PAR points to SBPt in hub memory. Whatever SBPt equals at any given instant is what your prgram will read into BAcomp. In the instant after that value becomes $0001_0000, and before the LSB and MSB of the address are ORed in, that's what the cog with the WAITPEQ will read and will start looking for: an address of zero. It's not going to wait for you to finish constructing the address. That's why I suggested using another variable to construct the value that will then get assigned to SBPt in one fell swoop.
I tried using another variable rather than SBPt, but no change and no workee.
BTW, I never noticed any but the valid breakpoint values appearing that would cause exit of the ':loop' loop. Doesn't mean it never could happen, but never noticed.
I gotta find a new direction to punt again. Thanks for the help. I will post when this WAITPEQ problem is resolved. <<=== I like that little guy!!
Here's the new Spin stuff. Used BPt as the new variable; no changes needed in the asm cog.
'* Control_2Prop2 v 0.1 * mod 11:10 am 19 Jun.2009
'* (C) 2007 h.a.s. designn *
'******************************* ViewPort = v 4.1.1 , PASD = v 0.3 latest versions
_clkmode = xinput + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000 ' ext. clock @ 5 MHz on pin 30 from Prop#1, PLL=16x
Prop_Tx = 22 ' Data to Prop1, pin 27/A22
Prop_Rx = 23 ' Data from Prop1, pin 28/A23
Prop_Baud = 115_200 ' for Prop1 <=> Prop2 communications
' maskF0 = $0000_00F0 ' 2nd lsb nybl mask WHERE USED ???
BM1 = 1 << 16 ' Kuroneko code
time = $1FB ' Kuroneko code
long stack[noparse][[/noparse]250], rxpin, txpin, c, rxbyte, rxcheck, txbyte, BPt
long PodCntl, SBPt, CmdP2, CmdVP, id, dataReg, statReg, keyReg, AdDaStReg
long triggermask, triggerstate, NyblReg, BAbusReg, n, Prop2Reg, INTRPT, BAid
long storage ' Kuroneko code
PropSer : "FullDuplexSerial" ' for Prop1/Prop2 serial communications
vp : "Conduit" ' transfers ViewPort data to/from PC - ver 2.0
qs : "QuickSample" ' VP captures INA, variables, +1 cog @ 20 MHz
' dbg : "PasDebug" '<== use for PASD debugger (MUST include .binary file)
' Prop#2: handles BAbus address comparator, interrupt 'logic', other Pod i/f signals.
' Connects to Prop1 via rx/tx pins, and both Props connect to a 'Pod' board.
'****email lc/37cc594a*****************************************************************
PUB Main|frame[noparse][[/noparse]400]
vp.register(qs.sampleINA(@frame,1)) '1 cog samples INA at 20 MHz = NEW VP commands
vp.config(string("var:io,PodCntl,SBPt,CmdP2,CmdVP,id")) ' VARs to display
vp.config(string("lsa:view=io,timescale=500ns,trigger=io[noparse][[/noparse]16]r")) ' init lsa.display
vp.config(string("edit:SBPt(mode=text),CmdVP(mode=text)")) ' VARs to edit
vp.share(@PodCntl,@id) 'share memory from 'PodCntl' to 'id' END of VP init <<===
PropSer.start(Prop_Rx, Prop_Tx, %0000, Prop_Baud) ' sets comm w/Prop1
id := cognew(@CntlP2,@CmdP2) ' sets up Control pg#2 'logic' for CntlP2; CmdP2@PAR
' id := cognew(@entry,@CmdP2) ' this sets up Control pg#2 'logic' for PASD
id := cognew(@BAbusRd,@BPt) ' SBPt value @ PAR for BAbusRd
' id := cognew(@entry,@BPt) ' set up logic for PASD
BAid := id ' save cog# for SBPt stop/restart
' id := dbg.start(31,30,@entry) '<---- Add for PASD Debugger <<===
''PUB init
' storage := BM1 | $ABCD ' Kuroneko code
' id := cognew(@trigger, @storage) ' Kuroneko code
'' id := cognew(@entry,@storage) ' set up logic for PASD
'' repeat
repeat ' Main Loop ************ deals with signals between Prop#1 and Pod *********
if (c := PropSer.rxcheck) <> -1 ' check for Prop#1 command and data
Prop2Prop1 '(Pod i/f via assembly rather than Spin cogs)
PRI Prop2Prop1 ' process Prop #2 commands from Prop#1
if (c & $C0) == $C0 ' test if is a valid 'Control Pg 2' command
CmdVP := c ' save copy for Viewport use
CmdP2 := c ' if so, set variable CmdP2 (asm picks up in 'Cmd')
case c
$80 : ' used during Init; transfers 'title', Chipver and #cogs
PropSer.tx(c) ' echo that command value for Prop#1 'handshake'
waitcnt(8000_000 + cnt) ' wait about 100 ms IS THIS TIMING RIGHT (below too) ???
