Bio Zapper
I first heard of using the Zapper to cure diseases from the Internet. The Internet expanded on the virtues of the Zapper and its ability to cure diseases. Using the Zapper, I removed the pain of a tooth infection in a day, broke colds and the flu, and have felt healthier since starting to use it.
Not being a doctor, I can not prescribe the Bio Zapper to you, nor can I guarantee any results, but I do believe in its effectiveness in reducing the effects of illness. There are many testimonials on the Zapper and the curing of illness such as multiple sclerosis, cancers, colitis, and even arthritis by Zapping. My mother-in-law now uses the Zapper for Circulation and my wife and sister-in-low to reduce arthritis problems.
How does the Zapper work? The study of Radionics suggests that all organisms are susceptible to certain frequencies of electromagnetic energy. A vibration of 5 Hz will kill chickens due to resonance of their skull cavity. Many bacteria and viruses are affected by frequencies of 300 kHz to 450 kHz. Protozoa, roundworms and flatworms are affected by frequencies between 350 kHz and 500 kHz. Molds appear to be affected by lower frequencies of around 80 kHz to 220 kHz. Individual species respond to specific frequencies within these ranges.
While there are many versions of Zappers available, I have found that both 30 kHz and 2.5 kHz frequencies are important. Why both frequencies? They both have different frequency spectra.
All Zappers produce a square wave output. This square wave is composed of all odd harmonics of the main frequency. These harmonics effectively stretch up into the megahertz range, which is where parasites are affected. The 30 kHz frequency produces a range of frequencies that are 30 kHz apart. The 2.5 kHz range produces harmonics that are 2.5 kHz apart. Because each harmonic is weaker than the previous, The lower base frequency produces much smaller amplitudes than the 30 kHz units at any given frequency.
According to information available from the study of "Radionics", bacteria such as anthrax, chlamidia, shigella, and e. choli have spectral responses between 392 and 398 kHz. This would be near the 13th harmonic of 30 kHz, and near the 157th and 159th harmonic of 2.5 kHz. The 13th harmonic has an amplitude of 1/13th of the main frequency and the 157th harmonic has an amplitude of 1/157th of the main frequency. The tradeoff of amplitude vs. closeness to the needed frequency has to be weighed in considering desired results.
Some believed that the higher the frequency, the greater the skin effect. That is higher frequencies tend to travel along the surfaces of the body and lower frequencies tend to penetrate better. For this reason, many believe that the lower frequencies are more effective against intestinal parasites, urinary infections, and other infections that tend to occur in the various body cavities.
It might just be that the 30kHz frequency does not produce harmonics close enough to the parasite's frequency since its harmonics are 30 kHz apart while the lower frequency has harmonics that are only 2.5 kHz apart. Regardless of the reason, many users feel that the 2.5 kHz frequency is more effective.
The Bio Zapper Pro is an advanced multi-frequency generator produces 9 different frequencies ranging from 73 hertz (73 cycles per second) to 32 kilohertz (32 thousand cycles per second).· This unique and unusual feature of combining many frequencies, an 16Bit Computer (No 555 Timer Chip), LCD Screen (2x16), Recharge Battery, and Portability gives rise to the best Zapper available to date.
You can find more info on Zappers on the internet.
I first heard of using the Zapper to cure diseases from the Internet. The Internet expanded on the virtues of the Zapper and its ability to cure diseases. Using the Zapper, I removed the pain of a tooth infection in a day, broke colds and the flu, and have felt healthier since starting to use it.
Not being a doctor, I can not prescribe the Bio Zapper to you, nor can I guarantee any results, but I do believe in its effectiveness in reducing the effects of illness. There are many testimonials on the Zapper and the curing of illness such as multiple sclerosis, cancers, colitis, and even arthritis by Zapping. My mother-in-law now uses the Zapper for Circulation and my wife and sister-in-low to reduce arthritis problems.
How does the Zapper work? The study of Radionics suggests that all organisms are susceptible to certain frequencies of electromagnetic energy. A vibration of 5 Hz will kill chickens due to resonance of their skull cavity. Many bacteria and viruses are affected by frequencies of 300 kHz to 450 kHz. Protozoa, roundworms and flatworms are affected by frequencies between 350 kHz and 500 kHz. Molds appear to be affected by lower frequencies of around 80 kHz to 220 kHz. Individual species respond to specific frequencies within these ranges.
While there are many versions of Zappers available, I have found that both 30 kHz and 2.5 kHz frequencies are important. Why both frequencies? They both have different frequency spectra.
All Zappers produce a square wave output. This square wave is composed of all odd harmonics of the main frequency. These harmonics effectively stretch up into the megahertz range, which is where parasites are affected. The 30 kHz frequency produces a range of frequencies that are 30 kHz apart. The 2.5 kHz range produces harmonics that are 2.5 kHz apart. Because each harmonic is weaker than the previous, The lower base frequency produces much smaller amplitudes than the 30 kHz units at any given frequency.
