasis on Beer).
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
For fall I think we might be able to find a space in the Engineering building down town. I will think about other places in the area for a meet up (the Space Place comes to mind). My concern with Essen House and Great Dane is they typically charge for space, further if ppl wanted to bring projects or work on code power and space become an issue. BTW I'm all for a good beer, that may make the after meeting events. [noparse];)[/noparse]
It wouldn't surprise me to learn that they had started to program Propellers, after they had finished making the jam (jelly, if American).
Style and grace : Nil point
Setting all that aside, will you be able to make it across the pond and join us for a pint?· I promise that in our little corner of the colonies, we can find you some acceptable ale, not just that American yellowed water.
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
I may also have an "in"·at MATC, I'll try making contact, but that's a bit on the wrong end of town for any "after the meeting" activities.· I also don't know how active that campus is during the summer.
Phoenix, Herzing, or maybe Cisco or one of the other telecom folks might be another alternative.· I'm not sure if Herzing has any related programs or not.· I'd be willing to sit through a brief presentation in exchange for a meeting place.
I may also be able to get a spot in a meeting room at the UW Extension office downtown or possibly the DNR offices.· I'll start working on that.
If Mayville, Wisconsin·would work, I think I could also pull off using the visitor center at Horicon National Wildlife Refuge, but would have to see about weekend availability in the summer.· We might also, at least superficially, talk at least a little about some type of nature monitoring or measuring activity.
Any other thoughts?
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
Public libraries often have space avalable for seminars and meetings but would probably have a limit on the amount of people attending.
A woman is the only thing I am afraid of that I know will not hurt me. - Abraham Lincoln
http://www.youtube.com/user/Pablos0071·projects I have worked
But yes, the state DNR offices might be an option. I do regular volunteer work for the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and have an "in" there, that's why I mentioned them.
Pablo - If you (or anyone else) would be interested in doing some work with a long range (relatively speaking) "critter cam" project on the Refuge (federal portion), send me a PM... I have concepts. I have hardware. I have additional funds available. I have NOT time...
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
This is really great to see! Looking forward to seeing this move forward!
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John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
There are more Wisconsinknights here than I thought, I'm sure not all of them have checked in yet. It will be interesting to see how many there are at this time next week.