PropSer.str(@title2a) ' send first text 'title' to Prop#1
waitcnt(800_000 + cnt) ' wait about 10 ms ???
PropSer.str(@title2b) ' send 2nd 'title'
waitcnt(800_000 + cnt) ' wait about 10 ms ???
PropSer.tx(CHIPVER + $30) ' send ChipVersion
waitcnt(800_000 + cnt) ' wait about 10 ms ???
PropSer.tx(id) ' send #cogs used
$81 : ' looptest Prop#2
PropSer.tx(c) ' echo command
c := PropSer.rxcheck ' check for loop test value
while c == -1
PropSer.tx(c) ' return 'loop test value'
' $82 : ' - unused
$83 : ' returns Breakpoint address to Prop##1
SBPt := $0001_0000 ' set bit 16 true -- get ready to set Breatpoint value
repeat '
c := PropSer.rxcheck
while c == -1
SBPt := SBPt | (c << 8) ' store HI byte of BreakPoint register
c := PropSer.rxcheck
while c == -1
SBPt := SBPt | c ' add LO byte
BPt := SBPt
PropSer.tx($83) ' let Prop#1 display BPt bytes held in Prop#2 (comment out to 84)
c := (SBPt >> 24) & $FF ' get ms byte, return to Prop#1; now return as 4 bytes
c := (SBPt >> 16) & $FF ' get 2nd ms byte
c := (SBPt >> 8) & $FF ' get 2nd ls byte
c := SBPt & $FF ' get ls byte
$84 : ' returns Pod control bits
c := INA ' get Prop#2 pin states
PodCntl := (c >> 24 ) & $7 ' only get lower 3 bits of ms byte
PropSer.tx(PodCntl) ' send to Prop#1
' $85..$8F and $92..$FF codes unused; codes $000 ,, $6F for D/K communications
$90 : ' returns $90 code and a count each time D/K RUN pressed
PropSer.tx(c) ' echo '90' code
PropSer.tx(n) ' send 'count', then increment it
$91 : ' unused
COGSTOP(BAid) ' stop that cog
waitcnt(40_000_000 + cnt) ' wait about 1/2 sec ???
BAid := COGNEW(@BAbusRd,@SBPt) ' sets up Control pg#2 'logic' for CntlP2; CmdP2@PAR
'************************ End of Spin code, next Assembly *************************
I don't know what happened. I'm using Parallel's on a iMac and it or Windows crashes too often; I suspect Bill Gates is tinkering with Windows still. This Spin code should be the latest.
'* Control_2Prop2 v 0.1 * mod 11:10 am 19 Jun.2009
'* (C) 2007 h.a.s. designn *
'******************************* ViewPort = v 4.1.1 , PASD = v 0.3 latest versions
_clkmode = xinput + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000 ' ext. clock @ 5 MHz on pin 30 from Prop#1, PLL=16x
Prop_Tx = 22 ' Data to Prop1, pin 27/A22
Prop_Rx = 23 ' Data from Prop1, pin 28/A23
Prop_Baud = 115_200 ' for Prop1 <=> Prop2 communications
' maskF0 = $0000_00F0 ' 2nd lsb nybl mask WHERE USED ???
BM1 = 1 << 16 ' Kuroneko code
time = $1FB ' Kuroneko code
long stack[noparse][[/noparse]250], rxpin, txpin, c, rxbyte, rxcheck, txbyte, BPt
long PodCntl, SBPt, CmdP2, CmdVP, id, dataReg, statReg, keyReg, AdDaStReg
long triggermask, triggerstate, NyblReg, BAbusReg, n, Prop2Reg, INTRPT, BAid
long storage ' Kuroneko code
PropSer : "FullDuplexSerial" ' for Prop1/Prop2 serial communications
vp : "Conduit" ' transfers ViewPort data to/from PC - ver 2.0
qs : "QuickSample" ' VP captures INA, variables, +1 cog @ 20 MHz
' dbg : "PasDebug" '<== use for PASD debugger (MUST include .binary file)
' Prop#2: handles BAbus address comparator, interrupt 'logic', other Pod i/f signals.
