Nick McClick said...
The nano is breadboard compatible, but then you can't use any shields. I did do an Arduino / Propeller Platform shield converter, but there were some testing problems and I haven't picked the design back up yet.
If I have my Propeller Platform/Arduino converter in "showable" condition, I'll bring it to a UPE.
You can use the arduino IDE with any board configuration. It's not uncommon for people to use a real arduino board to program the chip (for convenience) and then pop the chip out and put it in another board or on a breadboard. There are also quite a few breadboard compatible variations (which, like the nano, don't work directly with shields but a few wires here and there take care of that).
@Nick McClick
I'm a huge fan of the tiny85
A small 8pin dip with 8kflash, 6i/o pins
512bytes of eeprom, 512bytes sram... 1.33ea when bought in lot 25.
8mhz internal oscillator with 1% accuracy. 20mhz w an xtal.
These are so easy to use...
I will be a fan of the new
40/44pin ATMEGA1284P w 128k flash...IF I can ever get any :-(
5.09 in 25lot.
I have been trying to buy some Atmel328 chips but nobody seems to
have any in stock....I guess all the arduino types have snatched them all.
The Reset button gets hidden when you put a shield on top.. on the next batch/run, why don't you make the button vertical instead of horizontal.. I seen 6 mm vertical buttons for the same bulk price as horizontal ones somewhere.. I think it may have been the parts supplier Holly suggested..
New ICON coming, gotta wait for the INK to heal, now we have colour!
That's great Nick!· It was great before, but it' now.· (Excited infomercial voice) It just keeps getting greater and greater....
Although the updated Propeller Platform Module SD info page mentions that it's "completely pre-assembled" towards the top of the page, it still talks about soldering the RTC components towards the bottom.· However, I guess such soldering would only be necessary now if one ordered the board w/o the RTC parts and then order the RTC parts·later.· Anyway, I think that's a sweet board/system at a·very reasonably price.· Here in Taiwan, if I could just walk down the street and pick one up, I would (eh, after willingly forking over the cash, I mean).
@Jretsapdoog - Thanks for the catch, I just fixed it. Correct, if you get it with an RTC, it will come pre-assembled. If you want to add one later on, you'll have to do that yourself. We ship to Taiwan, it's $6 via airmail.
@KPR - Compared to the regular Propeller Platform Module, I've moved the reset switch lower and closer to the edge - it's easy to push with any module attached.
If I have my Propeller Platform/Arduino converter in "showable" condition, I'll bring it to a UPE.
You can use the arduino IDE with any board configuration. It's not uncommon for people to use a real arduino board to program the chip (for convenience) and then pop the chip out and put it in another board or on a breadboard. There are also quite a few breadboard compatible variations (which, like the nano, don't work directly with shields but a few wires here and there take care of that).
I'm a huge fan of the tiny85
A small 8pin dip with 8kflash, 6i/o pins
512bytes of eeprom, 512bytes sram... 1.33ea when bought in lot 25.
8mhz internal oscillator with 1% accuracy. 20mhz w an xtal.
These are so easy to use...
I will be a fan of the new
40/44pin ATMEGA1284P w 128k flash...IF I can ever get any :-(
5.09 in 25lot.
I have been trying to buy some Atmel328 chips but nobody seems to
have any in stock....I guess all the arduino types have snatched them all.
The Propeller Platform SD now comes 100% pre-assembled! If you pick it up with a RTC, the RTC and components will also be attached.
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Gadget Gangster - Share your Electronic Projects
The Reset button gets hidden when you put a shield on top.. on the next batch/run, why don't you make the button vertical instead of horizontal.. I seen 6 mm vertical buttons for the same bulk price as horizontal ones somewhere.. I think it may have been the parts supplier Holly suggested..
New ICON coming, gotta wait for the INK to heal, now we have colour!
Although the updated Propeller Platform Module SD info page mentions that it's "completely pre-assembled" towards the top of the page, it still talks about soldering the RTC components towards the bottom.· However, I guess such soldering would only be necessary now if one ordered the board w/o the RTC parts and then order the RTC parts·later.· Anyway, I think that's a sweet board/system at a·very reasonably price.· Here in Taiwan, if I could just walk down the street and pick one up, I would (eh, after willingly forking over the cash, I mean).
@KPR - Compared to the regular Propeller Platform Module, I've moved the reset switch lower and closer to the edge - it's easy to push with any module attached.
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Gadget Gangster - Share your Electronic Projects