If students aren't free... I'm not coming.· And I say that with a smile from ear to ear... because I know students are going to get in free... we can charge everyone else, but leave the kids alone[noparse]:)[/noparse]
Family discounts... forum discount... bring a project get in free. You could charge a fee to register and then give it back at the door. Ideas... let's put them out there.
I don't think this is an emergency... Jeff has lots of time to ponder.
That sucks... but the number sounds kinda high. How did this compare to numbers from last year's events? Is it maybe because Chicago has more locals, and locals would be likely to sign up "just in case", but then decide they have better things to do? Do you have a geographical distribution of no shows?
I personally would be glad to pay a small fee/donation to attend... it seems like the majority of people come from pretty long distances, and a $10-$20 donation would be very reasonable, and not difficult to swallow. I mean, I bought at least that much in raffle tickets last year, so if it was just a required raffle purchase (must be present to win), it would negatively affect very few. Obviously, there should be some exemptions, like minors/students... or maybe charge by the carload/party (since I could see people leaving kids/spouse behind if they don't want to pay the fee for each of them, but we need to plant the bug in them too [noparse];)[/noparse] ).
Nick McClick said...
@Sylvie - I just put the presentation up on the Gadget Gangster facebook page - it's right here. I also cleaned it up slightly from the original and added a few slides.
Understand that it's not the numbers themselves that were a problem. I expect that the expo will easily grow nearly 50%
in the next year we do UPEC. The issue is the percentage of folks who quickly signed up without realizing they were
making a commitment. A similar occurrence happened at UPEW last year, so this thread is to simply bring the
problem to the attention of folks so that they understand our intentions when we use RSVP to register.
If this thread helps bring the number of missing folks down from 25% to 5%-10%, then it's done it's job.
SRLM said...
I'll speak up as one who didn't attend UPEC. I decided not to go about two months ago, and so put it out of my mind. I didn't get any mass reminder emails, so I assume either a)I didn't sign up or b)there weren't any mass emails. If it's the latter then I'm sorry I didn't deregister. Mass emails would help me remember that I signed up, and perhaps as a reminder to deregister.
We did use mass reminder emails. Perhaps not enough, or yours was caught somewhere...
I know you wanted attendees only but here but this might be worth considering. (I got OBE as the event approached, one of those things. Missed the CES too!) I've done similar events for numerous volunteer organizations and the ONLY incentive that has ever worked was that participants had to have some skin in the game. Even if it's a modest fee to attend, $50 they have a vested interest in being there and your costs are covered regardless.
The other comment I'd make is that if your pushing 200 as a limit from grass roots in a few years then the event is a smashing success! Maybe it's time to start looking at taking a more selective or "level" approach - student, engineer, professional. Whether you like it or not, you are heading towards a full blown professional conclave with breakouts.
my $0.02
Signature space for rent!
Send $1 to CannibalRobotics.com.
These are "grown pains" that are part of any project like this.. All growing organizations will go through a little of this.
We have been learning the process as we go so to speak, and are improving our game as we go.
It's still amusing to me that this has evolved from what was intended to be a simple get together for 30 people three years ago.
Honestly, at the current rate of growth, I can easily see this expo grow to 4 (or 5 with one that keeps moving) locations,
and as many as 300-500 people at each location. My numbers are always modest, so I'm sure I'll be blown away again
as some point as folks filter in past my expectations.
Parallax excells at strategic thinking. I imagine that the problem for Ken is trying to figure out is this: "if I use the expos as part of mybusiness strategy... will it perform in a predictable and reliable way?" I think we can grow EPEC any way that Ken wants us to... and it will be a good test of everyone's best guessing abilities.
It is The sign of a Great Host to be concerned that ones guests have full stomachs..
However, No real polite "to everyone", way of saying this, but..
I ain't goin to Rocklin for the Food, I'll skip lunch, If You'll skip the Fee..
Just want to see Robots, Turing Machines, and Pictures of Hundred Pin IC's, ect,ect...
But, Lunch?...What is it?, Catering by the finest? Hot Dogs in a steamer? Roach coach in the parking lot?
Thats what a fee would have to be implemented for... Pleasing Everyone all at once..
