I _finaly_ got a chance to have a bit of a decent playaround with BST. BradC, i have noticed that the serial terminal in BST will not work, i get no messages from the prop. Also if i try to use a different serial terminal I get no response either. If i close BST and load the prop from PropTools I get all the messages i should be. It could be something i am doing wrong, but i cant find anything to change to help.
This isnt mission critical to fix though, as i can continue to use PropTools for debugging. (Which i do a heck of alot )
I am running Vista Ultimate (32-bit) (Much to my disgust :P).
Also on the note of fonts, I dont know if anyone from Parallax reads this thread, but it might be worth asking them to make the fonts available for other programs on Vista.
Ill edit this post if i find anything else today.
Keep up the good work!!!
Also, im not sure if the other versions have this or not, but there isnt a print function that I can see.
Again, not mission critical, just one of those things i use once a year :P
Other than that, everything seems to run beautifully.
Advertisement sponsored by dfletch:
Come and join us on the Propeller IRC channel for fast and easy help!
Channel: #propeller
Server: irc.freenode.net or freenode.net
If you don't want to bother installing an IRC client, use Mibbit. www.mibbit.com
Thanks so much for this IDE. Having to boot windows was really slowing me down.
I do have a suggestion for your Compile menu.
It would be great to have the option built into the IDE that would let you grab the program out of eeprom on the propeller target and save it to a .eeprom or .binary file. I know it's not exactly what a Compiler does, but it would be nice to have a backup of what's allready on the eeprom just in case you can't find where you got what you are currently running.
I am guessing someone has done this already with little program to read the eeprom, but for 1, I don't know where it is, and 2. It would be nice to only have 1 interface into the propeller so you don't have to deal with the whole port contention issue.
Hi Brad. I've not done more than open files and create a new project, but your work looks really cool. I particularly like the search paths; and the fact that I don't have to install anything (my employer isn't keen on me installing software on their laptop!). Oh; I'm using WindowsXP too!
p.s. I would really like a colour print capability, especially if it handles portrait & landscape
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offence at my writing style
Glad its working for you now TheWizard65. I do my Mac testing on a G4 400 (it's a good machine to test speed optimisations on!) but I'm not gonna have access to it for about three months.
I've spent the last three days actually *using* bst pretty heavily instead of working on it and I've found a few things that really annoy me (TAB behaviour in the editor is just awful) and a couple of critical bugs (one crasher in the compiler), so I hope to get an update out sometime next weekend.
Importantly, I had my machine lock up hard right in that 5s between bst writing the recovery file and ext3 flushing it to disk. (dodgy USB WiFi driver). I have been relying on the recover function to save me from my own stupidity (I had not saved in over 20 minutes and had made *major* architectural code changes). I lost it all as the recovery file was corrupt (read as empty).
I have a modification of the way the recovery file works which will mitigate this risk (now I know about it), but its aggravating when it happens. Maybe I need to switch on that option to save before every compile.. <sigh>
On a completely unrelated note, does anyone have a good formula for converting RGB to colour values suited for the NTSC video modulator?
On the print function. It's something I've thought about, but doing it cleanly cross-platform is not incredibly easy. I'll keep thinking about it though.
Cardinal Fang! Fetch the comfy chair.
Cluso99 said...
Just a suggestion (I haven't tried your code yet :-( ) - could you save to a recovery file (overwrite it) each time you compile?
Which is precisely what it does right now. Where the problem lies is not in the method as such, but in the underlying filesystem.
The write to disk stores the metadata in the journal (NTFS, HFS and EXT3 all work the same way here), then flushes the data blocks, and then copies the metadata from the journal to the right place on the disk. My crash occurred after the metadata had been written to the journal, but before the data had been properly flushed to disk. After a reboot and journal replay the result was that the filesystem was in a perfectly consistent state, but my data had not made it to the disk.