' Connects to Prop1 via rx/tx pins, and both Props connect to a 'Pod' board.
'****email lc/37cc594a*****************************************************************
PUB Main|frame[noparse][[/noparse]400]
vp.register(qs.sampleINA(@frame,1)) '1 cog samples INA at 20 MHz = NEW VP commands
vp.config(string("var:io,PodCntl,SBPt,CmdP2,CmdVP,id")) ' VARs to display
vp.config(string("lsa:view=io,timescale=500ns,trigger=io[noparse][[/noparse]16]r")) ' init lsa.display
vp.config(string("edit:SBPt(mode=text),CmdVP(mode=text)")) ' VARs to edit
vp.share(@PodCntl,@id) 'share memory from 'PodCntl' to 'id' END of VP init <<===
PropSer.start(Prop_Rx, Prop_Tx, %0000, Prop_Baud) ' sets comm w/Prop1
id := cognew(@CntlP2,@CmdP2) ' sets up Control pg#2 'logic' for CntlP2; CmdP2@PAR
' id := cognew(@entry,@CmdP2) ' this sets up Control pg#2 'logic' for PASD
id := cognew(@BAbusRd,@BPt) ' SBPt value @ PAR for BAbusRd
' id := cognew(@entry,@BPt) ' set up logic for PASD
BAid := id ' save cog# for SBPt stop/restart
' id := dbg.start(31,30,@entry) '<---- Add for PASD Debugger <<===
''PUB init
' storage := BM1 | $ABCD ' Kuroneko code
' id := cognew(@trigger, @storage) ' Kuroneko code
'' id := cognew(@entry,@storage) ' set up logic for PASD
'' repeat
repeat ' Main Loop ************ deals with signals between Prop#1 and Pod *********
if (c := PropSer.rxcheck) <> -1 ' check for Prop#1 command and data
Prop2Prop1 '(Pod i/f via assembly rather than Spin cogs)
PRI Prop2Prop1 ' process Prop #2 commands from Prop#1
if (c & $C0) == $C0 ' test if is a valid 'Control Pg 2' command
CmdVP := c ' save copy for Viewport use
CmdP2 := c ' if so, set variable CmdP2 (asm picks up in 'Cmd')
case c
$80 : ' used during Init; transfers 'title', Chipver and #cogs
PropSer.tx(c) ' echo that command value for Prop#1 'handshake'
waitcnt(8000_000 + cnt) ' wait about 100 ms IS THIS TIMING RIGHT (below too) ???
PropSer.str(@title2a) ' send first text 'title' to Prop#1
waitcnt(800_000 + cnt) ' wait about 10 ms ???
PropSer.str(@title2b) ' send 2nd 'title'
waitcnt(800_000 + cnt) ' wait about 10 ms ???
PropSer.tx(CHIPVER + $30) ' send ChipVersion
waitcnt(800_000 + cnt) ' wait about 10 ms ???
PropSer.tx(id) ' send #cogs used
$81 : ' looptest Prop#2
PropSer.tx(c) ' echo command
c := PropSer.rxcheck ' check for loop test value
while c == -1
PropSer.tx(c) ' return 'loop test value'
' $82 : ' - unused
$83 : ' returns Breakpoint address to Prop##1
SBPt := $0001_0000 ' set bit 16 true -- get ready to set Breatpoint value
repeat '
c := PropSer.rxcheck
while c == -1
SBPt := SBPt | (c << 8) ' store HI byte of BreakPoint register
c := PropSer.rxcheck
while c == -1
SBPt := SBPt | c ' add LO byte
BPt := SBPt
PropSer.tx($83) ' let Prop#1 display BPt bytes held in Prop#2 (comment out to 84)
c := (SBPt >> 24) & $FF ' get ms byte, return to Prop#1; now return as 4 bytes
c := (SBPt >> 16) & $FF ' get 2nd ms byte
c := (SBPt >> 8) & $FF ' get 2nd ls byte
c := SBPt & $FF ' get ls byte
$84 : ' returns Pod control bits
c := INA ' get Prop#2 pin states
PodCntl := (c >> 24 ) & $7 ' only get lower 3 bits of ms byte
PropSer.tx(PodCntl) ' send to Prop#1
' $85..$8F and $92..$FF codes unused; codes $000 ,, $6F for D/K communications
$90 : ' returns $90 code and a count each time D/K RUN pressed
PropSer.tx(c) ' echo '90' code
PropSer.tx(n) ' send 'count', then increment it
$91 : ' unused
COGSTOP(BAid) ' stop that cog
waitcnt(40_000_000 + cnt) ' wait about 1/2 sec ???
