Hot Rod Stamp
Is it possible? Back in the days of the Apple II series computers (6502 chip), we hot rodded the CPU by running it at a faster clock speed. The IIe had the ZIP chip and later, the Macintosh LE had a similar mod to the crystal circuit. It made a world of difference in computing applications. I have an app where I'd like to have a basic stamp run slightly faster. Aside from all the "not recommended" comments this post will get, how about some comments on the feasibility?
Would definitely throw off all of the timing-related commands (PULSIN/OUT, SERINOUT, etc.)
This is much easier to do if you are building up your own module using the OEM BASIC stamp chips from Parallax. If you want to go that route I have a PCB that can be used to carry their BS2p40 OEM chip.
Best Regards,
And there is always the SX/B Basic compiler for the SX chip if you love Basic.
Both·the Propeller and SX chips are faster, cheaper, and more versatile than any Stamp, if you want to learn·the new·language. I've been putting it off, but just last week, Paul Baker from Parallax came to visit my company. He·gave us a dynamite presentation on the Propeller, and I'm convinced that's the way to go.
If I may play avocatus diaboli for a minute, there are non-Parallax alternative chips that use compiling to increase execution speed:
The BasicX-24·is BS2 pin-compatible and·claims 83,000 instructions per second, compared with 4,000 for the BS-2 and 10,000 for the BS2-SX.·But their Yahoo-hosted support forum is not nearly as dynamic as this Parallax forum.
There is the Atmel-Based CubLoc CB220, 36,000 instructions per second, programmable in Basic and BS2 pin-compatible:
There is the BasicAtom24, BS2 pin compatible, runs at 33,000 instructions per second·Their forum gets pretty lonely.
Then·there is the C-Stamp, which claims 10,000,000 instructions per second, if you want to learn C.·Not BS2 pin-compatible.
Interesting options, but nowhere will you find the support and cameraderie of this forum. Stick with Parallax, the original and still the best.·We know 'em and·we love 'em!
·"If you build it, they will come."
It uses a 20Mhz ceramic resonator as seen in the attached schematic. Aside from replacing it with a faster one, what other circuit changes would be required?
Post Edited (Jesse Hasty) : 10/24/2008 1:37:22 AM GMT
Have You thought about Parallel processer's ???. __Its just a thought__, But I have been thinking of away to use a BS2P for a (host controller) to control ( 8 )or more BS2's ..This would run along the lines that the Propeller uses. By "lines" I mean ( COG's ) or #of BS2's to control, asinging a BS2 to run for example a (keypad), another BS2 for a LCD , etc. I feel each BS2 could run a lot more than what I've listed, This is just a start and I'm tring to keep it simple in It's Idea... This would use shared RAM and EPROM and would use PBASIC lingo (something most of Us can write in) "A big plus for ME"
Take A look @ "Supercomputeing" in the Propeller forms "by Chip G.
Post Edited (humanoido) : 10/24/2008 6:10:19 AM GMT
I knew it could be done.and useing the PIC16C57C and a home made board would keep the cost$ down.I asume this is what You've done... : What bus wid. did You end up w/ ??? : Did You run the BS2's in sync. or phase shift them ??? : What was the Bus speed ???
Inquireing Minds would like to know....________________%WMc$___________________________????_______________
Arm chips are way harder to get started on but they run at 70Mhz and are 32bit devices so you could be seeing
10million lines of basic code a sec! Not sure how that compares with the fast 8 core Propeller which is simple to get started with.
The Fun in "HAVING FUN" is when they say "It can't be done " or "Its Not gona work";"It will never work"..."Your wasting Your time"..It's the deviation from the norm. That drives this hobby!!!....Anything else would be "work related".......
one for a BS2 and the other for a BS2sx. What
threw me off was the exact drawing for the
processor. But now that you mention it, I do see
the fine print differences. So the suggestion is
to get a BS2sx and hot rod that for even
greater speed...
What is your real objective here, Humanoido? At first you were satisfied with the possibility of a 32 MHz BS2. Now, all of a sudden, the much speedier 50MHz BS2SX isn't fast enough. If you want ultimate speed from a BS2SX module, just leave the resonator in place, and make a clip-on connector that you can use with an SX Key to reprogram the SX firmware using SX/B.
If you want a speedy module with a lot of memory to use in a 24-pin Stamp socket, I'd also suggest that you consider a Spin Stamp. You do have to be careful about the I/O pin voltage since the I/O pins are 3.3V rather than the 5V of the Basic Stamps, but it's not a big deal for most circumstances.
Do you have a link for Penguin tech mag???????????.All I found on a search was jiberish...
and also at the web Penguin web site here:
I'm doing experiments and learning, as you 1st mentioned. I don't
recommend anyone try this at home. I also appreciate Phil's suggestion
that the regulator may not be able to handle the current. There's no
plan to sacrifice any stamps, as their condition and preservation is a
top priority, and the power requirements will be researched in detail
before proceeding with any experiments. The Basic Stamp 2 is the main
consideration, but would not rule out studying other Stamp versions.
for the link:I'll check it out
in this document
"11 Appendix A: SX Features
SX-Key/Blitz Development System Manual 2.0 · Parallax, Inc. · Page 109
11 Appendix A: SX Features
11.1 Introduction
The SX chip is a fully static CMOS MPU conservatively rated for DC to 50 (or 75) MHz operation. The
SX provides 2K words of on-chip E²Flash program memory (4K words in SX48/52). In Turbo mode, all
instructions are single ..."
then it says:
"· DC to 50 MHz operation (75 MHz on selected chips)"
any idea what they are talking about, "selected chips?"