·How can i draw a IV curve for ideal and real solar cell?i dont have the data! it has to be a typical IV curve in the normal condition.... i have the pictures but i need some help ,how to calculate the data ......
can some one help me please? i have to do this report
oh cool, i really did´t believe that someone answer... its my first time here...
yes that the Problem.. my Prof. gave me this Pictures and ask me to draw them my self in excel.but actually i·make some mistake which my·diagram look like every thing but not·IV curve.·· i attached the file but i am not sure if it is working here....i try it first..
It would be so nice if you could five me some advice how can i do this....
I have a thread about my experience with some solar panels, and the VI curve for them was nothing like the "typical" curves I found on the web.
If you want decent data I'd recommend getting the actual solar panel and doing experiments with various resistor loads.
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Hey Bean,
thanks for replying.
well, i had the same idea. in the university, they have installed the pv panel which is very old. i went there and ask them for data of this panel, just to try with that.
But· i don't think if this data would be useful in my case. because when i put them in the excel i will find the other diagram. i send you the data and also my excel which i have finished. but it does not look like a IV curve.
- Stephen
- Stephen
yes that the Problem.. my Prof. gave me this Pictures and ask me to draw them my self in excel.but actually i·make some mistake which my·diagram look like every thing but not·IV curve.··
It would be so nice if you could five me some advice how can i do this....
I have a thread about my experience with some solar panels, and the VI curve for them was nothing like the "typical" curves I found on the web.
If you want decent data I'd recommend getting the actual solar panel and doing experiments with various resistor loads.
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·The next time you need a hero don't look up in the sky...Look in the mirror.
thanks for replying.
well, i had the same idea. in the university, they have installed the pv panel which is very old. i went there and ask them for data of this panel, just to try with that.
But· i don't think if this data would be useful in my case. because when i put them in the excel i will find the other diagram. i send you the data and also my excel which i have finished. but it does not look like a IV curve.