Thanks mike, benty, waltc for the links - Please let us know what you think/what you're experiences are with them as you move ahead!
@benty: welcome to the Parallax forums, BTW - see you've just started posting - this is one of the best places on the ePlanet [noparse]:)[/noparse])
@cluso: yeah, that thing's hefty allright TGFBB (Thank Goodness For BroadBand [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Here's another FPGA dev/eval board that looks nice, based on the Spartan 3E. It's ~$80 but has no LCD, more buttons, and VGA/kybd in, so maybe a tad pricier than others mentioned earlier this thread:
Please continue to post links to help and boards --- I'll consolidate them into the top of the thread so people can find them right away. Want this to be a resource for others following later... [noparse]:)[/noparse]
- H
[noparse][[/noparse]EDIT - hey Mike - cool! I was posting this just as you were, so I'd not seen what you have yet.]
Cluso99 said...
I havent played with the cypress ships. I think the code for the MiniProg is normally fixed but I saw a writeup that you could get the software from Avnet. The fpga is loaded by the usb directly from the pc without the miniprog.
... Avnet forums...
I contacted·Cypress and Avnet about this.
The kit now includes the MiniProg programming stuff to work directly with the Cypress PSoC chip. (The board always has had the correct header, but no PSoC programmer interface card). Of course, if you dork with the PSoC, then the functions it's intended to do for the S3 are, well, bjorked too.
Their Spartan 3A Eval.Kit Forum was good enough to provide this:
" Using the Cypress PSoC on the SP3A-EVAL " --- Link below contains link to "restoring the Spartan-3A Eval.Kit to its ORIGINAL state" [noparse]:)[/noparse])
Mike, nice kit ISE is now version 11.x but I have not downloaded it. Unfortunately, every update seems to be the whole lot so make sure you do not let it automatically download :-(
CounterRotatingProps: Thanks for the info. Yes the PSoC is interesting, but I am more into the fpga (when time permits after the other projects)
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Links to other interesting threads:
Yep, got to focus on what's important. (Note I changed the subject [noparse]:)[/noparse])
I find the Cypress approach to their PSoC's intreguing. The way the tool they call PSoC Express works seems smart. Designing with it requires no coding; its functional building blocks produce the code. Drag and drop, plus wizards for live, in circuit tweeking, post design implementation. However, you're not stuck with this method. Similar to Bean's SX/B way of higher-level code producing SX-ASM that you can edit, so too the Express tool generates lower-level, editable code. They claim it is open architecture. So it may cut the design cycle way down. (I'm only talking from what I've read and watched - the 'truth' of how well it works probably is somewhere between that marketing hype and it being a PITA [noparse]:)[/noparse]) Still it's impressive.
If we had something like that for the Prop OBEX, or (obviously more difficult) for the SX virtual devices, Parallax would probably grab an even bigger share of the hobby market. Imagine "No Code Robotics" --- I know the Lego stuff is like this, but ...
Another thing I'm watching at Cypress is new PSoCs they have in the pipeline. Based on several discussions I've had with their tech. support, the PSoC's analog blocks are max 12 bit. The realistic useful frequency band is between approx 80kHz and tops of 1mHz. Below, down to about 20Hz the device functions. In ordinary audio frequencies, you can do 'telephone quality' audio, but obviously that sample size su*ks for good sound. They realized that there's a market for simple, audio DSP and basic audio A2D/D2A stuff. So the new PSoCs coming out "within a year" will have bigger sampling widths, better S/N ratio and response in the audio band.
I will say this though I have gotten spoiled by Parallax's outstading documentation and support. These kits are very good values for what you get
but they are suppose to be geared towards education of these products it took me no lie 2 hours just to get the docs for the Spartan 3A they give you none in the package you have to go online and figure out what you need a very labourus ordeal. and a tip for everyone else Vista no longer has hyperterminal which I am sure most of you know but the Spartan 3A kit requires it ,, I have a copy of hyperterminal off my XP system it works fine under Vista if anyone needs a copy you do not even need to install it just run the file I have and walloh hyperterminal
I know I am doing my best to learn to fish I guess I should just concentrate on one thing at a time I just get excited and want to learn everything at once you would never guess I am 49 oh and CounterRotatingProps·thank a lot PSoC just more stuff I want in on lol
Mike - no problem (except for the link which doesn't work - you've got the SSL version (httpS) listed.) I think it's the same as the one Benty posted here on 7/29 ?
