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New Products From Parallax

Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax EngineeringPosts: 14,406
edited 2009-10-14 05:16 in General Discussion
Hello Everyone,
·· In the interest of better supporting our customers we would like to get some feedback from our forum members on what types of products you would like to possibly see in the future from Parallax.· This could be accessories or sensors, robotics or new development tools.· A good thing to focus on would be products that could be made inexpensive and usable with any of our microcontroller products if possible.· We’ve got the motivation to bring new products to our customers, but it’s the customers that sometimes have the really good ideas.· So let’s hear what you have.· Don’t be afraid to post anything you can think of.· I can’t promise we will build it, but everything will be considered.· We’re basically trying to stir the idea pot a little.· Thanks for any feedback you can offer.· Take care.

Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering


  • CenlasoftCenlasoft Posts: 265
    edited 2009-01-22 16:49
    I have been working with coils and resonance and I can see some potential for using the sx28 or other parallax products to interface with. Possibly a sensor using a coil and magnet as in:

    I have produced a eddy current metal tester thus far and have interfaced it with an sx28.

    The NMR-MOUSE is a possible project. Thanks for asking for suggestions.

  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2009-01-22 17:57
    A good, relatively inexpensive gyroscope ($100 3 axis) is difficult to find.

    How about some more educational stuff? Alot of your products recently have been fairly advanced (PPDB, IR thermometer, Quadrover, etc).

    I'd mention laser range finder, but you've got that under control [noparse]:)[/noparse]
  • RICoderRICoder Posts: 91
    edited 2009-01-22 18:41
    I doubt this will fall into the "inexpensive" category, but here goes:

    How about putting together a hexapod robot kit using the prop? I know quite a few people who went right from the BoE-Bot to trying to build a hexapod, and that's a large leap without good resources. There is quite a bit of educational potential in that field.
  • PhilldapillPhilldapill Posts: 1,283
    edited 2009-01-22 19:19
    Chris, thanks for asking! Apparently, we already have a driver for a Nordic nRF2401 in the OBEX. I was going to get some of these wireless units manufactured, but since you asked, I think these would be a great choice. These devices allow wireless connectivity up to about 125 feet(I think). Sparkfun DOES sell them, but they are about $25 a piece; hardly an advantage to the XBee, price wise. I was looking at the costs involved in getting these made, and it could easily be done for $5, even in small quantities. The chip itself is only $2, and the PCB and other components are around another $2. Even if Parallax had these made for $5, and sold for $10, I think MANY people would be very interested. I, for one, would snatch up quite a few of these.
  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2009-01-22 20:27
    Altitude is another sensor that I would like to see. The GPS has altitude, but we all know how far off a GPS can be [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    Oh, and if you can get a propeller camera out that would be great! I know PhiPi is working on one, but maybe some prodding?

    I would also like to see some more printed propeller educational material, and maybe a hobby level propeller based robot. Even a BOE-BOT with the stamp part replaced by a propeller would be nice.
  • RICoderRICoder Posts: 91
    edited 2009-01-22 20:48
    Wireless RF communications is a big one. Really anything like a rx/tx combined module (think XBee) even with a short range would be helpful, especially if it were available solo and in a bundle with some good examples.

    A USB module that could be used to plug peripherals into the board (not the mini-jack, I'm talking about being the USB host). Think plugging an USB mouse into a Hydra.

    Much of the kits are designed for ambulation or to be a device, but there aren't really any kits for things like a robotic arm or using pullies or gears, not that I think that falls into the electronics arena, just food for thought.

