Cool project needs programming help!!

I've done my fair share of reading and exploring the BS1 and BS2 but to be honest, I simply don't have what it takes to complete my project. I honestly need a person who can write what seems to be a very simple program for a stamp application.
I would like to automate my biodiesel fuel washing system. This process is very time consuming and I have extremely limited free time.
So, here I am looking for at least one good person to end my frustration.
I've attached a word doc with my projects automation sequence.
Please let me know your thoughts.
it works but they are not the cheapest things you can buy
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
There is no doubt I can do the job of programming this project. The problem is time. By the time I get the programming done I'll be old and wheelchair bound.
Seriously, I run a restaurant full time 12 to 14 hours 6 days a week. Sundays I have to get the other neglected tasks around the house done. I simply don't have the time or patience to learn the language and apply what I learn. Trust me, I'm not lazy..· I just pick have to choose the things I know how to do and look for help with those I'm clueless on.
Oh and yes... I'm using SSR's I bought a while ago. The are 3-24v dc controlled. They are fantastic technology.
The way I see it is: You've got the talent and knowledge. I respect that! I'm in need of a simple program.
Any takers????
and it actually works i have been playing with it
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
doing this actually destroyed two of them this way
i put a 220 ohm resistor between the output of the stamp and the input of the isolater
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
First off, if you agree to use this, you agree to test all safteys and cutoffs, monitor several cycles manually, and test for every contigency possible before comitting this to unmonitored use. I do not guarentee that I followed your instructions, but I tried.
So basically, check to make sure there isnt any coding errors by causing some malfuctions and seeing how it reacts.
Secondly, make sure you monitor a couple of cycles and ensure that it is working how you requested before commiting this to unmonitored use
Third, I will not be held accoutable for any mistakes I may have made ( and ya'd hafta catch me first
As far as the compensation you were offering, please PM me about it if you are going to use this code, Im not materialistic, but I am in between jobs, and I did spend a few hours on this, more than I might normally just to help someone out on a forum.
Ive taken one liberty with this code, I am only checking for L3 when actually add fluids, not when settling or draining. I would reccomend a hardware interlock on this anyway, so that the adding valves are powered by a closed L3, this way, it can never overflow, the valves simply cannot open under any circumstance when the L3 is activated.
I have also added some debugging. When a startup error occurs, it flashes the YellowLED x number of times depending on which swtich is open Lx. I figure this might save some hair should it ever come up.
This might not be the most concise code, but im assuming you are dedicating this stamp to this task, and it only really takes up 1 byte of ram and 15% of codespace.
Post Edited (GICU812) : 10/10/2008 5:27:59 PM GMT
Hehe, Ive allready had to tweak it once, I had it set to wash for 2.4 seconds instead of 240 (4 minutes)
I fixed that, but it now uses 2 bytes of RAM, but I could rework that down probably.
I edited the file at 130PM EST, incase you had allready downloaded it.
Thats the kinda thing I need you to check for me. [noparse]:D[/noparse]
Post Edited (GICU812) : 10/10/2008 5:28:12 PM GMT
Perhaps, on overflow error, freeze and alarm, wait for Button1, on button1 open drain valve, wait x seconds, return to startup sequence and wait for start button
Because as it is coded, you would have to manually drain\reset the mechanics, as the software just drops everything and the only option is to reset and start the sequence over again.
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
I changed a few things, fixed a bug in the debug output,, fixed·a timer·error (3 seconds instead of 30)·and a little cleanup knocked about 5 bytes off the size.
Newer version attatched (1.1)
You know we could easily add a serial LCD display to it. Would be able to assign fuctions to the button, and more easily display the error. They're only like $12
Id still like to have it wait for a button push that would open the drain valve on critical overflow. Let me know.
Anyone else want some coding done?
Post Edited (GICU812) : 10/12/2008 7:02:19 AM GMT
still working on the hardware.
you will hear from me soon [noparse]:)[/noparse]
bob g
Dream it, design it, engineer it, build it, and
do what is necessary to make the damn thing work!