I'm not having any luck at all getting XGA to work, even with some mosfets to invert sync polarity...
Think I'll punt for now and try again later using the I2C bus to control things transparently...
Maybe I can use the chip's internal DE generator that way and save a pin too...
Rayman, where did you get this part? Jameco doesn't know what it is, and both Digi-key and Mouser are out of stock, with Mouser giving a 2/15/2010 stock date. This is exactly what I need for a project.
Digikey *carries* them. They are out of stock with a 20 week lead time.
I was looking at the free samples, but they ask for a company name. I'm not sure if that is required or not.
So, I'm applying for the free sample and it is asking me to "select your end equipment"? What the heck is "end equipment"?! To make matters worse, I have to type something. I don't have the slightest idea what to type.
I finally figured out the sample thing. They stated the sample will be sent out after 12/5. That's still better than 2/15! Must be really popular chips.
So, I'm applying for the free sample and it is asking me to "select your end equipment"? What the heck is "end equipment"?! To make matters worse, I have to type something. I don't have the slightest idea what to type.
The trick here is to be honest. I have a company name so I use that, and I get as close to the "end equipment" as I can in description. Prior to that I just said I was a student and using it for a university project. You pretty much can't get it exact anyway. I always state the lowest production qty (<1000 per annum) and I've yet to be knocked back.
If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got.
So, I'm applying for the free sample and it is asking me to "select your end equipment"? What the heck is "end equipment"?! To make matters worse, I have to type something. I don't have the slightest idea what to type.
The trick here is to be honest. I have a company name so I use that, and I get as close to the "end equipment" as I can in description. Prior to that I just said I was a student and using it for a university project. You pretty much can't get it exact anyway. I always state the lowest production qty (<1000 per annum) and I've yet to be knocked back.
Yes, I was honest. I put "N/A" under business and "hobbyist" under my position at this non-applicable company. There should be no doubt who they're sending a sample to.
Well, you don't have to be TOO honest... Actually, I think I may have made up my company name just so I could put something down for free samples [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Some companies are anal enough to actually check the validity of the company listed. I figured that honesty would be best here. At worst, they deny the request. If they keep records and and their records showed that I lied about the company and was denied, I may have problems later on if I have a real company name.
Think I'll punt for now and try again later using the I2C bus to control things transparently...
Maybe I can use the chip's internal DE generator that way and save a pin too...
My Prop Info&Apps: ·http://www.rayslogic.com/propeller/propeller.htm
My Prop Info&Apps: ·http://www.rayslogic.com/propeller/propeller.htm
I was looking at the free samples, but they ask for a company name. I'm not sure if that is required or not.
So, I'm applying for the free sample and it is asking me to "select your end equipment"? What the heck is "end equipment"?!
Post Edited (MarkS) : 11/13/2009 4:00:50 PM GMT
Digikey seems to have a bug because they show 263 in stock until you try to get one...
TI direct is out of stock, 20 weeks, but they say these guys have a lot, but don't give a price:
My Prop Info&Apps: ·http://www.rayslogic.com/propeller/propeller.htm
The I2C accelerometer I just started looking at is also on the endangered chip species list, but that is more understandable...
It's very strange, almost like running out of Prop chips [noparse]:)[/noparse]
My Prop Info&Apps: ·http://www.rayslogic.com/propeller/propeller.htm
The trick here is to be honest. I have a company name so I use that, and I get as close to the "end equipment" as I can in description. Prior to that I just said I was a student and using it for a university project. You pretty much can't get it exact anyway. I always state the lowest production qty (<1000 per annum) and I've yet to be knocked back.
If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got.
Yes, I was honest. I put "N/A" under business and "hobbyist" under my position at this non-applicable company. There should be no doubt who they're sending a sample to.
My Prop Info&Apps: ·http://www.rayslogic.com/propeller/propeller.htm
So far, so good though.
It's ExpressPCB.
I think I fixed the wiring issue that the first version had, but can't remember for sure...