So this method of saving a recovery file is perfectly suited to protect against bst crashing and losing your data. I just happened to get that one in a million where the machine itself died hard at precisely the moment I was writing out the recovery file (Murphy being a swine and all). I have a strategy to combat this which involves using *two* recovery files, and simply alternating between them (they are never much bigger than 4-8k anyway so it's not like an extra cluster is going to hurt). The other option (which I have used elsewhere) is to write the new file out, force a sync on that file and then remove the initial file and rename the new one. Its 6 of one and half a dozen of the other really. In any case, it's not really a bst problem, but one I can mitigate by taking a little extra care in the way I deal with the underlying OS.
Cardinal Fang! Fetch the comfy chair.
I get an error when trying to upload to the prop either EEPROM or RAM, always on the verify step... no meaningful error messages. This was using Servo32_Demo . . .
J. A. Streich said...
I get an error when trying to upload to the prop either EEPROM or RAM, always on the verify step... no meaningful error messages. This was using Servo32_Demo . . .
Unfortunately due to the way the upload procedure works to a propeller it's nearly impossible to give meaningful error messages. It either works or it does not. There are several steps :
- Detect propeller
- Download to ram and verify checksum
- Write to eeprom
- Verify eeprom.
Often the most likely point of failure is the download to ram step, and if it dies there the propeller just sits there, so other than "Verify failed" there is very little to report.
Linux, Mac or Windows? Oh I remember now, eeePC. Link to test build sent in PM.
I've made some major changes to the way downloading works recently but as most of my machines are between countries at the moment I'm not in a position to properly test or issue a new build until the second week in Feb (when I get my machines back in once place). I can try to get you a test-build if it might help you.
Cardinal Fang! Fetch the comfy chair.
I tried to compile Display.spin from page 139 of the propeller manual, but I get to panels and the Exception trace.
What am I doing wrong?
I am using version 016
Did you try the pre-release version I sent you a PM about? I can't reproduce it here, but if you can reproduce it with 0.17-pre2 then I have another problem to worry about [noparse]:)[/noparse]
@Chuck Rice. Nice catch. Is now fixed, many thanks.
I'm hoping to get my compiling gear out of customs in the next couple of days, so I should have a "new improved" release out a couple of days after that. Sorry about the latency at the moment.. bear with me.
Cardinal Fang! Fetch the comfy chair.
Sorry this one has taken so long. New Country, new house, new job, new network infrastructure, new internet provider...and so on..
Changelog in top post.
This release has a "new improved" (as different from "old and stale") serial loader for the prop, and has been tested *heavily* on all platforms (the loader and bst itself).
I had to break the compiler and loader out into separate threads. Unfortunately, some linux-gtk2 and slower OSX machines were stalling up to 100msec while the main thread re-painted the status information and the delays were causing all sorts of download reliability issues and compile slowdowns. Another level of complexity I did not want to add. On the upside, download reliability went through the roof and compile speed on slow OSX PPC machines doubled!
I still see problems on my OSX 10.4 PPC machine where the loader *appears* to go straight to the "Verify Ram" step while loading the propeller. It turns out the older Mac FTDI driver (the latest available for PPC Macs) intermittently refuses to honour the TIOCFLUSH IOCTL and it incorrectly returns from the syscall while there is still data in the transmit buffer. The end result is on OSX I've had to bump up the failure timeouts from 5 to 8 seconds to ensure that it always properly completes. This does not appear to cause load or detect failures, merely an oddity in reporting download progress and a bit of extra delay if it bails out with an error.
Probably the notable new features are "Propeller Tool style" programmable tab stops and compiler information/warning messages.
The info/warning messages might have some annoying niggles, but the only way to find out is for people to test them.
I've also made some changes to the recovery file saving to try and work around a crash where I lost some work. There are a number of other fixes all over the map.
Please let me know if I've missed something obvious [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I've had a few people ask me about open sourcing the whole kit and kaboodle, so I'll let you all know what my plans are in that regard.
