the 3/4 drill bit was sharp and i always use a really large drill bit to drill out rivits on something that i am scraping and no it was not a bridge it was an aluminum lawn chair.
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
i would never have been able to plug any type of rom or prom into an programmer because i have never even seen one does anyone know where to find a schematic to build one
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
This happened to a guy I served my apprenticeship with, way back in the good old days....
My trade is security alarms and the old old burgular alarm systems used to use 6V end of line batteries that powered up a relay when the door circuit was complete. Back then the systems were wired in twin bell wire, you know the figure of 8 stuff.
Back at the 'control panel' there would be a huge bundle of twin cables and he would check / test each circuit and labelling it up before connecting to the 'control panel'.
It was well before the days of digital multimeters and for speed he would touch the wires to his tongue as a quick check for continuity, this worked fine until he came across the 50V telephone circuit!!!!
He still can hardly taste anything to this day!!!
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ PropGFX Forums - The home of the Hybrid Development System and PropGFX Lite
When I was about 14 years old I reversed a 9 volt transformer and put 9 volts into 110 thinking to create a tesla style spark. (1000 volts) Lights dimmed and dads computer blanked out temporarily. Could have been worse I guess.
But I guess a 6v or 9v battery would do. Find a data sheet for your EPROM via google. In there find the 5v and ground pins. Try wiring these to your battery backwards. If that fails to glow mess with some other pins.
Programming these EPROMS is a bit tricky as you generally need a 12v (or so) programming voltage that needs to be pulsed briefly whilst having all the data and address pins set up as required. I seem to remember the timing and programming voltages varied over different generations of PROM and different manufactures. You need to check the data sheets.
I was considering setting up a Prop to do this for some EPROMS I have but don't wait I have other pressing projects.
Erasing is easy, just stand it under a UV lamp for half an hour or so. Or even leave it out in the sunshine for a day or two.
For me, the past is not over yet.
Hippy said...
Anyone ever try to pull a DIL IC out with their fingers and have it spin round and bite into their thumb or finger like a multi-fanged vampire ? Any others done it more than once ?
Been there done that! still don't have a IC pulled /sigh!
there is a fine art behind proerly removing them you just have to get the big hammer and smash it to little pieces
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
While studying electronics I spent my days blowing up resistors and capacitors using the AC Outlet.. very dangerous, the fumes were nasty but it smelled like glory to me... but the worst electricity related thing I ever did was.. one day I found my older brother sleeping, he passed out after a night of drinking and he had his mouth open. I had a wall AC adapter, so I had the brilliant idea of setting it up at the higher voltage (maybe around 18 Volts DC) and proceeded to push the connector against his lower lip.. he jumped in the air screaming, by the time he landed, I was rolling on the floor laughing... he probably spent the next 3 minutes kicking me like a maniac, but I was numb from the laughing, I didn't feel a thing!!.. that was a pretty mean and dangerous thing to do, but 20 years later I still laugh when I remember it!!
that sounds like something i would have done before i knew any better but now i dont do anything any more dangerous to any one else then what i do to myself
however i like to get shocked with 110 so 110 is not out of the picture yet lol
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
Forgive me father for I have …. done some really boneheaded things. Like the time I was building studio photo flash equipment with 8000 uF of capacitance at about 800v. After assembly, part of the testing was to manually open an open frame relay to break the charging circuit. The unit was plugged into the 110VAC then stepped up through a transformer to 800v and through the relay. I managed to get my hand across the contacts on the relay and the muscular contractions caused me to hold on even tighter. I got free by pushing my rolling chair back until the unit under test fell off the bench and I was disconnected. That was 20 years ago and I still can show you the entry and exit points in my finger and thumb.
Like Hippy, I have managed to embed more IC’s than I can remember into my fingers during a manual removal process.
Similar to Lab Rat, I was drilling a mounting hole in a panel and was bracing it on my lap. I thought I would be OK because I had the drill going slowly. When it went through the panel it caught on my jeans and pulled the bit into my leg (fortunately it was not a ¾” bit)
JoeBotics reminds me of when I was in high school, several of my friends and I would carry small electrolytic capacitor and a full wave diode bridge that was molded into a single package with four leads. We found that you could walk up to any A/C outlet and stick two leads into the socket and the other two leads to the capacitor. The capacitor would hold a charge for quite awhile. The game was to sneak up to someone and touch the two contact points on the top of the capacitor to someone’s exposed skin. The would jump and you would innocently blend into the crowd.