Bah,No such thing as a "Free lunch" so.. skip it, and pass the saving's on to the customer. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Now don't get Me wrong, I am bringing Plenty of Cash for to purchase the latest in goodies,
And Put Me In for all the Red Cross drawings,(they got gallons of my blood, gotta keep the fridges working)
It's just that, Maybe don't worry about food, and stick with what You do best.
Anyways, that's just My two cents...
Looking forward to UPEW.
Have you been to a UPE? The food at last year's UPEW was outstanding! And it's a real convenience, too, because otherwise you'd have to drive quite a distance to find something. Moreover, the food breaks provide a chance for social interactivity that sitting in chairs and listening to presentations cannot. Parallax has been very generous in providing this service, and I would not be the least bit unhappy to pay a fee to see it continue.
Plus, by eating "in the venue" you don't feel like you are missing out on anything. If you go out to find food, you don't know what everyone else is doing while you are gone.
First, thanks for doing all of this. I'm still on a conference high and I can't wait for the next one.
Second, someone asked about using interactive video conferencing with the presentations. My mom and her business partners actually own a video conferencing company that specializes in this sort of thing (group conferences with slides, one-on-ones, health care, distance education) and are able to record everything from everyone. I'm sure that we'd be able to work something out. If you're interested, please send me an Email (vanmunch at yahoo dot com) and we can talk some more or just video conference and let you see it. There's no special software or equipment other than your web camera and it works great overseas.
The company is VIFamilies (FYI Their main focus is health care and keeping family members connected while their in long term care or nursing homes, but it's used a lot for distance education courses)
I personally love hot dogs. I don't care where I am or what I am doing... a good hot dog always goes down well. But if you are going to have hot dogs... then you have to have a cheese dip. There is nothing better than a good hot dog and a cheese dip. If you have good hot dogs and a cheese dip... then you are going to need some good mints and free aerosols of deodorant. Because after a good hot dog and a good cheese dip... I need a good shower.
For dinner, I prefer prime rib. And a good mustard... not one of those fancy mustards. Plain old mustard. You can't have prime rib without baked potatoes, I like mine stuffed plain but then I need about a quarter stick of butter. For desert: apple pie, of course. I prefer mine warmed, with a side of ice cream.
Nay, It was not a complaint about how the food is going to taste, it's more of a vote really,
I vote for more People and Vendors, and if that means·Hot Dogs in a Steamer that I pay $5.00,
Then thats Ok to Me...
In fact, it's the Norm. All the Train and Woodworking·Shows I have been to,
have all had a Cover Charge, and Ya, I paid the $10.00 for Two Hot Dogs and bag o chips.
Some of the "Shows" were Not worth the Cover Charge,·Some did'nt even have food at all..
And the·Freebies... Anywhere from: "full color five page hand outs with small samples that don't work."
To, "Here I'll Write down the Modal Number for You, and You can look it up on the net.."
All·of the "Shows" that are most·Memorable to Me however,... Was'nt because the food was good...
It was·allways·the Well done·Vendor·Display's and Presentations, that I remember the most...
But.. thats not what this post is about,
I think it's supposed to be·more of a "Please Don't RSVP if You Can't Make it to the Party" kind of thread.
And I apologise for any thread HiJacking on My part.(I was Pre Coffee when I saw this thread)
AnyWay's,·I will be there·to see the stuffs. and if I can stuff·My face for Free!! BONUS..
Iv'e only·been to Two County Fair's, and a Hog Callin',·So UPEW is gonna be a real treat for Me.
LOL! I've never been to a Hog Callin' so can only imagine what kind of food they serve. But I'd bet a side of bacon that the food at UPEW is better -- and better for you!
Also, don't worry about hijacking the thread. The whole idea of an RSVP is so the sponsors know how much food and other stuff to have available for attendees. So the issue of food (how much and what kind, whether to charge a registration fee for it, etc.) is very much on-topic.
Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) said...
...Heck, the hotel and travel costs way more than that! ...
I did not attend, nor did I register. But I think it's perfectly reasonable to charge a fee for registering. I bet even $5 would make the difference between people signing up just for the heck of it vs. people signing up because they really intend on being there. I think Phil is right: the hassle of attending something like this is a much greater burden than a nominal registration fee.