Ultimately I'll probably do just that, but right now I'm actually having a ball writing this stuff as a solo effort. If I happen to lose interest in supporting or improving the code, then I will certainly plonk a GPL license on it and publish it somewhere, but while I'm enjoying working on it I really have no immediate plans to make any of the bst tools open source.
Cardinal Fang! Fetch the comfy chair.
Thanks guys, it's nice to be back in a relatively free country. I'm still a little unsettled as I slide into a new environment, so development is not as fast as it may have been when my time was less employed putting grub on the table [noparse]:)[/noparse]
This release has hammered my poor test propeller. It's been reset and had its ram loaded nearly 600,000 times during the development of the new load code. The last 60,000 was performed under a hair-dryer at over 200k baud, so the poor thing is frazzled!
I could not bear the thought of not being able to get some builds out while my stuff shipped, so I ended up air-freighting my build server, Mac and enough Propeller boards to test with. The rest of my kit is still bobbing about the great blue somewhere.
Any Propeller users in Perth, WA ? (I know where sevs is anyway)
Cardinal Fang! Fetch the comfy chair.
Yes, I'm in Perth, WA.
I didn't realise that you also reside here, although I'd seen many of your posts.
Maybe you could include your location in your signature?
Perth, Western Australia
Time Zone = GMT + 8
kenmac said...
Yes, I'm in Perth, WA.
I didn't realise that you also reside here, although I'd seen many of your posts.
Maybe you could include your location in your signature?
Up until 15 days ago I resided elsewhere. I'm now back for good (YAY!)
Ok, so that's three of us then.
Cardinal Fang! Fetch the comfy chair.
It is insane to image that you have run almost 600,000 test.... blows my mind.
Enjoy unpacking all you stuff. I recently helped a family member move (not as far as you though :P). So much fun moving house... [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Advertisement sponsored by dfletch:
Come and join us on the Propeller IRC channel for fast and easy help!
Channel: #propeller
Server: irc.freenode.net or freenode.net
If you don't want to bother installing an IRC client, use Mibbit. www.mibbit.com
I tried out bst on a ubuntu 8.10 machine today. I am using 1440 x 900 resolution. The code edit window is pretty much illegable as you can see from the attached screen shot bst.png.
- edit
I just realized that I didn't install the parallax font. After installing the parallax font it got worse see second attachment.
-edit again
Ok, I copied the font from my windows machine to my ubuntu machine which didnt work. Downloaded the one in the readme and all is good now.
Its strange, I have never had issues with fonts like that.
Post Edited (Greg LaPolla) : 2/23/2009 2:59:55 AM GMT
Ok, I copied the font from my windows machine to my ubuntu machine which didnt work. Downloaded the one in the readme and all is good now.
Its strange, I have never had issues with fonts like that.
There are certain point sizes that make the font collapse like that on Windows too, so it's not specific to the OS font painting routines.
@heater, I'm not sure how to even go about reproducing or tracking those issues down. Microsoft don't exactly make localisation easy. I will have a closer look at my UTF-8 routines and see if I'm obviously doing something stupid though. Maybe I can <ahem> "obtain" a localised copy of XP and have a play.
@sevs, yeah the move has been fun so far, but then the container has not arrived yet. Not looking forward to unpacking 66 boxes, but very much looking forward to uncrating the bike [noparse]:)[/noparse] The 600,000 test have occurred since christmas, so it's mostly set and forget. Each test run does about 31,000 tests and I just leave it to do its thing. I have enough propellers here to run a test on each architecture simultaneously, so they add up fast.
Brads SpinTool Loader v0.04 - Copyright 2008,2009 All rights reserved
Compiled for i386 Linux at 16:05:41 on 2009/02/19
Found a USB Serial Device
Propeller Version 1 Found!
Still, that is a huge amount of test. Shows the quality of the propeller and the time you put in.
