erco gets the whole lot for $15.00 and then sells them to us for highley elevated prices, (because of them being discontined, and now a rareity), to put his twins through college.
Edit: WAIT Didn't I offer $16.00.· I won't mark it up too much.
There's an option 5 that no one considered. Once you have a Penguin, it's love at first sight with their cute factor, and then absolutely no one can give up a single one! You simply cannot sell your children.
Poor Penguins, uncertain about their future at Parallax. They fear what Ken Gracey might do to them.
Ken Gracey said...
I'll be doing the same with a tremendous number of discontinued Penguins. For now I'm hiding from the Robotics forum thread about discontinued Penguins until I have the guts ... to tell them why we discontinued the little bird. . . and left big piles of penguin ...
Post Edited (humanoido) : 5/14/2010 1:46:17 PM GMT
This is an actual sneak preview of Ken Gracey's new Penguin design.
Features include a two stroke motorized jet back pack and steerable
fins for powered sky diving, swivel head with chompable beak, and
added ankles. These now come in chrome only, kit or fully assembled.
This historic photo shows one of the early prototype models
before it was refined into the chrome version seen in the above
post. Note the rocket back pack which had hot fuel exhaust too
close to Penguin's tail which frequently caught fire. Note the
strap-on accessories which tended to slide around a lot.
Speaking of value in the hands of the hobbyist, a slight mixing of characters on the latest Google search returns several places selling new Penguins. One place has Penguin going for $27,315. Actually, this is the rare nickel anodized Penguin that was offered by Parallax during first introduction. The nickel Penguin was replaced with the aluminum Penguin, and offered along with the three colors red, blue and black.
Post Edited (humanoido) : 5/18/2010 7:33:36 AM GMT
From what I have heard and seen at UPEW I am convinced that the Penguins are truly discontinued. There were many hardware items on the freebie table that would not have been there if they were going to be making more. WBA will be posting the instructions for fixing the board error shortly.
It is not clear to me how they will distribute the remaining stock. Without knowing what plans there are I will throw this one out there, it's based upon the assumption that Parallax is not permitted to profit from them;
Have a trusted third party collect money orders in the amount of $50 (or whatever) for each Penguin paid to the order of the American Red Cross, also collect a few dollars to cover shipping. If there were 200 units that would amount to a $10,000 donation.
Is that an official Parallax position? Do they want to ship off site to do this?
W9GFO said...
Have a trusted third party collect money orders in the amount of $50 (or whatever) for each Penguin paid to the order of the American Red Cross, also collect a few dollars to cover shipping.
Rich H
Yes, I am currently creating full rework instructions for the current batch of Penguin robots. There is a parts kit that is required for the rework which Parallax will supply. I have all of the details necessary for the rework as of yesterday, so they will be done within a few days and posted appropriately. I do not have further details as to the method of dispersal for the Penguins, but I am sure Ken will chime in as soon as Parallax approves my documentation for release.
I don't understand the "not permitted to profit". Could you explain?
I'm not quite sure how Parallax could not profit from them. They put time and materials into the product, and it has some problems, but a fix has been found. The product is still sellable.
Not beating up on you Rich.
We will have to wait for Ken, when he gets off his unicycle. BTW, nice riding in close quarters.
W9GFO said... ·it's based upon the assumption that Parallax is not permitted to profit from them;
Hmmm, well don't read too much into that. I heard someone say that they couldn't sell them due to the defect and I did not inquire further as to exactly what that meant. That's why I said that my plan was based on the assumption...
It is entirely possible that my assumption is not correct. You know what happens when someone assumes right?
WBA Consulting said...
I have all of the details necessary for the rework as of yesterday, so they will be done within a few days and posted appropriately.
Sorry for the delay. I had all the details a bit ago, but we discovered some other discrepancies along the way, but they have been clarified. I do have the instructions near complete and will be taking the step by step pictures to wrap them up this week. In the meantime, here is a graphic depicting the modifications required to cure the Penguins.
Will Parallax sell a kit of the necessary parts to repair it? It would be nice to slip in with my next Parallax order. (Thinking of what I want to buy now...)
Yes, Parallax will have the parts kit available for the Penguins. Step by step photos were just finished, so instructions can get wrapped up within a day or two.
Yet another belated update..... The final draft of the rework instruction document was sent to Parallax Friday night. Hopefully we can release them in the upcoming week with the details on parts kits.
1. Ken will offer them here first to the Robotics people.
2. They will go up on ebay. (Please put all 4 colors in a good price package).
3. Lauren will find a way to give away the farm.
erco gets the whole lot for $15.00 and then sells them to us for highley elevated prices, (because of them being discontined, and now a rareity), to put his twins through college.
Edit: WAIT Didn't I offer $16.00.· I won't mark it up too much.
Post Edited (hover1) : 5/13/2010 11:12:19 PM GMT
These are replacements.
·"If you build it, they will come."
There are many Penguins that do good deeds.
THE Penguin
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Post Edited (Whit) : 5/15/2010 12:32:14 PM GMT
Yes, he was the best one! Hwah hwah hwah hwah!
Features include a two stroke motorized jet back pack and steerable
fins for powered sky diving, swivel head with chompable beak, and
added ankles. These now come in chrome only, kit or fully assembled.
before it was refined into the chrome version seen in the above
post. Note the rocket back pack which had hot fuel exhaust too
close to Penguin's tail which frequently caught fire. Note the
strap-on accessories which tended to slide around a lot.
Post Edited (humanoido) : 5/18/2010 7:33:36 AM GMT
It is not clear to me how they will distribute the remaining stock. Without knowing what plans there are I will throw this one out there, it's based upon the assumption that Parallax is not permitted to profit from them;
Have a trusted third party collect money orders in the amount of $50 (or whatever) for each Penguin paid to the order of the American Red Cross, also collect a few dollars to cover shipping. If there were 200 units that would amount to a $10,000 donation.
Rich H
The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
Jim Post Edited (hover1) : 7/1/2010 11:32:47 PM GMT
Rich H
The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
PowerTwig Dual Output Power Supply Module
My Prop projects: Reverse Geo-Cache Box, Custom Metronome, Micro Plunge Logger
I'm not quite sure how Parallax could not profit from them. They put time and materials into the product, and it has some problems, but a fix has been found. The product is still sellable.
Not beating up on you Rich.
We will have to wait for Ken, when he gets off his unicycle. BTW, nice riding in close quarters.
It is entirely possible that my assumption is not correct. You know what happens when someone assumes right?
Rich H
The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
Some·say they have never been there, but they are·lying.
Any news?
Rich H
The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
PowerTwig Dual Output Power Supply Module
My Prop projects: Reverse Geo-Cache Box, Custom Metronome, Micro Plunge Logger
...removed corrupted graphic...8-9-10....
90 * 2 = Pi
Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
PowerTwig Dual Output Power Supply Module
My Prop projects: Reverse Geo-Cache Box, Custom Metronome, Micro Plunge Logger