I attached 3 versions of the hat as stl files.
One is the original, as seen in the former section view. It is 69cc.
Another one is with only a 45° cone, 117cc
The third is and empty hat with a 2mm bottom, in case you want to try the honeycomb. 50.5cc. With the honeycomb you'll probably exceed the 69cc on the other option.
Maybe for testing purposes we could scale down the hat.
The other two parts look correctly oriented. Can you confirm?
The zip alibre parts contains the alibre models. I kept separate the 3 hat versions, in difefrent files. The corect orientation is done in the assemblies. It is possible to have all the options in the same file, as configurations, but it is a feature not available in the free version.
The honeycomb is not taxing at all... this is great news.
in fact I took the model, and in the assembly I contrained the bottom plane of the hat as coincident with the XY assembly plane. Then I exported the stl from the assembly.
It must really be great fun...
Anyway almost 8 meters of wire for the hat... could it work with a thinner skin? If I remember correctly I settled to a 2-3mm thickness. This is a tentative value, but it could be smaller, and the material would be much less.. as long as it doesn't implode.
i have printed 4 sided boxes with as little as 0.5mm thick walls(well do to limits of prints they came out as 0.76mm thick. But that makes for a very this flimsy structure. you can easily make a decent spring out of it by pressing on opposite corners.
Try this one.. 21cc
You are right, even if in the assembly the orientation is correct, nonetheless the stl file is rotate. I opened it with Rhino and rotated it.
It is a 1mm thickness part, empty inside.
with raft this comes to the complete limit of the printer. my heated platform though is limited to 80x100 so I will have to try printing this out on the standard platform after i get the heated platform cooled down later tonight.
as a note one with an inner diameter of 64mm would fit my wife's stuffed monkeys head pretty well.
Rotate not... you can access the driving equations and modify them, or in a general way or cketch by sketch. In a couple of hours I'll be back, and I'll send you a modified version, vith correct orientation and better dimensionig.
Try this one...
11.4 cc. Inner diameter 64. As you can see you can access the equation editor, change the dimensions, and regenerate the model (F5) otherwise you can access the history and change what you need. In case you can also suppress a feature, and restore it later, or reorder them. This hat version is not using the shell feature because if I remember correctly it is not available in the free version.
well i started this printing. is looking good. though the conical inside would be nice instead of the solid semi sphere. though i do beleive it will hollow itself out again after the first few layers so I may be able to make hollow with a knife. Hopefully the top half of the sphere prints without a problem. Should know in a hour or 2.
no just adding some support structures. Manually setting wall thickness is not a good idea though if you don't care about the inside fill. There are 2 spots where the thin walls did not form quiet right and as a result there are 2 small holes in it. Still not to bad but it has not gotten to the hardest part yet.
Probably 1mm is stretching the limits of the system.
So either the inside is solid filled by design, up to the 45° angle, or maybe a thicker skin should be used.
You are right, things are getting tough now.. let's see...
now i just need to wait 10 to 20min while the platform cools down from 110C to 22C.
In all the print will have taken about 90min. Then I get the fun job of trying to cut the bottom out. If you are making new designs I would just go with the conical inside and let skeinforge generate 20% fill.
So a 1mm skin is ok for the easy part, or for a not too complex geometry, otherwise a thicker layer is necessary.
The axel is probably also too slender.
The advantage with a parametric modeler is you can modify the dimension in the history and regenerate..
The starting model is 11.4 cc. How much increased?
Check this one.
Solid cone inside. Axel solid. Bottom 1mm thick.
If you open it with Alibre you can modify angles, suppress the bottom and so on. Do not cancel the botto, right click on the last feature and select suppress. So you can restore it later.
It should be possible to carve other holes respecting the 45° limit, reducing the solid volume.
as you can see the top printed but far from perfectly. the spindle is not smooth but it is strong still. I will try printing out some spindles later and see how that goes.
ABS is incredibly strong. I broke a knife trying to cut the bottom out. Will get the power tools out now.
the 45 limit can be broken to some extent. I have printed a few pieces with holes for m3 screws to go through them sideways. pretty small hole but works.
Probably the issue is related to the fact that a 1mm skin uses only one wire layer.
It's incredible that you broke a knife trying to cut what looks like a small and delicate layer.