BAid := COGNEW(@BAbusRd,@SBPt) ' sets up Control pg#2 'logic' for CntlP2; CmdP2@PAR
'************************ End of Spin code, next Assembly *************************
Eureka! It seems to be working with that last change. Once a breakpoint is set, that no match occurs, the cog is stopped and restarted. That last one would wouldn't be effective any longer the way I missed it.
And when viewed in ViewPort, if one doesn't display enough events, it may appear to hang when it actually didn't; exiting off screen to the right. So now I suppose using another/second variable to pass info to PAR is the fix needed for the other two cogs in the two Props.
If a variable isn't built up the way I am doing it, say only a byte being used, does one still need to 'isolate' the PAR variable? I'm not clear the full explanation passing a variable to a asm cog. I suppose there might be some documentation beyond the Prop manual on this subject?
For those who've not followed this too closely, PAR was being loaded with SBPt, but I'd missed the point of SBPt being constructed from a bit and two bytes with the following code. The last line solved the problem. Passing the FULL value once rather than in three instances.
$83 : ' returns Breakpoint address to Prop##1
SBPt := $0001_0000 ' set bit 16 true -- get ready to set Breatpoint value
repeat '
c := PropSer.rxcheck
while c == -1
SBPt := SBPt | (c << 8) ' store HI byte of BreakPoint register
c := PropSer.rxcheck
while c == -1
SBPt := SBPt | c ' add LO byte
BPt := SBPt
Thanks to Phil Pilgrim for spotting my error in thinking (or lack of thinking it out fully). Yeah, I made a mistake ONCE!
PAR points to SBPt in hub memory. Whatever SBPt equals at any given instant is what your prgram will read into BAcomp. In the instant after that value becomes $0001_0000, and before the LSB and MSB of the address are ORed in, that's what the cog with the WAITPEQ will read and will start looking for: an address of zero. It's not going to wait for you to finish constructing the address. That's why I suggested using another variable to construct the value that will then get assigned to SBPt in one fell swoop.
I'll try your suggestion tomorrow.
Harley Shanko
I tried using another variable rather than SBPt, but no change and no workee.
BTW, I never noticed any but the valid breakpoint values appearing that would cause exit of the ':loop' loop. Doesn't mean it never could happen, but never noticed.
I gotta find a new direction to punt again. Thanks for the help. I will post when this WAITPEQ problem is resolved. <<=== I like that little guy!!
Harley Shanko
Can you post your new code? Something just ain't right here.
Here's the new Spin stuff. Used BPt as the new variable; no changes needed in the asm cog.
Harley Shanko
Harley Shanko
But you've still got @SPBt in the last cognew, which means the code is not entirely fixed.
Harley Shanko
Eureka! It seems to be working with that last change. Once a breakpoint is set, that no match occurs, the cog is stopped and restarted. That last one would wouldn't be effective any longer the way I missed it.
And when viewed in ViewPort, if one doesn't display enough events, it may appear to hang when it actually didn't; exiting off screen to the right. So now I suppose using another/second variable to pass info to PAR is the fix needed for the other two cogs in the two Props.
If a variable isn't built up the way I am doing it, say only a byte being used, does one still need to 'isolate' the PAR variable? I'm not clear the full explanation passing a variable to a asm cog. I suppose there might be some documentation beyond the Prop manual on this subject?
Thanks again Phil. I owe you another one.
Harley Shanko
Thanks to Phil Pilgrim for spotting my error in thinking (or lack of thinking it out fully). Yeah, I made a mistake ONCE!
Harley Shanko