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Smoothing out Data

SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
edited 2010-07-31 18:12 in Propeller 1
I'm probably going to use some infrared on my next project, and am going to use the method of a duty sweep to get a range of distances. However, I noticed that the numbers seem to jump around quite a bit, even with the object being stationary. Is there a simple, Propeller based solution that smooth out the numbers? I seem to remember reading about something where the second to last number is imposed on the most recent, which then becomes the second, and so on; but it seemed very mathematical and was difficult to understand.

What would be ideal is a general solution that can work on any sort of numeric range of values, with a variable that can determine how "smooth" to make it. Any suggestions?

Post Edited (SRLM) : 10/23/2008 5:43:29 PM GMT


  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,569
    edited 2008-10-23 06:31

    Please add a topic to your post.

    There is a simple iterative averaging technique that works for streaming data that I have used in the past. I call it "Window averaging". Basically it takes a portion of the data or "window" determined by the number of samples specified and produces an average of just that window.

    'Read RAW data value for InputData Here
    DataBase = DataBase - Average + InputData
    Average = DataBase / Samples

    This assumes that Average starts out as Zero, and ALL of the raw data reads are positive in nature. The 'DataBase' is a variable that represents the window you are averaging. The maximum number of Samples is limited as to not cause an overflow in the DataBase. For example if DataBase is defined as a WORD, and the RAW data value does not exceed 2000, then the largest value that the Sample variable can be set to would be 32, since 65535/2000 is 32.7675 ... if the RAW data value did not exceed 300 then the maximum number of Samples to fit in a single WORD variable would be 218. 65535/300 = 218.45

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2008-10-23 18:21
    I occasionally like to run data points through a logorithmic smoothing function and it's very simple to implement. The formula is:

    new := (old + input)/2
    old := new

    Where old is initialized to 0 (or if you know in advance what the average is, initialize it to that) The effect this has on the value is to give the current input 1/2 weight, the previous input 1/4 weight, previous before that 1/8th weight, 1/16th weight, 1/32nd weight,....

    If you add all the weights together, it approaches a total weight of 1 which means theres no scaling error in the formula (technically due to rounding errors the total weight is very slightly less than 1, but with a 32 bit accumulator this difference is negligable).

    If you initialize old to 0, it is best to perform the filtering for a few iterations before you start using the data that is being spit out, since it needs to compute a running average (before the average is achieved the algorithm will artificially attenuate the data stream).

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 10/23/2008 6:32:50 PM GMT
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2008-10-23 18:49
    Paul's filter, BTW, is known as an infinite impulse response (IIR) filter. That's because, theoretically, an impulse applied at time 0 will never completely die out but approach zero asymptotically. In reality, though, it will eventually reach zero due to division truncation.

    You can adjust the weights to "slow down" or "speed up" the filter, as follows:

    ····output := (input * m + output * n) / (m + n)


    Addendum: Here is a thread that describes a "median filter" which works better when there is the occasional wild reading, e.g. from noise bursts. You can also obtain a median, then apply an IIR filter to it to smooth out transitions from one median value to another.

    'Just a few PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!

    Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 10/23/2008 7:01:07 PM GMT
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,569
    edited 2008-10-23 22:45
    The two filters presented are virtually identical:

    Method #1
    DataBase = DataBase - Average + InputData 
    Average = DataBase / Samples


    Method #2
    new := (old + input)/2 
    old := new

    One is fixed to comparing only two data points while the other can cover a large number of data points.

    If Method#1 is set so that it also has two data points or samples, then BOTH outputs are identical... See "2.JPG"
    As you increase the number of data points, the output data becomes smoother... See "4.JPG, 6.JPG, and 8.JPG"

    I have included an interactive Excel spreadsheet where you can change the number of samples to visualize how much affect it has on the signal.

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 10/23/2008 11:22:51 PM GMT
    1204 x 420 - 66K
    1203 x 420 - 69K
    1202 x 420 - 69K
    1204 x 419 - 68K
  • Ken PetersonKen Peterson Posts: 806
    edited 2008-10-24 02:20
    I've done something like this before:

    average := average * 7 / 8 + data / 8
    average := (average << 3 - average + data) >> 3

    ·"I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone.· My wish has come true.· I no longer know how to use my telephone."