    I'll keep thinking...this is a great thread...another reason to love parallax.
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2009-01-22 20:53
    Good ideas! Keep them coming.·Don’t be afraid folks…nobody is going to shoot down suggestions. We’re happy to hear them all regardless. You never know when you may have the next big idea.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Engineering
  • PhilldapillPhilldapill Posts: 1,283
    edited 2009-01-22 21:25
    Hall-Effect Current Sensors? All the needed circuitry on a single PCB? Allegro makes some pretty nifty Hall-Effect sensors that can measure currents up to like 200A. I ordered some of there 8 pin SOIC sensors that measure 30A. There isn't much needed circuitry, but it would be nice for the hobbyist to be able to just drop in a tiny PCB and get precise measurements of current.
  • Erik FriesenErik Friesen Posts: 1,071
    edited 2009-01-22 21:53
    Dumb gps module in a nice case. The maker of the pmb238 (pmb238 is the same on the parallax smart gps )makes one that is covered in plastic but I have found no decent source for them.
  • sylvie369sylvie369 Posts: 1,622
    edited 2009-01-22 22:45
    Any kind of new sensors - barometric pressure, altitude, gas sensors (O2, CO2, CO, etc.).

    How about a set of nice-looking standard cases that fit the various protoboards? I know that might undercut one forum member who makes beautiful cases for the Propeller (perhaps contract with him?), but it's something I'd love. Just cases with a reasonable amount of clearance for various components mounted on the boards, and openings in appropriate places for power, USB or serial in, a cover, and pre-drilled holes for screws to mount the protoboards to the bottom part of the case.

    I have no idea if it's possible, but some kind of device that can be easily mounted on various boards that monitors battery power to the board and reports it to a BS2 or Propeller. I see a lot of requests here from people who want something like that for their projects (robots and other things).

    How about a small, inexpensive device that bails out the American economy?
    Or failing that, one that gets the Brewers some starting pitching?
  • PhilldapillPhilldapill Posts: 1,283
    edited 2009-01-22 23:06
    Ha! If Parallax can develop the Propeller, fixing the economy should be a snap. [noparse];)[/noparse]
  • uxoriousuxorious Posts: 126
    edited 2009-01-23 00:15
    1) Solid 2.4Ghz wireless communication (maybe pair an SX with TI CC2420RTC?)
    2) RFID reader board with external antenna instead of an integrated PCB
    3) DMX decoder module

    ~~ dRu ~~
  • william chanwilliam chan Posts: 1,326
    edited 2009-01-23 00:28
    Parallax needs a IR range detector which has to be much cheaper than PING))).
    It can be implemented using the SX.

  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2009-01-23 00:40
    Dual Propeller board with double EPROM, single crystal, single power source.
    About 1-1/2 the length of the current protoboard with connection points for
    keyboard, VGA, SD and dual RCA holes.

    Instead of dual connections, allow three connection points for each IO,etc around each chip.
    Move the VSS trace down the right to a small section at the top next to 3v and 5v.
    Dual propplug pins for programming.


    New to the Propeller?

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    Updates to the Cookbook are now posted to:
    Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS
  • $WMc%$WMc% Posts: 1,884
    edited 2009-01-23 01:54
    Mr. Savage

    How about a non contact temperature reader that can read up to 2000'F. With a mean temp of 1300'F - 1600"f.

    This would fit Automotive exhaust and Industrial Boiler Flu Gas temperatures (power plants), Not to mention Clay/Pottery/tile Kilns - Steel/Metals production - concrete/drywall - ceramic and ceramic coatings, etc.

    All of these process rely on T/C's ---- The problem is the T/C's don't last long (direct contact)

    I'm planning on getting that new non contact IR temp sensor and re-rangeing it with some filter lenses or some other means. I won't now the details until I have it and can play with it.


    The Truth is out there············································ BoogerWoods, FL. USA
  • FireHopperFireHopper Posts: 180
    edited 2009-01-23 02:04
    what I'd like to see you carry, are RGB drivers, such as the ones from bridea [noparse]:)[/noparse] preassembled and kits of the devices..
  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2009-01-23 02:26
    Some sort of joystick that interfaces easily with BS2 and up
    A medium size motor controller (10A~)
    LED Drivers (controlled by serial command?)
    Compact Pan and tilt systems.
    Touch Screen setup (mostly to simplify adding a touch screen to a project).
  • pemspems Posts: 70
    edited 2009-01-23 02:38
    I vote for cheap and low power wireless communication device that one can attach to micros like propeller and make them talk or create a communication network.
  • PJAllenPJAllen Banned Posts: 5,065
    edited 2009-01-23 02:39
    Power supplies come up in Subjects often.· Maybe some extra heft which could be plugged into the BoE power header.
    640 x 480 - 42K
  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2009-01-23 02:58
    I have two suggestions.