Lots of propeller based products in stock at affordable prices.
Post Edited (mctrivia) : 6/9/2010 4:55:42 AM GMT
I attached 3 versions of the hat as stl files.
One is the original, as seen in the former section view. It is 69cc.
Another one is with only a 45° cone, 117cc
The third is and empty hat with a 2mm bottom, in case you want to try the honeycomb. 50.5cc. With the honeycomb you'll probably exceed the 69cc on the other option.
Maybe for testing purposes we could scale down the hat.
The other two parts look correctly oriented. Can you confirm?
The zip alibre parts contains the alibre models. I kept separate the 3 hat versions, in difefrent files. The corect orientation is done in the assemblies. It is possible to have all the options in the same file, as configurations, but it is a feature not available in the free version.
Let me know..
By the way it is only 52cc after taking advantage of 20% fill.
Lots of propeller based products in stock at affordable prices.
in fact I took the model, and in the assembly I contrained the bottom plane of the hat as coincident with the XY assembly plane. Then I exported the stl from the assembly.
It must really be great fun...
Anyway almost 8 meters of wire for the hat... could it work with a thinner skin? If I remember correctly I settled to a 2-3mm thickness. This is a tentative value, but it could be smaller, and the material would be much less.. as long as it doesn't implode.
Lots of propeller based products in stock at affordable prices.
Lots of propeller based products in stock at affordable prices.
Installing the needed Software:
1) Install Python 2.6.5(http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.6.5/) to c:\python26\
2) Download and extract http://replicatorg.googlecode.com/files/skeinforge-0006-r1.zip to c:\
3) replace start.txt and end.txt in skeinforge_tools folder with attached files
4) extract settings file(attached ._zip file) to c:\documents and settings\your user\ it will create a folder named .skeinforge
once you have done that all you need to do to slice the file is run skeinforge and press the skeinforge button.
It will slice up and give you stats as well as let you see each slice.
Lots of propeller based products in stock at affordable prices.
You are right, even if in the assembly the orientation is correct, nonetheless the stl file is rotate. I opened it with Rhino and rotated it.
It is a 1mm thickness part, empty inside.
as a note one with an inner diameter of 64mm would fit my wife's stuffed monkeys head pretty well.
Lots of propeller based products in stock at affordable prices.
Lots of propeller based products in stock at affordable prices.
11.4 cc. Inner diameter 64. As you can see you can access the equation editor, change the dimensions, and regenerate the model (F5) otherwise you can access the history and change what you need. In case you can also suppress a feature, and restore it later, or reorder them. This hat version is not using the shell feature because if I remember correctly it is not available in the free version.
Lots of propeller based products in stock at affordable prices.
Lots of propeller based products in stock at affordable prices.
Lots of propeller based products in stock at affordable prices.
So either the inside is solid filled by design, up to the 45° angle, or maybe a thicker skin should be used.
You are right, things are getting tough now.. let's see...
Anyway I have to get such a machine...
The center axel however did not print to well. just too thin for clean build.
Lots of propeller based products in stock at affordable prices.
In all the print will have taken about 90min. Then I get the fun job of trying to cut the bottom out. If you are making new designs I would just go with the conical inside and let skeinforge generate 20% fill.
Lots of propeller based products in stock at affordable prices.
The axel is probably also too slender.
The advantage with a parametric modeler is you can modify the dimension in the history and regenerate..
The starting model is 11.4 cc. How much increased?
Solid cone inside. Axel solid. Bottom 1mm thick.
If you open it with Alibre you can modify angles, suppress the bottom and so on. Do not cancel the botto, right click on the last feature and select suppress. So you can restore it later.
It should be possible to carve other holes respecting the 45° limit, reducing the solid volume.
Hole 2
as you can see the top printed but far from perfectly. the spindle is not smooth but it is strong still. I will try printing out some spindles later and see how that goes.
ABS is incredibly strong. I broke a knife trying to cut the bottom out. Will get the power tools out now.
Lots of propeller based products in stock at affordable prices.
Lots of propeller based products in stock at affordable prices.
It's incredible that you broke a knife trying to cut what looks like a small and delicate layer.
Lots of propeller based products in stock at affordable prices.
Lots of propeller based products in stock at affordable prices.