Although I think my original idea was clever (a spoof of I NY), as well as the check box idea schill·[noparse]:)[/noparse], the fact that I've had to explain it to several people means its not that clever after all .
And I have to·thank Nick for his design skills, even I wouldn't want to wear a shirt I designed.
comp_b without the "||" as I don't think it is the second Chicago one... or is it?
CassLan said...
I have to say I also like "comp_b"
Although I think my original idea was clever (a spoof of I NY), as well as the check box idea schill [noparse]:)[/noparse], the fact that I've had to explain it to several people means its not that clever after all .
And I have to thank Nick for his design skills, even I wouldn't want to wear a shirt I designed.
Bill Henning said...
mp_b without the "||" as I don't think it is the second Chicago one... or is it?
Bill, that is a cool idea! I'm pretty sure Nick was intending the· "· ||· " as a text seperator, just a visual seperation, however noting the # of these repeating events is a nice way to illustrate the longevity!
So just to keep this on track, it seems like the people who have spoken up prefer "comp_b.png".
Nick can you do 1 or 2 variations on that design and post so we can get to a final front design?
Updated Note to potential sponsors:
If you would like your Company/Product Logo on the back of these and are willing to comit to a $100 contribution toward the cost of these shirts, please let me know. There are 3 Spots left for the UPEC Expo Shirt.
That's what I was thinking too - probably play with the placement of the beanie and see what I come up with. I'll do a back, as well.
Also, we still need to get permission to use the beanie - I ripped the path out of a PDF and it will print just fine, but it is definitely Parallax's trademark.
@Rick - shoot me an email or PM, too, just in case I miss the thread in the forums. When should the artwork be finalized?
Nick said...
Also, we still need to get permission to use the beanie - I ripped the path out of a PDF and it will print just fine, but it is definitely Parallax's trademark.
I did receive permission to use Parallax's artwork for these shirts from Ken Gracey (Thanks Ken!!)
Ken said...
You have our blanket approval and support for using our artwork on your shirts, and selling them too!
The timing is roughly 3 weeks without any rushing involved.
This includes time for the art department·to send back a proof.
This also includes a 2 week shirt production time.
This also includes shipping time from PA to me.
Just wanted to remind any potential sponsors, that if you would like your company/organization's Name/logo on the back of these shirts, please contact me.
The final·artwork for the UPEC shirts will be submitted to the shirt co by April 17th, and giving Nick some breathing room on Art production means no more sponsor spots will be accepted after April 3rd, with a deadline for sponsor art·to be submitted·by April 10th.
Shirt Customers:
According to the UPEC registration website, there are currently 77 Registered attendees, so I believe 100 shirts will still suffice, as we get closer to April 17th, if that number jumps, and/or people who want one but can not attend contact me, we will see about adding to the order.
Thanks again to Parallax for giving permission to use their artwork, and to Nick from GadgetGangster for donating his time to lay it all out.
@Rick, will there be some sized for those of us who, uhhh, need a more generous amount of cloth in our shirt? Some of those shirts run a wee bit small.
@RichK - Thats a good point Rich, I was just going to go with XL's for all. If we need to get a % of Shirts bigger than that, I'm open to it. I just need a little input from the community as to how many we should get.
@Rick, from experience buying shirts for our customers I can save you some time - - you need some XXL sizes. Even a few XXXLs will save you some headaches. Our customer physical demographics are often a bit larger than, say, those who attend a yoga convention.
I am going with "" in a nice font... now to choose a font...
Nick McClick said...
Doing a straight text should be fine! I'm just going to put 'Gadget Gangster' with the stylized font. I think Bill will use text, too.
I won't be collecting or giving coins at the expo I will keep a roll of quarters with me (or rather, GadgetGangster will) , I will donate the remaing $4.50 to make these $1.50 shirts!!
You will be able to pick these up at the GadgetGangster table
I can alway tell when I'm about a month before the expo... nerves.. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Don't know why, because I KNOW everything will work as expected.. but... [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Could be that upcoming flight to UPEW.. <GRIN>
The logo looks wonderful! I'm really excited about this! Thank you for taking this off my hands!!!
OT, but my favorite non-standard punctuation is ‽
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Gadget Gangster - Share your Electronic Projects
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Although I think my original idea was clever (a spoof of I
And I have to·thank Nick for his design skills, even I wouldn't want to wear a shirt I designed.
PrEditor·- Text Editor
NYC Area Prop Club
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ E-mail: mikronauts _at_ gmail _dot_ com 5.0" VGA LCD in stock!
Morpheus dual Prop SBC w/ 512KB kit $119.95, Mem+2MB memory/IO kit $89.95, both kits $189.95 SerPlug $9.95
Propteus and Proteus for Propeller prototyping 6.250MHz custom Crystals run Propellers at 100MHz
Las - Large model assembler Largos - upcoming nano operating system
So just to keep this on track, it seems like the people who have spoken up prefer "comp_b.png".
Nick can you do 1 or 2 variations on that design and post so we can get to a final front design?
Updated Note to potential sponsors:
If you would like your Company/Product Logo on the back of these and are willing to comit to a $100 contribution toward the cost of these shirts, please let me know. There are 3 Spots left for the UPEC Expo Shirt.