Seems there is enough Perth users to have a Perth represent day :P
Tonight i will hopefully get a chance at installing the latest ubuntu, so you might have another linux tester soon as well. Wont get a huge amount of time though as im going away for work again tomorrow morning.
Advertisement sponsored by dfletch:
Come and join us on the Propeller IRC channel for fast and easy help!
Channel: #propeller
Server: irc.freenode.net or freenode.net
If you don't want to bother installing an IRC client, use Mibbit. www.mibbit.com
sevs said...
Still, that is a huge amount of test. Shows the quality of the propeller and the time you put in.
I'm a bit of a perfectionist actually. Writing this software has taught me a lot about "Good enough to be fit for purpose", otherwise I'd likely not have released anything yet!
sevs said...
Seems there is enough Perth users to have a Perth represent day :P
I dunno about that, but 4 is enough to warrant a trip to the pub! (actually, one is enough to justify a trip to the pub, this is Australia after all)
sevs said...
Tonight i will hopefully get a chance at installing the latest ubuntu, so you might have another linux tester soon as well. Wont get a huge amount of time though as im going away for work again tomorrow morning.
If you want a hand with Linux of any flavour, sign up to the Perth Linux User Group (plug) mailing list. Lots of helpful people there. www.plug.org.au But a few of them are aviators, so if you mention Propeller you might get some odd looks!
Cardinal Fang! Fetch the comfy chair.
Just finished installing ubuntu. It is very slow on my pc, which makes learning to use it a little patience testing... Will be joining that mailing list for sure.
A trip to the pub is definately in order.
One request for BST, is it possible to add a close button onto each tab? Nothing important, just one of those things i wish was there. Latest release has run like a charm so far. Most of my usage has been on XP.
Advertisement sponsored by dfletch:
Come and join us on the Propeller IRC channel for fast and easy help!
Channel: #propeller
Server: irc.freenode.net or freenode.net
If you don't want to bother installing an IRC client, use Mibbit. www.mibbit.com
I _finaly_ got a chance to have a bit of a decent playaround with BST. BradC, i have noticed that the serial terminal in BST will not work, i get no messages from the prop. Also if i try to use a different serial terminal I get no response either. If i close BST and load the prop from PropTools I get all the messages i should be. It could be something i am doing wrong, but i cant find anything to change to help.
This isnt mission critical to fix though, as i can continue to use PropTools for debugging. (Which i do a heck of alot )
I am running Vista Ultimate (32-bit) (Much to my disgust :P).
Also on the note of fonts, I dont know if anyone from Parallax reads this thread, but it might be worth asking them to make the fonts available for other programs on Vista.
Ill edit this post if i find anything else today.
Keep up the good work!!!
Also, im not sure if the other versions have this or not, but there isnt a print function that I can see.
Again, not mission critical, just one of those things i use once a year :P
Other than that, everything seems to run beautifully.
Advertisement sponsored by dfletch:
Come and join us on the Propeller IRC channel for fast and easy help!
Channel: #propeller
Server: irc.freenode.net or freenode.net
If you don't want to bother installing an IRC client, use Mibbit. www.mibbit.com
Post Edited (sevs) : 1/5/2009 10:09:32 AM GMT
Thanks so much for this IDE. Having to boot windows was really slowing me down.
I do have a suggestion for your Compile menu.
It would be great to have the option built into the IDE that would let you grab the program out of eeprom on the propeller target and save it to a .eeprom or .binary file. I know it's not exactly what a Compiler does, but it would be nice to have a backup of what's allready on the eeprom just in case you can't find where you got what you are currently running.
I am guessing someone has done this already with little program to read the eeprom, but for 1, I don't know where it is, and 2. It would be nice to only have 1 interface into the propeller so you don't have to deal with the whole port contention issue.