> guess I am 49 oh and CounterRotatingProps thank a lot PSoC just more stuff I want in on lol
You're welcome ! One thing great about the Parallax forums is that we all share our enthusiasm for this really geeky stuff. Well, you at 49 and me at 52 just proves that old dogs *can* learn new tricks, eh ?
:-O woof CPLD woof FPGA woof
Post Edited (CounterRotatingProps) : 8/1/2009 4:18:41 PM GMT
LOL yes Benty posted the links I used to buy my kits from Avnet I am still working on the Spartan kit I have been working on it since 7:00 am this morning . I think it was CLusso or you that told me ISE was now at version 11??? they had sent me 10.1 with the kits but it is a nightmare trying to get it work with Vista I finally gave up and I am downloding 11.1 but at 5.6 Gig I am downloading the whole DVD my cable modem is taking forever
The little I have done with this FPGA board while I am downloading the main software is amazing I can not beleve the options that came on this board for the price it even has a temperature sensor I am so impressed this is going to be perfect to mate to a prop project I don't know what but it should be vey cool any thoughts welcome
I started on this CPLD bandwagon recently. for the projects in my sig. While I have been using Xilinx software quite a bit, it is really clunky. The schematic editor helps a lot with CPLDs, especially if you do not know VHDL or Verlog yet. Sadly It has some bugs that everyone seems to forget about and since version 8 do not get fixed (select a wire then click on the white background and the IDE crashes instantly, in Linux and in Winblows). There are others too.
The integration of all the process is quite nice and works well. Compiling, downloading takes mere minutes (CPLD designs, slow parallel cable).
The problem is with the programming cables. If you only have USB you have to buy one from them. Parallel port cables are way cheaper but slower but can be used for your own designs if you do not want to get a USB cable. The starter kits include such facility but I do not know if the JTAG connection can be taken out of the board and used for some other project.
These devices are tons of fun. Like the propeller: just program your own devices. (And I did not yet learn VHDL).
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
Ale I have been having a nightmare of a problem trying to get Xilinx ISE design suite 10.1 or even 11.1 while I have gotten 11. to work on Vista 11 no longer supports
the emulation function and a few others things so that totally ruined my effort to learn from the Avnet tutorials for the FPGA stuff , as far as 10.1 goes I have had no luck whatsoever
getting to load on XP or Vista it just will not load the application, I tried Xilinx support they were very nice but were unable to figure it out either
,, I guess my question is there an "IDE" if you will or some programing suite anyone can recommend that would work for both FPGA and CPLDs? Other than ISE design suite?
There tech support told me there is going to be some big changes in the companies products so the tutorials and software are in a transitional phase and why I am having so many problems?? the hardware kits are awesome I wish I could get the software part to work right any thoughts as always is very much appreciated.
I use XP and don't have any problems with ISE 11.1. The iMPACT utility can be difficult to use, does it find it your device in the JTAG chain?
Here are the basic steps you need to follow:
Locate the .bit file generated by the compilation. It should be in the project directory.
Run the iMPACT utility (Xilinx iMPACT 11) as a standalone executable (it doesn't seem to work properly if it is run from ISE).
Cancel all the options.
Double click on Boundary Scan in the iMPACT Flows window.
Right click in the main window (see message) and select Cable Auto Connect.
Right click and select Initialize Chain.
Click on No button (Auto Assign Configuration Files Query Dialog.
One or more devices in the JTAG chain should be displayed.
Right click on the first one (this is the device to be configured) and select Assign New Configuration File.
Locate your .bit file and double click on it.
Right click on the first device and select Program. This should configure the device and the application should start.
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
Leon thank you that helps quite a bit, I have gotten 11.1 to run the problem I have with that is the tutorial takes you through step by step which is exactly what I need but
11.1 no longer supports the LAB files for the simulation portion of the tutorial , so right in the middle of the step by step tutorial I am stuck since I can not make the LAB file that the next portion the tutorial wants you to use???
But thanks to everyone for all the help posting on this subject. I have not gotten the part about JTAGS yet this brand new stuff for me.
,, I am going to try and get a copy of Verilog and or VHDL I am also eying the Mach64 system it might be a better solution for a complete newb
There are tutorials and descriptions on the web for Verilog and VHDL. You will need to decide which one to learn.