Our continued expo circuit for 2010 signup will not change, however I can see us implementing some
of these suggestions for the 2011 expo roundup. For now, I think the thread is understood, and completely on-topic.
(food discussion and all)
The funny part about food is that if you want consensus, it comes down to beans and weenies. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
(Not that I want to be around 100 people who just ate beans and weenies [noparse];)[/noparse]
Bryan and I have talked at length about this, and have a solution which should work for the rest of the year.
If folks will do their part we'll be fine and everyone will have a great time!
Our continued expo circuit for 2010 signup will not change, however I can see us implementing some
of these suggestions for the 2011 expo roundup. For now, I think the thread is understood, and completely on-topic.
(food discussion and all)
The funny part about food is that if you want consensus, it comes down to beans and weenies. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
(Not that I want to be around 100 people who just ate beans and weenies [noparse];)[/noparse]
Bryan and I have talked at length about this, and have a solution which should work for the rest of the year.
If folks will do their part we'll be fine and everyone will have a great time!
Beans and weenies sound just perfect. Add in a little keg of beer or two and you almost have a county fair.
Then just need a robot cow chip throwing contest. Most distance wins a clean arm for the robot. Remember to pick a chip with a little moisture in it. Too dry and it just disintegrates.
Had a great time. Can't wait till next year. Checked on Norwalk and it's a little over 400 mi which makes it a little too far.
Haven't told the wife yet how much I spent, but what she doesn't know won't hurt me.
Take it slow.
Providing lunch and dinner was quite generous I must say, However I ended up missing lunch myself and eating at one of the local restaraunts nearby. No complaints, just hadn't planned on necessarily staying at the expo for the entire day.
Was there a special RSVP for lunch and dinner on the signup? I can't recall. With an all day event like this I would expect an average person to stop by at a random time, spend a few hours and leave. So I guess the odds of being there at lunch time are 1 in 5. Maybe the meals should be a seperate signup? no signup no eat. That way attendees are planning a little more if they intend to eat at the exp rather than popping in whenever.
I would gladly pay a modest registration fee, although it would not affect my commitment to come one way or the other. I have a non-refundable plane ticket all the way from New Hampshire to California and back, that is my commitment [noparse];)[/noparse].
After 20+ years as a widower, I had given up hope of finding somebody at my advanced age (68). Now that we have taken the relationship this far, I will do whatever I have to in order to keep this going. I know how rare it is to find somebody.
I don't think this is an emergency... Jeff has lots of time to ponder.
I personally would be glad to pay a small fee/donation to attend... it seems like the majority of people come from pretty long distances, and a $10-$20 donation would be very reasonable, and not difficult to swallow. I mean, I bought at least that much in raffle tickets last year, so if it was just a required raffle purchase (must be present to win), it would negatively affect very few. Obviously, there should be some exemptions, like minors/students... or maybe charge by the carload/party (since I could see people leaving kids/spouse behind if they don't want to pay the fee for each of them, but we need to plant the bug in them too [noparse];)[/noparse] ).
Understand that it's not the numbers themselves that were a problem. I expect that the expo will easily grow nearly 50%
in the next year we do UPEC. The issue is the percentage of folks who quickly signed up without realizing they were
making a commitment. A similar occurrence happened at UPEW last year, so this thread is to simply bring the
problem to the attention of folks so that they understand our intentions when we use RSVP to register.
If this thread helps bring the number of missing folks down from 25% to 5%-10%, then it's done it's job.
Are you Propeller Powered? PropellerPowered.com
Visit the: PROPELLERPOWERED SIG forum kindly hosted by Savage Circuits.
We did use mass reminder emails. Perhaps not enough, or yours was caught somewhere...
Are you Propeller Powered? PropellerPowered.com
Visit the: PROPELLERPOWERED SIG forum kindly hosted by Savage Circuits.
I know you wanted attendees only but here but this might be worth considering. (I got OBE as the event approached, one of those things. Missed the CES too!) I've done similar events for numerous volunteer organizations and the ONLY incentive that has ever worked was that participants had to have some skin in the game. Even if it's a modest fee to attend, $50 they have a vested interest in being there and your costs are covered regardless.