I was just trying to get BST.linux to talk to my propeller demo board. I used compile->detect propeller. I get:
TApplication.HandleException Access violation
Stack trace:
I'm running openSUSE10.3 and I haven't done anything to set up the serial port other than change permissions of /dev/ttyUSB0 to 666
Is it reproducible? If it is would you mind downloading a 20M build with debugging symbols in it so I can see where it really crashes?
Cardinal Fang! Fetch the comfy chair.
It also does TApplication.HandleException Access violation
Stack trace:
... when trying to configure ports.
Send me a link to the 20M version of 0.16 and I will run it.
I just wanted to say thanks for raising the bar in this product. I look forward to using your tools more.
p.s. I would really like a colour print capability, especially if it handles portrait & landscape
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again
BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offence at my writing style
I've spent the last three days actually *using* bst pretty heavily instead of working on it and I've found a few things that really annoy me (TAB behaviour in the editor is just awful) and a couple of critical bugs (one crasher in the compiler), so I hope to get an update out sometime next weekend.
Importantly, I had my machine lock up hard right in that 5s between bst writing the recovery file and ext3 flushing it to disk. (dodgy USB WiFi driver). I have been relying on the recover function to save me from my own stupidity (I had not saved in over 20 minutes and had made *major* architectural code changes). I lost it all as the recovery file was corrupt (read as empty).
I have a modification of the way the recovery file works which will mitigate this risk (now I know about it), but its aggravating when it happens. Maybe I need to switch on that option to save before every compile.. <sigh>
On a completely unrelated note, does anyone have a good formula for converting RGB to colour values suited for the NTSC video modulator?
On the print function. It's something I've thought about, but doing it cleanly cross-platform is not incredibly easy. I'll keep thinking about it though.
Cardinal Fang! Fetch the comfy chair.
Post Edited (BradC) : 1/12/2009 5:46:19 AM GMT
Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
My cruising website http://www.bluemagic.biz
Which is precisely what it does right now. Where the problem lies is not in the method as such, but in the underlying filesystem.
The write to disk stores the metadata in the journal (NTFS, HFS and EXT3 all work the same way here), then flushes the data blocks, and then copies the metadata from the journal to the right place on the disk. My crash occurred after the metadata had been written to the journal, but before the data had been properly flushed to disk. After a reboot and journal replay the result was that the filesystem was in a perfectly consistent state, but my data had not made it to the disk.
So this method of saving a recovery file is perfectly suited to protect against bst crashing and losing your data. I just happened to get that one in a million where the machine itself died hard at precisely the moment I was writing out the recovery file (Murphy being a swine and all). I have a strategy to combat this which involves using *two* recovery files, and simply alternating between them (they are never much bigger than 4-8k anyway so it's not like an extra cluster is going to hurt). The other option (which I have used elsewhere) is to write the new file out, force a sync on that file and then remove the initial file and rename the new one. Its 6 of one and half a dozen of the other really. In any case, it's not really a bst problem, but one I can mitigate by taking a little extra care in the way I deal with the underlying OS.
Cardinal Fang! Fetch the comfy chair.
Unfortunately due to the way the upload procedure works to a propeller it's nearly impossible to give meaningful error messages. It either works or it does not. There are several steps :
- Detect propeller
- Download to ram and verify checksum
- Write to eeprom
- Verify eeprom.
Often the most likely point of failure is the download to ram step, and if it dies there the propeller just sits there, so other than "Verify failed" there is very little to report.
Linux, Mac or Windows? Oh I remember now, eeePC. Link to test build sent in PM.
I've made some major changes to the way downloading works recently but as most of my machines are between countries at the moment I'm not in a position to properly test or issue a new build until the second week in Feb (when I get my machines back in once place). I can try to get you a test-build if it might help you.
Cardinal Fang! Fetch the comfy chair.
Post Edited (BradC) : 1/24/2009 3:35:41 AM GMT
I tried to compile Display.spin from page 139 of the propeller manual, but I get to panels and the Exception trace.
