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Book for absolute beginners. Propeller 101 - Page 3 — Parallax Forums

Book for absolute beginners. Propeller 101



  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2009-02-17 19:53
    I have had a query about problems with using a 4 line display with a propeller
    I do not have access to this display and so cannot provide specific help
    Can some one else help on this display

  • bboy8012bboy8012 Posts: 153
    edited 2009-02-18 23:23
    I think another aspect to cover for beginners (which I am one) is industrial control loops. Creating, making failsafe, and optimizating, as well as eliminating errors.

  • PaulPaul Posts: 263
    edited 2009-02-19 12:50
    Harprit- I was looking for some code to read 60HZ and here was your code, Program14, right on the first page of the forum. Good work. I had to change the waitpeq to use |<20 because %100000000000000000000 looks funny in code. Thanks for your efforts. I've not used this form of COGNEW before.


    Propeller Wiki Rocks! -

    Post Edited (Paul) : 2/19/2009 1:03:54 PM GMT
  • Will EyeamWill Eyeam Posts: 16
    edited 2009-02-20 08:08
    Can you make a stepper motor driver using a simple uln2003 darlington array
  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2009-02-20 10:23
    Yes but it depends on a lot of other things too. like size of motor and how the array is used.
    My book "Running motors with PIC microprocessors" covers a lot of the tricks of the trade for beginners.
    Send me a private message if you want one.

  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2009-02-20 10:48
    Though I have not posted a lot lately, I have been busy on the project
    Here is a preliminary table of contents for the book as it now sits.
    Its not set in concrete as yet.
    I welcome suggestions from beginners as regards additions and omissions.
    The book is a "learn by doing" effort as are all my books because I believe in
    learning by doing and not getting too theoretical (for beginners that is).

    Proposed Table of contents

    Part 1. Understanding the system
    Section 00 Preface
    Section 01 Introduction to the Propeller Chip
    Section 02 Understanding the Propeller Chip
    Section 03 The Hardware and Software Set Up
    Section 04 Writing programs, the Propeller tool
    Section 05 The shared memory
    Section 06 The eight cogs
    Section 07 Understanding one Cog in detail
    Section 08 The SPIN language
    Section 09 Special terms used in the software
    Section 10 The concept of shared memory
    Section 11 The use of flags
    Section 12 Why parallel processing and when is it better
    Section 13 Tasks which lend them selves to parallel processing

    Part 2. Learning by doing. The Projects
    Section 14 Reading inputs into the system
    Section 15 Controlling outputs out of the system
    Section 16 Using Liquid Crystal Displays
    Section 17 Using LCD displays with a dedicated cog
    Section 18 Using a computer terminal
    Section 19 Motor Amplifiers
    Section 20 Running hobby, R/C servo motors
    Section 21 Running a R/C servo motor a shared task
    Section 22 Running small DC motors
    Section 23 Running motors, a preliminary discussion
    Section 24 Running a DC motor with multiple cogs
    Section 25 Running DC motors with quadrature encoders
    Section 25 Running a motor with an attached encoder with multiple cogs
    Section 27 Running bipolar stepper motors
    Section 16 Creating Timers and Counters
    Section 28 Managing Memory
    Section 29 Communicating with computers
    Section 30 Making a single set point controller
    Section 31 Debugging

    Part 3 The appendices
    Appendix Sources of materials
    Parallel processing terms and ideas

    Publishing details
    Approximately 200 to 300 pages
    Approximately 2000 to 3000 lines of code
    Approximately 100 to 150 circuit diagrams and pictures
    Detailed introduction the Propeller Chip, a first in affordable parallel processing.

    My casual resume
    I am not an academic though I did do all my coursework for a PhD in
    Ceramics (Materials). I am a hands on engineer. I started and ran
    Rhino Robots Inc for 20 years. We built and sold robots and CNC
    machines. I understand how to connect computers to the real world
    and do useful work with them by using sensors, motors and other
  • Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL)Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL) Posts: 1,720
    edited 2009-02-20 20:40

    Great idea! I really liked the way you comment your code. I look forward to purchasing a copy when it's all done. jumpin.gif

    How about some basic filters, low pass, band pass, high pass?

    Aka: CosmicBob
  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2009-02-21 00:31

    Thanks for the comments.
    I'm afraid filters will have to wait for a more advanced text. This one is for beginners.
    However I will keep your suggestions in mind.

