Most efficient way to sum the 1's in a byte
I am trying to find the number of ones in a byte so that I can determine the parity bit. I have some code, but I am unsatisfied with it because I know there is a better way. Right now I'm having·a brain fart, and can't come up with anything. This is what I have:
·· index := %0000_0001
·· repeat rep from 0 to 7
····· if(KeySig &·index == 1)
········ ++parity
····· index <<= 1
·· if(parity // 2 == 1)······· 'odd parity
····· parity := 0
·· else
····· parity := 1
Is there a better way?
"You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother."
Post Edited (Lucky) : 4/3/2010 12:57:58 AM GMT
·· index := %0000_0001
·· repeat rep from 0 to 7
····· if(KeySig &·index == 1)
········ ++parity
····· index <<= 1
·· if(parity // 2 == 1)······· 'odd parity
····· parity := 0
·· else
····· parity := 1
Is there a better way?
"You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother."
Post Edited (Lucky) : 4/3/2010 12:57:58 AM GMT
Edit: minor improvement
Edit: and one more
Post Edited (kuroneko) : 4/3/2010 4:35:39 AM GMT
"You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother."
Does that make sense?
In assembler the carry holds the parity value when ANDing the long with $FFFF_FFFF. That of course is the same as the slightly more convenient form of ANDN Long, #0 ..... so a single instruction.
But that's assembly..... unfortunately I don't (yet) know or understand SPIN, and can't help you there.
Peter (pjv)
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
@pjv: how do you know assy but not spin, I thought every program on the prop needed some spin
"You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother."
I ran some benchmark speed test on the suggested methods...
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
For speed testing, just set up the routine to be timed in a repeat loop that toggles a pin !outa[noparse][[/noparse]0]
Use this routine as a baseline time, use a scope to measure the width of the pulse.
Now, do the same thing by adding the code you want to time and use a scope to measure the width of that pulse.
To isolate just how long the timed routine requires, subtract the baseline amount of time from the time with the added code.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
I like the way you think. Teach a man to fish...
Use a convenient loop count that you can easily measure with a watch.
Hacker's Delight devotes 25 pages to functions based on counting 1s.
Tracy Allen