With my Avnet Spartan 3A kit, I use the Avnet program to download via the USB connection on the pcb. You are best to ask questions on the Avnet forum as they are the people who have this working and can point you in the right direction.
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Links to other interesting threads:
Well I figured out my problem the software would not work because I did not buy a license , I just bought a full copy of 11.2 and a full copy of Aldec Rivera Pro The stuff you can do with these things is amazing
I also have MatLab and NI which supports the CPLD and FPGA,, VHDL, Verilog output formats.. I think it was Leon who told me that you can use CAD software or at least draw a schematic of your design and then have it output Verilog Code
I have a newer copy of Tina Pro that seems to support this function and the ISE 11.2 does as well, Man this is complicated you can do some neat stuff with Logic but its like learning another language
Clusso your right the they have pretty decent forums but to be honest most of the guys there a very high level that's not bad but I was hoping to try and follow some posts to get a feel but they are way way beyond beginner at this point .
If anyone has any documentation on the Cypress CY3217 that they could share with me I would very much appreciate it for some reason Avnet does not have any of the docs for this product at this time and they told me they are not sure when they will post any?
Our Propeller friend Oliver Baily is offering some PSoC training items on his website: (CD and SoCSicle Development board.)
Beginner's Guide to PSoC Express Addendum CD is now Available
"Book Review in Electronic Design
From his website:
Cypress Semiconductor’s PSoC configurable microcontroller is a handy part to use in an embedded application because half of its peripheral set is specified by the designer. Unfortunately, when it first came out, this configuration process was a bit more difficult than writing a “Hello World” program. Cypress created the PSoC Express development tool to greatly simplify the process. PSoC Express is a graphical modeling system that allows developers to create applications without resorting to text-based programming tools.
The Beginner’s Guide to PSoC Express
By Oliver H. Bailey
ISBN: 978-0-9790344-0-4"
Leon said...
The MAX II is in fact a small FPGA with on-chip configuration memory, but is intended for CPLD applications. Altera plays down the FPGA architecture for marketing reasons.
It's a very nice device.
yes·- Their·Microboard uses a MaxII, EPM2210 FPG A. It's like a big PropStickUSB that plugs right in. I've read up on it and the board - and it does look nice indeed.·
From your clarification above,·I'm·assuming·the only real difference is that the on-chip config mem is there and that it then appears as a CPLD --- a·'dumbing down' of the FPGA. But could the slight of hand in making an FPGA act like a CPLD lead to misunderstanding, if·a NOOB needed to jump right into a "real" CPLD?··e.g. the FPGA has more features, may have hi-speed throughput issues (?) that a CPLD doesn't exhibit? Or are these things that a NOOB won't need to be concerned about until more advanced stages?
But could the slight of hand in making an FPGA act like a CPLD lead to misunderstanding, if a NOOB needed to jump right into a "real" CPLD? e.g. the FPGA has more features, may have hi-speed throughput issues (?) that a CPLD doesn't exhibit? Or are these things that a NOOB won't need to be concerned about until more advanced stages?
What noobs ought to be concerned with is not rushing to program the Max II(as they can only be reprogrammed about 100 times). And really becoming familiar with the design software and the h/w language they are going to use(there is a lot to both Verilog and VHDL and it behooves a noob to start from the basics with each and then work their way up to more complex designs. Also running as many simulations as needed to verify their code is correct. And doubly so when say you're creating high speed designs that approach PCI data throughput rates.
In short there are lot of things that can trip up a noob and even experienced FPGA folks as well. This is why there isn't a cook book for the field, a lot of things you have to learn through experience.
For most applications for which a beginner is using a MAX II, timing problems arising from the non-CPLD architecture aren't likely to arise. It would be advisable to go through the recommended design flow and check things like timing for any serious application, of course.
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
> Max II(as they can only be reprogrammed about 100 times).
Waltc - now that's a bit of discouraging news, probably clearly stated in the datasheet or manual, but I didn't come across it. Guess the Prop and SX, etc have spoiled us on 'downloading and trying'.
You guy know of any similar-classed devices that have much higher cycles?
for timing on the max II can I apply just a crystal like the prop or do I need to make a timing circuit like this
If I read specs I should be able to apply a 160 or 200MHZ crystal no problem.
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
Didn't confuse me. I am using a max ii in its mbga100 pack for ram access and noticed it had a clock pin.
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
My bad the Max II doesn't have the 100 write cycle limit its UFM that does. Some how I transposed the two when I was researching if I could use the MaxII as a EEPROM - you can but only about a 100 times.
