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Interfacing LCD iwth microcontroller with C++ — Parallax Forums

Interfacing LCD iwth microcontroller with C++

Asif HabibAsif Habib Posts: 3
edited 2008-12-19 13:44 in General Discussion

I am new·a new user/developer to·the Parallax LCD. I want to interface this LCD with ADI's BlackFin procesor. Can any body help me in this regard. I need urgent help. I have attached a document with this post, which explains how I want to use the LCD and a sample C++ code.

help from any body who has experience in interfacing the lcd with a uC will be appreciated.

Waiting for helpconfused.gif


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-12-18 06:18
    The Parallax LCD accepts a standard 5V logic level asynchronous serial signal with a switch selectable Baud of 2400, 9600 and 19200. Any microprocessor that can provide that can be used with it. Your "interface sample" shows a 3.3V to 5V level shifter of some kind. Several IC manufacturers make parts that will do this including TI and Philips. Here's an application note from Maxim on the subject:

    You'll have to get help from elsewhere on the programming side since that depends on the the processor, it's capabilities, and the program development tools available and this is a support forum for Parallax products, not that of the microprocessor (the Blackfin).
  • Asif HabibAsif Habib Posts: 3
    edited 2008-12-18 10:36
    Yes, I know that this is support forum of Parallax, and thats why i am asking. Blackfin manufacturer might not be knowing about what commands to send to the Parallax LCD. The example program I have written is not microprocessor-specific. Whatever microprocessor-specifiec things are there, I have clearly mentioned.

    I would like people to concentrate on the variables str1 and str2, and the way I am sending those data to serial ports. Will it display all the data correctly on LCD as expected.

    Apologies if sombody can't understand what I am saying.
  • sylvie369sylvie369 Posts: 1,622
    edited 2008-12-18 12:06
    This page

    describes the commands for the Parallax Serial LCD, beginning on page 8. If your processor sends out the appropriate commands at 8N1 at the appropriate baudrate, it will work.

    Two comments:

    First, you'll see in the documentation that you need to have a short delay after initializing the LCD. I don't see that in your code.

    Second, it looks to me as though you're sending commands to move the cursor to the next position before each character is sent. You do not need to do that. If you send one character and then another, the two characters will be displayed in consecutive positions. Again, look at the documentation, in the section on "Moving the Cursor". That's good news - it's going to cut in half the number of bytes you need to send.

    Post Edited (sylvie369) : 12/18/2008 12:11:22 PM GMT
  • Asif HabibAsif Habib Posts: 3
    edited 2008-12-19 12:54
    Thanx. Above two replies to my questions have solved all f my problems.
  • sylvie369sylvie369 Posts: 1,622
    edited 2008-12-19 13:44
    Wonderful. Have fun.
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