The other comment I'd make is that if your pushing 200 as a limit from grass roots in a few years then the event is a smashing success! Maybe it's time to start looking at taking a more selective or "level" approach - student, engineer, professional. Whether you like it or not, you are heading towards a full blown professional conclave with breakouts.
my $0.02
Signature space for rent!
Send $1 to CannibalRobotics.com.
These are "grown pains" that are part of any project like this.. All growing organizations will go through a little of this.
We have been learning the process as we go so to speak, and are improving our game as we go.
It's still amusing to me that this has evolved from what was intended to be a simple get together for 30 people three years ago.
Honestly, at the current rate of growth, I can easily see this expo grow to 4 (or 5 with one that keeps moving) locations,
and as many as 300-500 people at each location. My numbers are always modest, so I'm sure I'll be blown away again
as some point as folks filter in past my expectations.
Are you Propeller Powered? PropellerPowered.com
Visit the: PROPELLERPOWERED SIG forum kindly hosted by Savage Circuits.
Parallax excells at strategic thinking. I imagine that the problem for Ken is trying to figure out is this: "if I use the expos as part of mybusiness strategy... will it perform in a predictable and reliable way?" I think we can grow EPEC any way that Ken wants us to... and it will be a good test of everyone's best guessing abilities.
thanks again,
However, No real polite "to everyone", way of saying this, but..
I ain't goin to Rocklin for the Food, I'll skip lunch, If You'll skip the Fee..
Just want to see Robots, Turing Machines, and Pictures of Hundred Pin IC's, ect,ect...
But, Lunch?...What is it?, Catering by the finest? Hot Dogs in a steamer? Roach coach in the parking lot?
Thats what a fee would have to be implemented for... Pleasing Everyone all at once..
Bah,No such thing as a "Free lunch" so.. skip it, and pass the saving's on to the customer. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Now don't get Me wrong, I am bringing Plenty of Cash for to purchase the latest in goodies,
And Put Me In for all the Red Cross drawings,(they got gallons of my blood, gotta keep the fridges working)
It's just that, Maybe don't worry about food, and stick with what You do best.
Anyways, that's just My two cents...
Looking forward to UPEW.
Have you been to a UPE? The food at last year's UPEW was outstanding! And it's a real convenience, too, because otherwise you'd have to drive quite a distance to find something. Moreover, the food breaks provide a chance for social interactivity that sitting in chairs and listening to presentations cannot. Parallax has been very generous in providing this service, and I would not be the least bit unhappy to pay a fee to see it continue.
We're under his control and command, strictly in a response/supply role.
So, feel free to start lobbying OBC with your food requests!
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Follow me at http://twitter.com/ParallaxKen for some insider news.
First, thanks for doing all of this. I'm still on a conference high and I can't wait for the next one.
Second, someone asked about using interactive video conferencing with the presentations. My mom and her business partners actually own a video conferencing company that specializes in this sort of thing (group conferences with slides, one-on-ones, health care, distance education) and are able to record everything from everyone. I'm sure that we'd be able to work something out. If you're interested, please send me an Email (vanmunch at yahoo dot com) and we can talk some more or just video conference and let you see it. There's no special software or equipment other than your web camera and it works great overseas.
The company is VIFamilies (FYI Their main focus is health care and keeping family members connected while their in long term care or nursing homes, but it's used a lot for distance education courses)
My wife is very, very understanding
I personally love hot dogs. I don't care where I am or what I am doing... a good hot dog always goes down well. But if you are going to have hot dogs... then you have to have a cheese dip. There is nothing better than a good hot dog and a cheese dip. If you have good hot dogs and a cheese dip... then you are going to need some good mints and free aerosols of deodorant. Because after a good hot dog and a good cheese dip... I need a good shower.
For dinner, I prefer prime rib. And a good mustard... not one of those fancy mustards. Plain old mustard. You can't have prime rib without baked potatoes, I like mine stuffed plain but then I need about a quarter stick of butter. For desert: apple pie, of course. I prefer mine warmed, with a side of ice cream.