After re-reading the MaxII device handbook I don't think there is a limit to how many times one can reprogram the chip.
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
Hey Howard, I haven't made any headway yet, kinda got sidetracked and probably won't get back to things till maybe next week. The little bit I did look at just made me realize its been too long since I last did VHDL so I'll have to try and dig up more info on that. My first goal is to just make an LED blink
@benty: welcome to the Parallax forums, BTW - see you've just started posting - this is one of the best places on the ePlanet [noparse]:)[/noparse])
@cluso: yeah, that thing's hefty allright TGFBB (Thank Goodness For BroadBand [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Here's the marketing brochure for the CoolRunner-II CPLD starter kit (I think it's the same one as mike and benty are getting):
Here's another FPGA dev/eval board that looks nice, based on the Spartan 3E. It's ~$80 but has no LCD, more buttons, and VGA/kybd in, so maybe a tad pricier than others mentioned earlier this thread:,719,721&Prod=BASYS2
Please continue to post links to help and boards --- I'll consolidate them into the top of the thread so people can find them right away. Want this to be a resource for others following later... [noparse]:)[/noparse]
- H
[noparse][[/noparse]EDIT - hey Mike - cool! I was posting this just as you were, so I'd not seen what you have yet.]
The kit now includes the MiniProg programming stuff to work directly with the Cypress PSoC chip. (The board always has had the correct header, but no PSoC programmer interface card). Of course, if you dork with the PSoC, then the functions it's intended to do for the S3 are, well, bjorked too.
Their Spartan 3A Eval.Kit Forum was good enough to provide this:
" Using the Cypress PSoC on the SP3A-EVAL " --- Link below contains link to "restoring the Spartan-3A Eval.Kit to its ORIGINAL state" [noparse]:)[/noparse])
- H
(I'm betting that these PSoC's will become increasingly significant.)
CounterRotatingProps: Thanks for the info. Yes the PSoC is interesting, but I am more into the fpga (when time permits after the other projects)
Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBladeProp, RamBlade, TwinBlade,·SixBlade, website
· Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
· Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
· Emulators: Micros eg Altair, and Terminals eg VT100 (Index) ZiCog (Z80), MoCog (6809)
· Search the Propeller forums (via Google)
My cruising website is: ··· MultiBladeProp is:
I find the Cypress approach to their PSoC's intreguing. The way the tool they call PSoC Express works seems smart. Designing with it requires no coding; its functional building blocks produce the code. Drag and drop, plus wizards for live, in circuit tweeking, post design implementation. However, you're not stuck with this method. Similar to Bean's SX/B way of higher-level code producing SX-ASM that you can edit, so too the Express tool generates lower-level, editable code. They claim it is open architecture. So it may cut the design cycle way down. (I'm only talking from what I've read and watched - the 'truth' of how well it works probably is somewhere between that marketing hype and it being a PITA [noparse]:)[/noparse]) Still it's impressive.
If we had something like that for the Prop OBEX, or (obviously more difficult) for the SX virtual devices, Parallax would probably grab an even bigger share of the hobby market. Imagine "No Code Robotics" --- I know the Lego stuff is like this, but ...
Another thing I'm watching at Cypress is new PSoCs they have in the pipeline. Based on several discussions I've had with their tech. support, the PSoC's analog blocks are max 12 bit. The realistic useful frequency band is between approx 80kHz and tops of 1mHz. Below, down to about 20Hz the device functions. In ordinary audio frequencies, you can do 'telephone quality' audio, but obviously that sample size su*ks for good sound. They realized that there's a market for simple, audio DSP and basic audio A2D/D2A stuff. So the new PSoCs coming out "within a year" will have bigger sampling widths, better S/N ratio and response in the audio band.
- Howard
I am sorry not trying to be cryptic ,, I bought them from this place "" I bough both the Cool Runner and I just got the Xilinx FPGA Spartan 3A-400 kit came in today
I purchased both from the above link. Gee its like I have been asleep for a few years with all this new stuff..