    First, unlike most makers of technology, Parallax seems very user friendly... humane... darn near humanistic. I think it should grab the horns of its pre-existing educational orientation as much as possible and run with it as fast as it can. The current zeitgeist seems to suggest that enhancing our knowledge of science and technology is one way to work the world out of the mess it's in. If I were Parallax, I would jump on that bandwagon and blow my horn louder than the rest.

    Second, speaking as a relative newbie to this electronics stuff: think SOLDERING. Many of the through-hole chips are going extinct and they are being replaced with the newfangled stuff that requires surface mount soldering techniques and tools that I don't have experience with and have never witnessed performed before. Thus, it seems like the gap between the newbies and the semi-pros is yawning open ever wider and faster. Very often when I ask for help on the forum, one of the gurus will respond with the perfect solution, but when I find out that the perfect solution requires surface mount soldering, I usually crawl into a cave and moan in despair. I think Parallax would do well to address this surface mount problem by either A. making all the different soldering technologies very VERY accessible to the newbie and/or B. providing lots and LOTS of plug-and-chug breakout board devices. I know Sparkfug does this to some extent, but I bet Parallax could do it even better. Doing so would allow customers of Parallax products to seamlessly grow out of basic Stamps and Propeller applications into more and more advanced technologies.

    my two cents worth,

  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    edited 2009-01-23 03:08

    I think a starter robot kit like the BOE-Bot, with a Propeller based BOE and similar documentation to the BOE. It would be a way for someone with BOE-Bot experience to move to the Propeller. It would allow someone to learn the Propeller with a very specific application.

    I know that Oldbitcollector is working on this, but I would love something similar to the Stamp Works Manual for the Propeller Professional Development Board.

    I believe there was some talk about tank treads for use with the 12 volt Motor kit.


    "We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
  • UghaUgha Posts: 543
    edited 2009-01-23 03:10
    I love PJ's idea of a more powerful BOE power system.

    I'd like to see coprocessors for the BS2. It'd be virtually expense-free if you used preprogrammed SX chips to offload stuff like PWM, sound effects, sensor input, output expansion, stepper control,
    I'd be willing to pay $15 for something like that.

    I'd also like to see rechargable batteries and chargers... BOE-boost and rechargable AAs are great, but I want a single hobby battery that works for all my BOE-bot's electronics!
  • sylvie369sylvie369 Posts: 1,622
    edited 2009-01-23 03:48
    ElectricAye said...
    I have two suggestions.

    First, unlike most makers of technology, Parallax seems very user friendly... humane... darn near humanistic. I think it should grab the horns of its pre-existing educational orientation as much as possible and run with it as fast as it can. The current zeitgeist seems to suggest that enhancing our knowledge of science and technology is one way to work the world out of the mess it's in. If I were Parallax, I would jump on that bandwagon and blow my horn louder than the rest.

    This is a solid idea, but I think they're already doing exactly that. As an educator, Parallax's educational orientation has definitely gotten my attention. I have hopes over time of developing at least one course at my institution that will make direct use of Parallax products and manuals. Without Parallax's products, I doubt that I would even consider a project like that, in light of the fact that I'm not an engineer and we have no engineering program.
  • SeariderSearider Posts: 290
    edited 2009-01-23 03:56
    1. Wireless serial communications

    2. Thermopile Array (8x8 or better)

    3. Ping variations with different beam widths

    4. Laser Range finder

    thanks for asking


  • Desy2820Desy2820 Posts: 138
    edited 2009-01-23 04:17
    I/O expansion pack. (Propeller, SX, and Stamps)· A couple of·serial-to-parallel chips, latches, example code and any other parts and pieces.· I'd love to see this packaged and sold together, reasonably priced.· (2 each 74HC595, 1 each 74HC165,·74HCT374,·and maybe an I2C I/O expander chip?· Also, some type of latch, 4 or 8 bits, tri-stated?)