Touched the underside of a PCB (where there are bare copper traces) carrying 120VAC on accident.
Not only fogetting to put on the backshell of a DC power plug, but solder the wires in the wrong polarity (apparently black means·neutral and white means hot... the opposite of house wiring in the United States)
Today I was working on an electric well pump and decided to unscrew a valve while it was still on. Needless to say
water sprayed everywhere and the result was a serious shock danger... I survived unsinged though [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I used to design BIG dimmers for theatrical and architectural systems. I had the prototype of a computer controlled 18kva 3 phase 440 unit on the bench, powered up, running the dummy load full power sweeps to optimize the drive parameters for the FETs. I was tweaking said numbers, and accidentally entered a negative value for the shoot-through delay. BOOM. I still have a small piece of shrapnel embedded in my chest from that.
The other was when I was younger and dumber, pretending to be a live sound engineer. One of the guys I was working with brought in his own power distro and wanted to tie into the panel at the bar where the gig was. Nothing too abnormal about that, but he pulled out a set of home-made suicide clamps and popped them onto the bus lugs, north of the main breaker. While tightening the jackscrews, he dropped the screwdriver across the buss bars and vaporized it, along with popping the breaker on the pole down the block. He was flashblind and deaf for a day or so. I had blue spots in my eyes for weeks, and the ringing still comes back once and a while.
This is not a sig. This is a duck. Quack.
When I was a kid I was carrying a 9volt battery in my pocket with a bunch of quarters....had the mark of the queen on my leg for a day or so there!!
First lab experiment in electronics class....forgot to plug it in and spent 3hours trying to figure out what I missed!!
Co-op placement....owner had strobe lights he needed tested. Found one that would flash. So I reach my hand in to the tube the electronics were in to pull them out...well, I found the little LED that would trigger the strobe (actually, I found it after I got up off the ground)!
At same placement, went to fix one of those token games that you roll down the shoot and get a certain number of tickets. Chicken Dash was reknown for coming off it's you'd reach in to re-set it....well, I found the bare motor wire! I hit the machine behind me to the sound of the machine singing, 'cluck cluck cluk cluck...chicken dash!!' haha
The stupidest one I've done....we were wiring up ethernet and phone in a hotel that was being built. I was going room to room trying to wire up the faceplates before the bell-guy got there and hooked up. Well, I'm in the room trying to wire up and I swear I keep poking the wire in to my finger....cuz it hurts like a little needle poke!!
I did this about a dozen times in 10seconds and then radio'd downstairs to ask if the bell guy was there! He was...and he was doing ring-tests throughout the hotel!!
Just felt dumb for going...OW..OW..WHAT THE..OW..OW..OW..OW..OW..WHY'S THIS HURT..OW..OW..OW...HMM...OW!!
I learn though....if it hurts after 6times I stop now! [noparse]:D[/noparse]
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ <FONT>Steve
What's the best thing to do in a lightning storm? "take a one iron out the bag and hold it straight up above your head, even God cant hit a one iron!"
Lee Travino after the second time being hit by lightning!
As an Avionics Technician in the Navy, I spent a lot of time on a Carrier deck. Many times, I had to change avionics gear on aircraft while the engines were turning. This day it was pouring rain and the plane was on the catapult waiting to be launched. I had removed the bad amplifier ·and was about to secure the good one into the rack when the piece safety wire that was in my mouth came into contact with a 50 pin Cannon plug that had one pin with 48vDC on it. Steel deck, rain, 48vDV do not mix, I have a scar on my tongue to prove it. ·
LOL..... I have done a good number of the stuff on this list.
1. Picked up my soldering iron like a pencil.
2. done the DIP thing, still dont have a remover.
But i have two good ones.
When I was younger(12) I decided to pulse power into a car ignition coil. But this was not the rated 12v I charged a set of electrolic caps from a PSU i took part(4x 200uf 200v) then using my new knowlege of SCR's I would dump the power into the coil making a really big spark on the other side....... or so i thought. I after the caps had charged i still left it conected to the mains of my parents house. I thought after the scr is done conducting it would shut off......but i used a mechanical switch to trigger it, which was not as fast as one cycle of mains. SCR stayed on.