I vote for more People and Vendors, and if that means·Hot Dogs in a Steamer that I pay $5.00,
Then thats Ok to Me...
In fact, it's the Norm. All the Train and Woodworking·Shows I have been to,
have all had a Cover Charge, and Ya, I paid the $10.00 for Two Hot Dogs and bag o chips.
Some of the "Shows" were Not worth the Cover Charge,·Some did'nt even have food at all..
And the·Freebies... Anywhere from: "full color five page hand outs with small samples that don't work."
To, "Here I'll Write down the Modal Number for You, and You can look it up on the net.."
All·of the "Shows" that are most·Memorable to Me however,... Was'nt because the food was good...
It was·allways·the Well done·Vendor·Display's and Presentations, that I remember the most...
But.. thats not what this post is about,
I think it's supposed to be·more of a "Please Don't RSVP if You Can't Make it to the Party" kind of thread.
And I apologise for any thread HiJacking on My part.(I was Pre Coffee when I saw this thread)
AnyWay's,·I will be there·to see the stuffs. and if I can stuff·My face for Free!! BONUS..
Iv'e only·been to Two County Fair's, and a Hog Callin',·So UPEW is gonna be a real treat for Me.
LOL! I've never been to a Hog Callin' so can only imagine what kind of food they serve. But I'd bet a side of bacon that the food at UPEW is better -- and better for you!
Also, don't worry about hijacking the thread. The whole idea of an RSVP is so the sponsors know how much food and other stuff to have available for attendees. So the issue of food (how much and what kind, whether to charge a registration fee for it, etc.) is very much on-topic.
I did not attend, nor did I register. But I think it's perfectly reasonable to charge a fee for registering. I bet even $5 would make the difference between people signing up just for the heck of it vs. people signing up because they really intend on being there. I think Phil is right: the hassle of attending something like this is a much greater burden than a nominal registration fee.
of these suggestions for the 2011 expo roundup. For now, I think the thread is understood, and completely on-topic.
(food discussion and all)
The funny part about food is that if you want consensus, it comes down to beans and weenies. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
(Not that I want to be around 100 people who just ate beans and weenies [noparse];)[/noparse]
Bryan and I have talked at length about this, and have a solution which should work for the rest of the year.
If folks will do their part we'll be fine and everyone will have a great time!
Are you Propeller Powered? PropellerPowered.com
Visit the: PROPELLERPOWERED SIG forum kindly hosted by Savage Circuits.
of these suggestions for the 2011 expo roundup. For now, I think the thread is understood, and completely on-topic.
(food discussion and all)
The funny part about food is that if you want consensus, it comes down to beans and weenies. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
(Not that I want to be around 100 people who just ate beans and weenies [noparse];)[/noparse]
Bryan and I have talked at length about this, and have a solution which should work for the rest of the year.
If folks will do their part we'll be fine and everyone will have a great time!
Are you Propeller Powered? PropellerPowered.com
Visit the: PROPELLERPOWERED SIG forum kindly hosted by Savage Circuits.
Then just need a robot cow chip throwing contest. Most distance wins a clean arm for the robot. Remember to pick a chip with a little moisture in it. Too dry and it just disintegrates.
Had a great time. Can't wait till next year. Checked on Norwalk and it's a little over 400 mi which makes it a little too far.
Haven't told the wife yet how much I spent, but what she doesn't know won't hurt me.
Take it slow.
Was there a special RSVP for lunch and dinner on the signup? I can't recall. With an all day event like this I would expect an average person to stop by at a random time, spend a few hours and leave. So I guess the odds of being there at lunch time are 1 in 5. Maybe the meals should be a seperate signup? no signup no eat. That way attendees are planning a little more if they intend to eat at the exp rather than popping in whenever.
I would not have any issue with paying to register.
I get so much enjoyment from meeting so many others with same affliction as me. lol
The food at all the events has been great and I fully understand the issue of having an accurate head count when pre-ordering the food.
Jim Fouch
After 20+ years as a widower, I had given up hope of finding somebody at my advanced age (68). Now that we have taken the relationship this far, I will do whatever I have to in order to keep this going. I know how rare it is to find somebody.
Now back to Propeller Expo.
Ron aka sailman58