    IR transmitter, 38 kHz.· This would generate a constant signal that a Stamp could either leave constantly on or gate on and off to send remote control codes, data, line following, etc.· Tunable would be nice, maybe include a way to digitally·vary the frequency, slightly.··Also consider·a small buffer that a Stamp could fill and trigger later to send a complete code at once (really optional, but might be cool.)· Should default to continously send 38kHz out of the box with no other configuring required.· (User adjustable output level by changing·resistors? Specify min/max values though.)· Also, consider multiple IR diodes, even if the user has to add them. Two to start, up to four total.

    Keypad w/encoder IC and connecting cables. (SX-based?)·12-16 or 20 keys.· Not sure about encoder I/C, maybe an 74HC922 or 74HC923?· Would prefer a 16 key matrixed keypad w/binary or BCD output.

    A/D converter pack.· An ADC0831,·ADC0834 and an LTC 1298 with resistors to create voltage dividers, caps for bypassing and input stabilization, example code and documentation·to calculate component values...and any other pieces and parts.

    Starter kits of assorted components, such as 555/556 chips, couple of op amps, resistors, caps, LEDs and diodes.

    All reasonably priced please!

    Post Edited (Desy2820) : 1/23/2009 4:26:25 AM GMT
  • steve_bsteve_b Posts: 1,563
    edited 2009-01-23 13:55
    A dummies guide to SPIN and the SX!! (I've got the hardware, but can't seem to get out of Pbasic!!)
    A serial laser range finder!
    A Waterproof/weather-resistant Ultrasonic range sensor
    An interface for DMX light control
    An interface for OBD2 (I know the ELM stuff is out there, but it's an "as-is" IC....)

    A toilet "running" sensor (bloody flapper!)
    A "make the dog stop whining" widget!
    Something to give me a better golf game too!!



    What's the best thing to do in a lightning storm? "take a one iron out the bag and hold it straight up above your head, even God cant hit a one iron!"
    Lee Travino after the second time being hit by lightning!
  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2009-01-23 14:39
    Ok.......................................................... I'm going long here so stand back............................................................
    Perpetual devices.......(ducks tomatoes and cabbage being thrown)
    More solar devices, sterling engines, heat energy reclaiming devices, Hydrogen fuel cells, pendulems, small generators!
    I love all those kits.
    Make a Green Research Center Web Site!
    Ok.........................................I'll go back to my cave now.........................................................................................
  • Thomas StickneyThomas Stickney Posts: 23
    edited 2009-01-23 15:05
    · For the Propeller development board, a suitable 16 or 17 segment LED alphanumeric display driver chip
    that is easy to program and use,·like the MAX-7219.·· Thanks
  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2009-01-23 15:46
    Desy2820 said...

    A/D converter pack. An ADC0831, ADC0834 and an LTC 1298 with resistors to create voltage dividers, caps for bypassing and input stabilization, example code and documentation to calculate component values...and any other pieces and parts.

    Starter kits of assorted components, such as 555/556 chips, couple of op amps, resistors, caps, LEDs and diodes.

    All reasonably priced please!

    I'd like to second this idea.. The value in these type of "mini kits" would be documentation/education for those who haven't worked with these parts before. It would take Parallax 5min to put the physical pack together, but some investment in the accompanying material would need to be thought out. Something more than a simple copy of the datasheet. I'm heading this direction with a section of my book...


    New to the Propeller?

    Check out: Protoboard Introduction , Propeller Cookbook 1.4 & Software Index
    Updates to the Cookbook are now posted to:
    Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS
  • John AbshierJohn Abshier Posts: 1,116
    edited 2009-01-23 16:28
    A wireless device to replace the usb based PropPlug. I would like to be able to program my Robot without having to move it to where a cable can reach.

    A Propeller based board to replace the board on the Parallax mini sumo bot.

    The Propeller motherboard (Propeller version of BASIC Stamp 2pe Motherboard)

    The array sensor daughter card.

    Hanno (Viewport arthor) has several boards that are very interesting, Parallax could sell them.

    John Abshier
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