Well I got a big spark........ the scr blew up in a most violent fastion. The only thing holding the pieces of the SCR where the wire I had soldered to it. The lights dimed in the whole house and i burnt a hole in the carpet of my room(i did all my work on the floor as a kid). From that day on if the lights dimed in the house my name was shouted by my mom(along when i kicked her off the cordless phone by firing up the tesla coil when I was 16)
Second was at work. I was working with someone to run a new power home run in the office. We could not shut the panel down because it had our server on it so we were doing the work live. After all conduit was in place it was time to run the fish tape(spring metal you feed down to pull wires back with). I was in the panel to catch the fish tape when it came out the. So this was a live 200amp three phase service. When I could tell that the tape was near I told my guy "Just one more good push".........BANG!!!
Like you would not belive. The tape came out just past by my cupped hand and hit the main buss bar before the main breaker. It litaly blew up in my face. I had saftey glasses on, lucky for me. I was runing around freaking out for a good 15sec. I could not see anything for 10sec because the green flash was so bright and so fast. I know what it is like to get hit by a flash-bang gernade. I thought to myself, did i make myself go blind at first. Office lady come running out to see what happened asking me if i was all right. I told her "Im up and running around yelling......that means im ok. If i was not running around scared to death then we might have a problem."
Glad to see most of us have done that same stupid stuff. Just try to avoid from trying out the second story.......I was lucky to walk away.
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
My trade is security alarms and the old old burgular alarm systems used to use 6V end of line batteries that powered up a relay when the door circuit was complete. Back then the systems were wired in twin bell wire, you know the figure of 8 stuff.
Back at the 'control panel' there would be a huge bundle of twin cables and he would check / test each circuit and labelling it up before connecting to the 'control panel'.
It was well before the days of digital multimeters and for speed he would touch the wires to his tongue as a quick check for continuity, this worked fine until he came across the 50V telephone circuit!!!!
He still can hardly taste anything to this day!!!
PropGFX Forums - The home of the Hybrid Development System and PropGFX Lite
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
But I guess a 6v or 9v battery would do. Find a data sheet for your EPROM via google. In there find the 5v and ground pins. Try wiring these to your battery backwards. If that fails to glow mess with some other pins.
Programming these EPROMS is a bit tricky as you generally need a 12v (or so) programming voltage that needs to be pulsed briefly whilst having all the data and address pins set up as required. I seem to remember the timing and programming voltages varied over different generations of PROM and different manufactures. You need to check the data sheets.
I was considering setting up a Prop to do this for some EPROMS I have but don't wait I have other pressing projects.
Erasing is easy, just stand it under a UV lamp for half an hour or so. Or even leave it out in the sunshine for a day or two.
For me, the past is not over yet.
If you want to stress EPROMS or any other components to destruction like this be careful!
Exploding components are dangerous. Bits of shrapnel will cause I damage. USE EYE PROTECTION.
Not sure I like the fumes that come out of electrolytic capacitors much either. Do that out side.
Did I say, BE CAREFUL.
For me, the past is not over yet.
Does blowing out a circuit board and almost burning down the garage with your dad's Miata in it count?
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
however i like to get shocked with 110 so 110 is not out of the picture yet lol
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
Like Hippy, I have managed to embed more IC’s than I can remember into my fingers during a manual removal process.
Similar to Lab Rat, I was drilling a mounting hole in a panel and was bracing it on my lap. I thought I would be OK because I had the drill going slowly. When it went through the panel it caught on my jeans and pulled the bit into my leg (fortunately it was not a ¾” bit)
JoeBotics reminds me of when I was in high school, several of my friends and I would carry small electrolytic capacitor and a full wave diode bridge that was molded into a single package with four leads. We found that you could walk up to any A/C outlet and stick two leads into the socket and the other two leads to the capacitor. The capacitor would hold a charge for quite awhile. The game was to sneak up to someone and touch the two contact points on the top of the capacitor to someone’s exposed skin. The would jump and you would innocently blend into the crowd.
Luckily for me these kind of mistakes don't happen very often
water sprayed everywhere and the result was a serious shock danger... I survived unsinged though [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 10/21/2008 10:00:58 PM GMT
I used to design BIG dimmers for theatrical and architectural systems. I had the prototype of a computer controlled 18kva 3 phase 440 unit on the bench, powered up, running the dummy load full power sweeps to optimize the drive parameters for the FETs. I was tweaking said numbers, and accidentally entered a negative value for the shoot-through delay. BOOM. I still have a small piece of shrapnel embedded in my chest from that.