I will say this though I have gotten spoiled by Parallax's outstading documentation and support. These kits are very good values for what you get
but they are suppose to be geared towards education of these products it took me no lie 2 hours just to get the docs for the Spartan 3A they give you none in the package you have to go online and figure out what you need a very labourus ordeal. and a tip for everyone else Vista no longer has hyperterminal which I am sure most of you know but the Spartan 3A kit requires it ,, I have a copy of hyperterminal off my XP system it works fine under Vista if anyone needs a copy you do not even need to install it just run the file I have and walloh hyperterminal
I know I am doing my best to learn to fish I guess I should just concentrate on one thing at a time I just get excited and want to learn everything at once you would never guess I am 49 oh and CounterRotatingProps·thank a lot PSoC just more stuff I want in on lol
> guess I am 49 oh and CounterRotatingProps thank a lot PSoC just more stuff I want in on lol
You're welcome ! One thing great about the Parallax forums is that we all share our enthusiasm for this really geeky stuff. Well, you at 49 and me at 52 just proves that old dogs *can* learn new tricks, eh ?
:-O woof CPLD woof FPGA woof
Post Edited (CounterRotatingProps) : 8/1/2009 4:18:41 PM GMT
The little I have done with this FPGA board while I am downloading the main software is amazing I can not beleve the options that came on this board for the price it even has a temperature sensor I am so impressed this is going to be perfect to mate to a prop project I don't know what but it should be vey cool any thoughts welcome
The integration of all the process is quite nice and works well. Compiling, downloading takes mere minutes (CPLD designs, slow parallel cable).
The problem is with the programming cables. If you only have USB you have to buy one from them. Parallel port cables are way cheaper but slower but can be used for your own designs if you do not want to get a USB cable. The starter kits include such facility but I do not know if the JTAG connection can be taken out of the board and used for some other project.
These devices are tons of fun. Like the propeller: just program your own devices. (And I did not yet learn VHDL).
Visit some of my articles at Propeller Wiki:
MATH on the propeller
OMU for the pPropQL/020
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Want to make projects and have Gadget Gangster sell them for you? propmod-us_ps_sd and propmod-1x1 are now available for use in your Gadget Gangster Projects.
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at for free.
the emulation function and a few others things so that totally ruined my effort to learn from the Avnet tutorials for the FPGA stuff , as far as 10.1 goes I have had no luck whatsoever
getting to load on XP or Vista it just will not load the application, I tried Xilinx support they were very nice but were unable to figure it out either
,, I guess my question is there an "IDE" if you will or some programing suite anyone can recommend that would work for both FPGA and CPLDs? Other than ISE design suite?
There tech support told me there is going to be some big changes in the companies products so the tutorials and software are in a transitional phase and why I am having so many problems?? the hardware kits are awesome I wish I could get the software part to work right any thoughts as always is very much appreciated.
Here are the basic steps you need to follow:
Locate the .bit file generated by the compilation. It should be in the project directory.
Run the iMPACT utility (Xilinx iMPACT 11) as a standalone executable (it doesn't seem to work properly if it is run from ISE).
Cancel all the options.
Double click on Boundary Scan in the iMPACT Flows window.
Right click in the main window (see message) and select Cable Auto Connect.
Right click and select Initialize Chain.
Click on No button (Auto Assign Configuration Files Query Dialog.
One or more devices in the JTAG chain should be displayed.
Right click on the first one (this is the device to be configured) and select Assign New Configuration File.
Locate your .bit file and double click on it.
Right click on the first device and select Program. This should configure the device and the application should start.
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
Post Edited (Leon) : 8/7/2009 4:53:12 PM GMT
11.1 no longer supports the LAB files for the simulation portion of the tutorial , so right in the middle of the step by step tutorial I am stuck since I can not make the LAB file that the next portion the tutorial wants you to use???
But thanks to everyone for all the help posting on this subject. I have not gotten the part about JTAGS yet this brand new stuff for me.
,, I am going to try and get a copy of Verilog and or VHDL I am also eying the Mach64 system it might be a better solution for a complete newb
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
With my Avnet Spartan 3A kit, I use the Avnet program to download via the USB connection on the pcb. You are best to ask questions on the Avnet forum as they are the people who have this working and can point you in the right direction.
Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBladeProp, RamBlade, TwinBlade,·SixBlade, website
· Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
· Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
· Emulators: Micros eg Altair, and Terminals eg VT100 (Index) ZiCog (Z80), MoCog (6809)
· Search the Propeller forums (via Google)
My cruising website is: ··· MultiBladeProp is:
I also have MatLab and NI which supports the CPLD and FPGA,, VHDL, Verilog output formats.. I think it was Leon who told me that you can use CAD software or at least draw a schematic of your design and then have it output Verilog Code
I have a newer copy of Tina Pro that seems to support this function and the ISE 11.2 does as well, Man this is complicated you can do some neat stuff with Logic but its like learning another language
Clusso your right the they have pretty decent forums but to be honest most of the guys there a very high level that's not bad but I was hoping to try and follow some posts to get a feel but they are way way beyond beginner at this point .