    - Bjarne Stroustrup
  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2008-10-24 05:11
    Good stuff. While I was away for the day, I stopped by the local EE shop and asked the resident guru what to do. I specified down to a specific component (and IR reciever), and he recomended just connecting a .1 uF capacitor from + to -, and possible a second from sig to -. What do you think? Better, worse? (in an analog situation)
  • Jay KickliterJay Kickliter Posts: 446
    edited 2008-10-24 10:37
    Where does Kalman filtering fit into all this? I've tried to read about it, but it's very confusing.
  • agfaagfa Posts: 295
    edited 2008-10-24 12:12

    it would be interesting to see the difference in hardware filtering with a cap and the software filtering methods suggested.· i think software filtering would be better, its much easier to adjust·software than hardware.
  • Ken PetersonKen Peterson Posts: 806
    edited 2008-10-24 12:26
    Regardless of your choise of hardware or software low-pass filtering, you should use proper noise filtering on your supply if that's where your noise is coming from. Use bypass caps across your supply (both 10uF electrolytic and 0.1uF ceramic), and possibly an inductor in series between your supply and the caps. Use a 0.1uF ceramic across the power leads for your sensor too. Liberal use of bypass caps will often solve a lot of your noise problems.

    ·"I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone.· My wish has come true.· I no longer know how to use my telephone."

    - Bjarne Stroustrup
  • sylvie369sylvie369 Posts: 1,622
    edited 2008-10-24 13:21
    I'm finding this thread very interesting as well. Given the importance of reading sensors, there could be an educational product aimed at nothing but hardware/software filtering and also scaling of sensor inputs. If there were a kit with a well-written manual, I'd buy one.
  • dMajodMajo Posts: 857
    edited 2008-10-24 18:24
    @Paul, Phil and Beau

    I usually use this which is similar (more to Phil and exactly the same of Beau#2 if k=0.5):
    Out[noparse][[/noparse]n] = k*Out[noparse][[/noparse]n-1] + (1-k)*In

    Out = k*mem + (1-k)*In
    mem = Out 

    where k is just the smooting factor but if

    where t is the time from the last call or better if t is constant (the calling time is scheduled) then F is the cutoff frequency of tle·LP filter
  • rokickirokicki Posts: 1,000
    edited 2008-10-24 19:08
    It is almost always preferable to start by trying to identify and reduce the source of the noise, since
    that degrades the signal. If noise is from the power supply, appropriate caps help a lot. If noise is
    60Hz or 120Hz hum from lights or induced currents, shielding (optical and/or electrical) can help
    reduce that. Note that reflected light from TV screens or computer monitors can be a significant
    source of noise. Incandescent bulbs generate a ton of modulated infrared, too.

    Next, if you are bouncing infrared, consider modulating the source and demodulating the return;
    this will help reduce noise a great deal (assuming there isn't a similar source of modulated
    signal in your environment).
  • JasonDorieJasonDorie Posts: 1,930
    edited 2008-10-24 19:11
    Jay Kickliter said...
    Where does Kalman filtering fit into all this? I've tried to read about it, but it's very confusing.
    Read these:

    Kalman filtering is basically a way of using a noisy but accurate measurement to correct an estimate of current state.· For balancing robots, it's used to correlate noisy accelerometer readings of 'absolute angle' with a slowly drifting 'estimate of absolute angle' computed by summing gyro readings over time.

  • lonesocklonesock Posts: 917
    edited 2008-10-24 20:24
    For a fast, scalable, integer-only version, I typically do something like:

    avg += (new - avg) >> avg_scale

    If avg_scale = 0, instant update. If avg_scale = 1, this behaves just like Paul's original posted version (updating 1/2 the way from the old average to the new value). If avg_scale = 2, we update only 1/4 the way from the old average to the new value, etc. No multiplications or divisions, so nice and quick, and you can easily change the smoothing factor (at the cost of a limited number of smoothing factors, of course).

    Piranha are people too.
  • CannibalRoboticsCannibalRobotics Posts: 535
    edited 2008-10-24 22:42
    I'm a proponent of hardware filtering in a case like this when noise is predictable or known to exist.
    Aside from a great topic of discussion, why would someone eternally commit processor cycles to compensate for a known deficiency in electrical design.

    A wise man told me; "All electronics are made to work by magic smoke.