The other was when I was younger and dumber, pretending to be a live sound engineer. One of the guys I was working with brought in his own power distro and wanted to tie into the panel at the bar where the gig was. Nothing too abnormal about that, but he pulled out a set of home-made suicide clamps and popped them onto the bus lugs, north of the main breaker. While tightening the jackscrews, he dropped the screwdriver across the buss bars and vaporized it, along with popping the breaker on the pole down the block. He was flashblind and deaf for a day or so. I had blue spots in my eyes for weeks, and the ringing still comes back once and a while.
This is not a sig. This is a duck. Quack.
When I was a kid I was carrying a 9volt battery in my pocket with a bunch of quarters....had the mark of the queen on my leg for a day or so there!!
First lab experiment in electronics class....forgot to plug it in and spent 3hours trying to figure out what I missed!!
Co-op placement....owner had strobe lights he needed tested. Found one that would flash. So I reach my hand in to the tube the electronics were in to pull them out...well, I found the little LED that would trigger the strobe (actually, I found it after I got up off the ground)!
At same placement, went to fix one of those token games that you roll down the shoot and get a certain number of tickets. Chicken Dash was reknown for coming off it's you'd reach in to re-set it....well, I found the bare motor wire! I hit the machine behind me to the sound of the machine singing, 'cluck cluck cluk cluck...chicken dash!!' haha
The stupidest one I've done....we were wiring up ethernet and phone in a hotel that was being built. I was going room to room trying to wire up the faceplates before the bell-guy got there and hooked up. Well, I'm in the room trying to wire up and I swear I keep poking the wire in to my finger....cuz it hurts like a little needle poke!!
I did this about a dozen times in 10seconds and then radio'd downstairs to ask if the bell guy was there! He was...and he was doing ring-tests throughout the hotel!!
Just felt dumb for going...OW..OW..WHAT THE..OW..OW..OW..OW..OW..WHY'S THIS HURT..OW..OW..OW...HMM...OW!!
I learn though....if it hurts after 6times I stop now! [noparse]:D[/noparse]
What's the best thing to do in a lightning storm? "take a one iron out the bag and hold it straight up above your head, even God cant hit a one iron!"
Lee Travino after the second time being hit by lightning!
1. Picked up my soldering iron like a pencil.
2. done the DIP thing, still dont have a remover.
But i have two good ones.
When I was younger(12) I decided to pulse power into a car ignition coil. But this was not the rated 12v I charged a set of electrolic caps from a PSU i took part(4x 200uf 200v) then using my new knowlege of SCR's I would dump the power into the coil making a really big spark on the other side....... or so i thought. I after the caps had charged i still left it conected to the mains of my parents house. I thought after the scr is done conducting it would shut off......but i used a mechanical switch to trigger it, which was not as fast as one cycle of mains. SCR stayed on.
Well I got a big spark........ the scr blew up in a most violent fastion. The only thing holding the pieces of the SCR where the wire I had soldered to it. The lights dimed in the whole house and i burnt a hole in the carpet of my room(i did all my work on the floor as a kid). From that day on if the lights dimed in the house my name was shouted by my mom(along when i kicked her off the cordless phone by firing up the tesla coil when I was 16)
Second was at work. I was working with someone to run a new power home run in the office. We could not shut the panel down because it had our server on it so we were doing the work live. After all conduit was in place it was time to run the fish tape(spring metal you feed down to pull wires back with). I was in the panel to catch the fish tape when it came out the. So this was a live 200amp three phase service. When I could tell that the tape was near I told my guy "Just one more good push".........BANG!!!
Like you would not belive. The tape came out just past by my cupped hand and hit the main buss bar before the main breaker. It litaly blew up in my face. I had saftey glasses on, lucky for me. I was runing around freaking out for a good 15sec. I could not see anything for 10sec because the green flash was so bright and so fast. I know what it is like to get hit by a flash-bang gernade. I thought to myself, did i make myself go blind at first. Office lady come running out to see what happened asking me if i was all right. I told her "Im up and running around yelling......that means im ok. If i was not running around scared to death then we might have a problem."
Glad to see most of us have done that same stupid stuff. Just try to avoid from trying out the second story.......I was lucky to walk away.