If anyone has any documentation on the Cypress CY3217 that they could share with me I would very much appreciate it for some reason Avnet does not have any of the docs for this product at this time and they told me they are not sure when they will post any?
For the CY3217 try the Cypress website.
Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBladeProp, RamBlade, TwinBlade,·SixBlade, website
· Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
· Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
· Emulators: Micros eg Altair, and Terminals eg VT100 (Index) ZiCog (Z80), MoCog (6809)
· Search the Propeller forums (via Google)
My cruising website is: ··· MultiBladeProp is:
Our Propeller friend Oliver Baily is offering some PSoC training items on his website: (CD and SoCSicle Development board.)
Beginner's Guide to PSoC Express Addendum CD is now Available
"Book Review in Electronic Design
From his website:
Cypress Semiconductor’s PSoC configurable microcontroller is a handy part to use in an embedded application because half of its peripheral set is specified by the designer. Unfortunately, when it first came out, this configuration process was a bit more difficult than writing a “Hello World” program. Cypress created the PSoC Express development tool to greatly simplify the process. PSoC Express is a graphical modeling system that allows developers to create applications without resorting to text-based programming tools.
The Beginner’s Guide to PSoC Express
By Oliver H. Bailey
ISBN: 978-0-9790344-0-4"
yes·- Their·Microboard uses a MaxII, EPM2210 FPG A. It's like a big PropStickUSB that plugs right in. I've read up on it and the board - and it does look nice indeed.·
From your clarification above,·I'm·assuming·the only real difference is that the on-chip config mem is there and that it then appears as a CPLD --- a·'dumbing down' of the FPGA. But could the slight of hand in making an FPGA act like a CPLD lead to misunderstanding, if·a NOOB needed to jump right into a "real" CPLD?··e.g. the FPGA has more features, may have hi-speed throughput issues (?) that a CPLD doesn't exhibit? Or are these things that a NOOB won't need to be concerned about until more advanced stages?
@Mikediv and Benty:
are you guys making any headway?
Here's an intro Q/A link that reminded me of the explainer on Leon's site (posted in this thread):
But could the slight of hand in making an FPGA act like a CPLD lead to misunderstanding, if a NOOB needed to jump right into a "real" CPLD? e.g. the FPGA has more features, may have hi-speed throughput issues (?) that a CPLD doesn't exhibit? Or are these things that a NOOB won't need to be concerned about until more advanced stages?
What noobs ought to be concerned with is not rushing to program the Max II(as they can only be reprogrammed about 100 times). And really becoming familiar with the design software and the h/w language they are going to use(there is a lot to both Verilog and VHDL and it behooves a noob to start from the basics with each and then work their way up to more complex designs. Also running as many simulations as needed to verify their code is correct. And doubly so when say you're creating high speed designs that approach PCI data throughput rates.
In short there are lot of things that can trip up a noob and even experienced FPGA folks as well. This is why there isn't a cook book for the field, a lot of things you have to learn through experience.
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
> Max II(as they can only be reprogrammed about 100 times).
Waltc - now that's a bit of discouraging news, probably clearly stated in the datasheet or manual, but I didn't come across it. Guess the Prop and SX, etc have spoiled us on 'downloading and trying'.
You guy know of any similar-classed devices that have much higher cycles?
- H
If I read specs I should be able to apply a 160 or 200MHZ crystal no problem.
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Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
Post Edited (Leon) : 8/23/2009 7:50:08 PM GMT
In response to waltc's "the Max II ...can only be reprogrammed about 100 times", I asked:
> know of any similar-classed devices that have much higher cycles?
I didn't mean clock cycles... I should have asked:
know of any similar-classed devices that have much higher *number of write* cycles?
sorry for the confusion,
- Howard
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My bad the Max II doesn't have the 100 write cycle limit its UFM that does. Some how I transposed the two when I was researching if I could use the MaxII as a EEPROM - you can but only about a 100 times.
After re-reading the MaxII device handbook I don't think there is a limit to how many times one can reprogram the chip.
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