  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2009-02-21 00:34

    I think industrial controls might be a bit past this book for beginners.
    Maybe in the next book

    Thanks for your post

    Post Edited (Harprit) : 2/21/2009 12:41:18 AM GMT
  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2009-02-21 00:41
    On the 4 line display I think the problem might be a lack of power from the Propeller.
    Make sure the display is getting full 5 volts
    Make sure the signals from the Propeller go through buffers to get them to 5 volts equivalents.
    If this does not fix it, please let us know again

  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2009-08-11 14:26
    Here is the latest update on the beginners book I have been working on
    Accepted by publisher
    McGraw Hill will publishing it
    I will have finished verbiage turned in to them by Oct 31 this year, latest.
    It should be out early next year
    Thanks to all for all the feed back you provided
  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2009-08-11 14:29

    I had to place my own manuscript on hold while I'm doing these Expos.
    I'm pleased to see more materials are in the works!


    New to the Propeller?

    Visit the: The Propeller Pages @ Warranty Void.
  • MJG2514MJG2514 Posts: 9
    edited 2009-08-11 15:21
    ········ Harprit,

    ················ I am glad to see that things are being written for the Prop. I have the Propeller Manual and been having a little problem with it. Sometimes, it just not simplified enough. Best of luck to you.

    ··········································································································· Mark
  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2009-08-11 15:37
    Thanks for the comments

    If you followed the previous posts, you will see that I have tried to address your concerns. Hopefully this will be what you and others like you are looking for.

  • HollyMinkowskiHollyMinkowski Posts: 1,398
    edited 2009-08-11 16:02
    Another title that is sorely needed for the Prop.

    "P8X32A Assembly language For The Complete Idiot"
    (I'd buy a copy)
  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2009-08-11 16:11
    HollyMinkowski said...
    Another title that is sorely needed for the Prop.

    "P8X32A Assembly language For The Complete Idiot"
    (I'd buy a copy)

    Make that two.. I'd take one!


    New to the Propeller?

    Visit the: The Propeller Pages @ Warranty Void.
  • HollyMinkowskiHollyMinkowski Posts: 1,398
    edited 2009-08-11 16:17

    Maybe someday I will write that asm book myself.

    Right now it would be a case of the blind leading the blind wink.gif
  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2009-08-11 18:14
    Where is the language described?
    What resources are available?
    Who sells the software?

    I'll look into it but having just finished
    How to run motors with PIC microprocessors and
    How to make Instrument and controllers with PIC microprocessors
    And now finishing up the 101 book I'm a bit burned out right now!

    The fact that there are not many good beginners books is a hallmark of the problems that
    we as a society and going through, and on the horizon is the death of the book as we know
    it today.


  • Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL)Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL) Posts: 1,720
    edited 2009-08-11 19:53
    @Harprit: A few references for you.

    Assembly Language Primer for the Absolute Beginner

    Assembly Code Examples for the Beginner

    Quick Reference Guide for Propeller Assembly

    Programming the Parallax Propeller using Machine Language
    An intermediate level tutorial by deSilva © 2007
    Version 1.21 2007-08-21

    Wikispaces /Assembly+Programming

    Assembler for the Parallax Propeller

    Propeller Assembler Source-code Debugger

    How is RES different from LONG?

    Edited(as per StefanL38's request) to add: Assembly, step by step

    Post Edited (Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL)) : 9/20/2009 4:21:22 PM GMT
  • MicrocontrolledMicrocontrolled Posts: 2,461
    edited 2009-08-11 20:11
    I would take that ASM book! That makes 3!

    Just call me micro.

    If it's not Parallax then don't even bother.
    I have changed my avatar so that I will no longer be confused with others who use genaric avatars.

    Mini-Din/PS2 connectors are for sale! 5 for $1! PM me if you wish to make an order.
    Cheap·shipping unless specified!··········150 left!!··

  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2009-08-11 20:12



    Re information of robot on left asked about by many.
    This robot is built in my book on Intro to robotics published in 1996!!!!
    It is the first weight shifting robot of its kind.
    Its the first one that actually walked or should I say waddled
    I put it in the public domain for all to build and learn
    Not counting the servos and controller you can build it for $5.00 with a fret saw.
    All the many new humanoids now on the market are based on the information in my book but only one
    guys actually say that what he sells is based on my book.
    So much for credits re intellectual property created.
    It must be the times.
  • hover1hover1 Posts: 1,929
    edited 2009-08-11 20:12
    I'll take two books. I need to get up to speed twice as fast! tongue.gif

    Oldbitcollector said...
    HollyMinkowski said...
    Another title that is sorely needed for the Prop.