PrEditor·- Text Editor
NYC Area Prop Club
Also, we still need to get permission to use the beanie - I ripped the path out of a PDF and it will print just fine, but it is definitely Parallax's trademark.
@Rick - shoot me an email or PM, too, just in case I miss the thread in the forums. When should the artwork be finalized?
Propeller Forums RSS Feed!
Gadget Gangster - Share your Electronic Projects
The timing is roughly 3 weeks without any rushing involved.
This includes time for the art department·to send back a proof.
This also includes a 2 week shirt production time.
This also includes shipping time from PA to me.
PrEditor·- Text Editor
NYC Area Prop Club
Just wanted to remind any potential sponsors, that if you would like your company/organization's Name/logo on the back of these shirts, please contact me.
The final·artwork for the UPEC shirts will be submitted to the shirt co by April 17th, and giving Nick some breathing room on Art production means no more sponsor spots will be accepted after April 3rd, with a deadline for sponsor art·to be submitted·by April 10th.
Shirt Customers:
According to the UPEC registration website, there are currently 77 Registered attendees, so I believe 100 shirts will still suffice, as we get closer to April 17th, if that number jumps, and/or people who want one but can not attend contact me, we will see about adding to the order.
Thanks again to Parallax for giving permission to use their artwork, and to Nick from GadgetGangster for donating his time to lay it all out.
PrEditor·- Text Editor
NYC Area Prop Club
Get a good quality shirt. I don't like cheap t-shirts (wah, wah).
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Follow me at for some insider news.
@RichK - Thats a good point Rich, I was just going to go with XL's for all. If we need to get a % of Shirts bigger than that, I'm open to it. I just need a little input from the community as to how many we should get.
PrEditor·- Text Editor
NYC Area Prop Club
Post Edited (CassLan) : 3/3/2010 6:54:34 PM GMT
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Follow me at for some insider news.
85 - XL
10 - XXL
5 - XXXL
Does this seem like a good spread?
PrEditor·- Text Editor
NYC Area Prop Club
Maybe some pictures from the expos will help you.
New to the Propeller?
Visit the: The Propeller Pages @ Warranty Void.
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Follow me at for some insider news.
My Prop Info&Apps: ·
My Prop Products:·
Just wish I had a logo [noparse]:([/noparse]
My Prop Info&Apps: ·
My Prop Products:·
Propeller Forums RSS Feed!
Gadget Gangster - Share your Electronic Projects
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ E-mail: mikronauts _at_ gmail _dot_ com 5.0" VGA LCD in stock!
Morpheus dual Prop SBC w/ 512KB kit $119.95, Mem+2MB memory/IO kit $89.95, both kits $189.95 SerPlug $9.95
Propteus and Proteus for Propeller prototyping 6.250MHz custom Crystals run Propellers at 100MHz
Las - Large model assembler Largos - upcoming nano operating system
I'm not concerned about extras, I'm sure the online community will be happy to pick up any.
With The Help of Gandget Ganster, Mikronauts, Parallax, Rayslogic & PropBASIC·these shirts will be available at the Expo for $1.50!
150 Shirts x $4.86 = $729
- $100 Gadget Gangter
- $100
- $100 Parallax
- $100
- $100 PropBASIC
= $229
$229 / 150 = $1.53 per shirt.
I won't be collecting or giving coins at the expo I will keep a roll of quarters with me (or rather, GadgetGangster will)
You will be able to pick these up at the GadgetGangster table
PrEditor·- Text Editor
NYC Area Prop Club
Post Edited (CassLan) : 4/7/2010 2:12:19 PM GMT
Don't know why, because I KNOW everything will work as expected.. but... [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Could be that upcoming flight to UPEW.. <GRIN>
The logo looks wonderful! I'm really excited about this! Thank you for taking this off my hands!!!
Are you Propeller Powered?
Visit the: PROPELLERPOWERED SIG forum kindly hosted by Savage Circuits.
I have this pile of stuff for the freebie table that I can't wait to get rid of.
PrEditor·- Text Editor
NYC Area Prop Club
Could not be simpler for attendees, $2 at the Expo.
Thanks for your time and effort Rick.
PrEditor·- Text Editor
NYC Area Prop Club
I didn't realize that the XXL's would be an additional charge, so the shirts will be $1.75· (Less Quarters for Nick to need at the Expo)
Here is what they will look like
PrEditor·- Text Editor
NYC Area Prop Club
Post Edited (CassLan) : 4/20/2010 3:02:11 PM GMT
Is there any agenda, list of presentations, or schedule of events/tables/vendors available? Will everything be sequential, or (ahem!) parallel?
Needless to say I'm pumped about being able to meet all y'all face-to-face. I'm proud to be a member of the Prop community, even if still a neophyte.
Plan to enjoy lunch and dinner with us!
There will be a "recommended" $5.00 donation for the American Red Cross for dinner.
(With raffles and dinner we hope to do better than ever before!)
Come relax and enjoy All Things Propeller!
Are you Propeller Powered?
Visit the: PROPELLERPOWERED SIG forum kindly hosted by Savage Circuits.
Rick, Dynamite job! Sorry my shirt kicked the price up a little.. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Are you Propeller Powered?
Visit the: PROPELLERPOWERED SIG forum kindly hosted by Savage Circuits.