    Don't ever let it out as it's·very difficult·to get it back in."
  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2008-10-25 00:18
    Well, I tried out a couple of the smoothing techniques. First, I tried a cap from + to -. That didn't seem to do anything. Then I tried a cap from SIG to -. That helped quite a bit and provided stability, but it's not perfect. Next, I tried (still with the caps in place) the filter provided by Paul and expanded by Phil. I used a constant of 5 to weight the old data. I noticed that when I kept the distance constant, the smoothed out number would be 5 or 6 units below the "average" that my mind calculated (aka, I saw the numbers floating around 95 and it displayed 88 or 89).

    Slowly, the smoothed out data made it's way upward. So, the IIR filter is okay, and I think it will work (along with the caps), but I'm still going to test the others.
  • CannibalRoboticsCannibalRobotics Posts: 535
    edited 2008-10-25 14:04
    What frequency are you running the IR?
    You could use a band pass filter tuned right to the IR frequency.

    Signature space for rent, only $1.
    Send cash and signature to CannibalRobotics.
  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2008-10-25 15:13
    The IR is just a regular 38kHz (right?) device. I'll measure it with my oscilloscope later today, but I think it's accurate enough. I don't have any inductors for a bandpass filter, plus I think it adds too much complexity for a minor problem.
  • JavalinJavalin Posts: 892
    edited 2010-07-22 11:05
    This is a very interesting thread.· The other technique I've used (bar simple averaging) is a rolling average - very good at filtering spikes in data.

    Attached is a 5 point rolling average from Beau's raw-data spreadsheet.

    Essentially it works as follows:
    -> Take reading
    -> Put into a the next spot in a array of 5 (for example).· When you get to the last element, wrap around to use the first again.
    -> Average the array values (sum and divide by size of array)
    -> Repeat

    Surpised nobody has mentioned it.

    820 x 473 - 97K
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-07-22 14:46
    Javalin said...
    -> Average the array values (sum and divide by size of array)
    This step can be made easier. Just keep a running sum. When you replace a value in the array with a new one, subtract the old value from the sum and add the new one. Then do the division. 'Saves having to reread all the array values from scratch to calculate the average.

  • WBA ConsultingWBA Consulting Posts: 2,936
    edited 2010-07-22 14:54
    This is an awesome thread! I'll be checking back on this thread later this year when I start working on the code to add the heart rate monitor receiver to my Polar Bear Plunge Logger.

    Andrew Williams
    WBA Consulting
    PowerTwig Dual Output Power Supply Module
    My Prop projects: Reverse Geo-Cache Box, Custom Metronome, Micro Plunge Logger
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,795
    edited 2010-07-22 17:36
    As seems to of interest, my solution in SPIN:

        MaxAvrg         ' Log 2 of the maximum number of samples
        Log2Samples     ' Log 2 of the number of samples use in that moment
        NewInput        ' measured new data point
        Accu            ' accumulator to accumulate signal 
        FilteredOutput  ' NewValue

    The number of averaged values should be a power of 2 to simplify the division. It makes no sense to have a finer granularity.
    So let's say, the maximal number of samples is 256, than MaxAvrg = 8

    The accumulator will grow up to maximum value of input << MaxAvrg, therefor the input should nor exceed the value accu-range ~> MaxAvrg

    Let the actual number of samples be 64, so Log2Samples = 6

    When the first sample (NewInput) arrives, the accumulator should be initialized to:

    NewInput << (MaxAvrg - Log2Samples)

    After this, the filter function is applied:

              Accu            += (NewInput - FilteredOutput)  << (MaxAvrg - Log2Samples) 
              FilteredOutput  :=  XeroAccu~>MaxAvrg

    The trick with this implementation of an IIR-filter is, that you can change the time constant on the fly without having to wait for the signal to settle.

    Hello Rest Of The World
    Hello Debris
    Install a propeller and blow them away wink.gif
  • BRBR Posts: 92
    edited 2010-07-23 00:29

    see also this object

    and the various filter examples and links in this thread
  • JavalinJavalin Posts: 892
    edited 2010-07-30 10:33
    thanks BR - i'll check it out.

  • JavalinJavalin Posts: 892
    edited 2010-07-31 16:45

    I had good results smoothing RPM with the:

    average := average * 7 / 8 + data / 8

    question! How do I implement it in PASM?

  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-07-31 18:10
            sub     data,average
            shr     data,#3
            add     average,data


    Or, for less truncation error:

            sub     data,average
            shl     average,#3
            add     average,data
            shr     average,#3

    Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 7/31/2010 6:16:08 PM GMT
  • JavalinJavalin Posts: 892
    edited 2010-07-31 18:12
    hmm - interesting - thanks Phil.

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