    "P8X32A Assembly language For The Complete Idiot"
    (I'd buy a copy)

    Make that two.. I'd take one!


  • RS_JimRS_Jim Posts: 1,772
    edited 2009-09-20 13:41
    Any More updates? I am very interested in Particularly the interface of SPIN and PASM.
  • StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
    edited 2009-09-20 15:43
    here is a thread Assembly, step by step

    that has examples for interfacing between SPIN and PASM

    see the example-code in this thread
    best regards

  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2009-09-20 22:02
    No more updates
    The book is getting close to done
    Its essentially scoped out but needs fortification and checking
    I'm up to 270 pages or so today. Will be 350 or so.
    Writing code frantically
    This is one fantastic chip. Who knew!
    Never thought I'd have so much fun
    First material has been submitted to McGraw Hill
    Final submittal due Dec 15
    I will meet the deadline
    Book will be out in about 3 months after that.
    As promised, lots of pictures
    Lots and lots of code
    Pages and pages of code
    Every line commented in detail
    Lots of real world applications

    Here is the thing as of now

    Outline as of Sept 10 2009
    There will be minor changes as books gets to completion

    Part. 1 The Propeller. What it is
    Understanding the system
    1 General introduction to the Propeller chip
    2 Propeller chip
    3 Hardware and software set up
    4 Propeller tool environment
    5 The memories
    6 The 8 cogs
    7 One Cog
    8 Special terms and ideas
    9 The Spin language
    10 Why and how of shared memory
    11 Tasks that are suited to parallel processing

    Part 2. Input and output, the basics
    Beginning learning by doing
    12 General discussion of the projects
    13 Setting up the LCD so we can get started
    14 Reading inputs and creating outputs
    15 Binary Inputs and outputs
    16 Pulse widths
    17 Duty cycles
    18 Reading and setting Frequencies.
    19 Read a potentiometer.

    Part 3. The Projects. Combining the basics.
    Advanced Learning by Making
    20 Liquid Crystal Displays in detail
    21 R/C Servo
    22 Touch panel
    23 Motors prelim discussion
    24 Motor amplifiers
    25 Small DC motors
    26 Stepper motors
    27 Simple single point Controller
    28 Using a gravity sensor to create a level
    29 Using a light detector to create a light meter.
    30 Running a DC motor with an optical encoder
    Output to seven segment displays



    A million thanks to all who took time to help me.
    Here and at Parallax
    And did I ever need help, and how!

    Best regards
  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2009-11-03 18:52
    I thought I could find this code on the internet and save
    myself a lot of trouble but it was not to be. It took me a
    while to get the job done but I learned a lot along the

    Here is the code needed to read the MCP3202 AtoD converter
    100% in Spin. Completely commented and documented

    Book progress. 50% has been submitted to publisher.
    90% done. 100% needs to be gone over.

  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2009-11-03 22:51
    Harprit said...
    Re information of robot on left asked about by many.
    This robot is built in my book on Intro to robotics published in 1996!!!!
    It is the first weight shifting robot of its kind.
    Is there a web site with this public domain information?

  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2009-11-03 23:18
    No website. How about starting one. Run it with a Propeller
    Robot can be built for under $10.00 not counting servos and control.
    I have a few copies of the book left if you'd like one
    Has complete plans, software etc etc
    Lots of pics
    $25.00 PPD via USPO

    Post Edited (Harprit) : 11/4/2009 2:15:40 AM GMT
  • pacmanpacman Posts: 327
    edited 2009-11-03 23:27
    Harprit said...

    Book progress. 50% has been submitted to publisher.
    90% done. 100% needs to be gone over.


    Is there someway or pre-ordering this? (from Amazon? then I can combine it with the other prop book and save on postage)

    The future is in our hands.
    Which way to the future?
  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2009-11-04 00:57
    Yes, it should be on the Amazon site within a week or so.
    I have seen the cover art and approved it.
    They need to set a price and then I think they will Post it
    and then you can Pre order it. I already Pre ordered the Parallax book
    The cover for my book is very similar. Same series, like my Motors
    Book and my Instruments Book. They are all on the Amazon site.

    I'd love to hear what you think when you get your copy.


    Post Edited (Harprit) : 11/4/2009 1:18:27 AM GMT
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