According to information available from the study of "Radionics", bacteria such as anthrax, chlamidia, shigella, and e. choli have spectral responses between 392 and 398 kHz. This would be near the 13th harmonic of 30 kHz, and near the 157th and 159th harmonic of 2.5 kHz. The 13th harmonic has an amplitude of 1/13th of the main frequency and the 157th harmonic has an amplitude of 1/157th of the main frequency. The tradeoff of amplitude vs. closeness to the needed frequency has to be weighed in considering desired results.
Some believed that the higher the frequency, the greater the skin effect. That is higher frequencies tend to travel along the surfaces of the body and lower frequencies tend to penetrate better. For this reason, many believe that the lower frequencies are more effective against intestinal parasites, urinary infections, and other infections that tend to occur in the various body cavities.
It might just be that the 30kHz frequency does not produce harmonics close enough to the parasite's frequency since its harmonics are 30 kHz apart while the lower frequency has harmonics that are only 2.5 kHz apart. Regardless of the reason, many users feel that the 2.5 kHz frequency is more effective.
The Bio Zapper Pro is an advanced multi-frequency generator produces 9 different frequencies ranging from 73 hertz (73 cycles per second) to 32 kilohertz (32 thousand cycles per second).· This unique and unusual feature of combining many frequencies, an 16Bit Computer (No 555 Timer Chip), LCD Screen (2x16), Recharge Battery, and Portability gives rise to the best Zapper available to date.
You can find more info on Zappers on the internet.
I have read your project post, and I am impressed with the simplicity of your circuit. Have you considered how much easier it would be on a propeller? With 8 cogs, you could have multiple frequencies at a time with rock solid timing!
Check out this PEKit lab "Transmit Square Wave" at
I think this can even be done in spin(very easy) without resorting to assembly. I think I might try this after I get through the "counters" lab.
Before I found the propeller, I would have tried the SX on this project, but as you may see if you try the propeller, it's an addicting little thing. With spin it's like microcontrollers for dumbies with advanced capabilities.
My questions are these:
Where did you get your information on frequencies and effectiveness? I have seen some of the Rife references and Hulda Clark information, but I haven't dug into it to find the detail. I would really like to try this myself.
What do you display on the screen?
Since the propeller is a 3.3V part, would I have to amplify the signal any?
Has this particular Zapper worked for you?
I know I don't have a drug deficiency, but I'm not perfectly healthy either
I just got done reading your code. It looks pretty clean, but I can see this would be greatly enhanced by using a propeller. With the propeller, one cog could be reading buttons, another updating the screen(or those 2 in 1 cog) while an independent cog would be used to generate the square wave without being interrupted over and over to update the screen and check the buttons.
Your code says:
Does this mean one of those little copper piezo speakers with the black cover holes? I didn't see it specified in the schematic. I have heard of zappers having some contact area on the circuit board for fingers to hold onto. Which method are you using?
Post Edited (hinv) : 6/25/2009 5:00:05 AM GMT
First thanks for the feedback. Yes it works, I have a number of friends using it for all sorts of stuff, It is big it stop smoking, drug abuse, my mom is using it for bad blood seclusion. I’ll love to use a propeller, I live in African and parts are very hard to get, we don’t have shops we can just go to, we have to order over the Internet, and shipping it very bad. Or drive into Johannesburg and today that is not a good think to do. I have lots for stuff on Zapper I can send you; I have a full database that will give you all the frequencies and effectiveness. Some systems use just the frequency and some use the sound, what I do is put a piezo, put the – on the chip, use the + side as the output to your finger (One) and GND finger (two) now the frequency will go through your body and you will get the sound to. No you do not need to amplify the signal, as long as you get the frequency, your body will amplify it.
I hope this help.
I LOVE this idea and great work using a Parallax product. I too am trying to learn Spin and brush-up on my assem code. I have tried everything that I could fine to stop smoking since I got encephalitis back in 97' and since then I just thought I smoked all the time. Plus it it now taking a toll on me since then with everything from whipples, arthritis, fibramaliga, memory loss ad others that are too long to list and now I'm just 40 yr old but have a body of someone that is at lease in their late 70's. I too would like to learn more about the frequency's about this so if you don't mind I'll PM you my e-mail address to get my hands on your database. I have to tell you from being drug free since June of 97' and from then on taking so many drugs now that would knock down a horse in one dose and not be able to enjoy life and doing things with my son and wife would be to me a miracle only if it took some of that away from me. So this is one project I will try and what do I have to loose? "NOTHING" but gain knowledge that we are all looking for every day. I'll start researching about the Zapper and find out how everyone is using it until I hear back from you.. Thanks so much for posting this and giving me a little hope in this world.
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
Thanks for the reply. Yes it works, and it will work for you two. I made this project in December 2008 to give up smoking, YES; I have not had a smoke for 6 month. In Jan a friend asked me to billed one for him to try at the JHB drug abuse, he has 6 people using it and all are off drugs. I’m not a doc just a programmer, but now every one ask’s me to build one for them, I made this one so every one can build one at les that $10.
As I live in African more and more people are interested in using it to stop ADIS, You will find more info on Zappers on the Internet. All I can say it when you use it, just remember to drink water.
What makes me mad is Y pad 100’s for $ for a system that costs lest than $10. The first system was built in 1950.
You can make one using just 1 NE555 chip.
Just a update. This file has all the Frequencies for Zapper.
Again Thanks
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
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