What am I doing wrong?
I am using version 016
Propeller on Port: Label2
Access denied.
Press Ok to ignore and risk data corruption.
Press Cancel to kill program.
TApplication.HandleException Access denied
Stack trace:
Did you try the pre-release version I sent you a PM about? I can't reproduce it here, but if you can reproduce it with 0.17-pre2 then I have another problem to worry about [noparse]:)[/noparse]
@Chuck Rice. Nice catch. Is now fixed, many thanks.
I'm hoping to get my compiling gear out of customs in the next couple of days, so I should have a "new improved" release out a couple of days after that. Sorry about the latency at the moment.. bear with me.
Cardinal Fang! Fetch the comfy chair.
Sorry this one has taken so long. New Country, new house, new job, new network infrastructure, new internet provider...and so on..
Changelog in top post.
This release has a "new improved" (as different from "old and stale") serial loader for the prop, and has been tested *heavily* on all platforms (the loader and bst itself).
I had to break the compiler and loader out into separate threads. Unfortunately, some linux-gtk2 and slower OSX machines were stalling up to 100msec while the main thread re-painted the status information and the delays were causing all sorts of download reliability issues and compile slowdowns. Another level of complexity I did not want to add. On the upside, download reliability went through the roof and compile speed on slow OSX PPC machines doubled!
I still see problems on my OSX 10.4 PPC machine where the loader *appears* to go straight to the "Verify Ram" step while loading the propeller. It turns out the older Mac FTDI driver (the latest available for PPC Macs) intermittently refuses to honour the TIOCFLUSH IOCTL and it incorrectly returns from the syscall while there is still data in the transmit buffer. The end result is on OSX I've had to bump up the failure timeouts from 5 to 8 seconds to ensure that it always properly completes. This does not appear to cause load or detect failures, merely an oddity in reporting download progress and a bit of extra delay if it bails out with an error.
See http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?p=754527 for the gory details about the new loader.
Probably the notable new features are "Propeller Tool style" programmable tab stops and compiler information/warning messages.
The info/warning messages might have some annoying niggles, but the only way to find out is for people to test them.
I've also made some changes to the recovery file saving to try and work around a crash where I lost some work. There are a number of other fixes all over the map.
Please let me know if I've missed something obvious [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I've had a few people ask me about open sourcing the whole kit and kaboodle, so I'll let you all know what my plans are in that regard.
Ultimately I'll probably do just that, but right now I'm actually having a ball writing this stuff as a solo effort. If I happen to lose interest in supporting or improving the code, then I will certainly plonk a GPL license on it and publish it somewhere, but while I'm enjoying working on it I really have no immediate plans to make any of the bst tools open source.
Cardinal Fang! Fetch the comfy chair.
Glad to hear you are getting set back up.
I've been using "0.17-pre2" and love it! Looking forward to breaking in the new version.
New to the Propeller?
Check out: Protoboard Introduction , Propeller Cookbook 1.4 & Software Index
Updates to the Cookbook are now posted to: Propeller.warrantyvoid.us
Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS
This release has hammered my poor test propeller. It's been reset and had its ram loaded nearly 600,000 times during the development of the new load code. The last 60,000 was performed under a hair-dryer at over 200k baud, so the poor thing is frazzled!
I could not bear the thought of not being able to get some builds out while my stuff shipped, so I ended up air-freighting my build server, Mac and enough Propeller boards to test with. The rest of my kit is still bobbing about the great blue somewhere.
Any Propeller users in Perth, WA ? (I know where sevs is anyway)
Cardinal Fang! Fetch the comfy chair.
Yes, I'm in Perth, WA.
I didn't realise that you also reside here, although I'd seen many of your posts.
Maybe you could include your location in your signature?
Perth, Western Australia
Time Zone = GMT + 8
Up until 15 days ago I resided elsewhere. I'm now back for good (YAY!)
Ok, so that's three of us then.
Cardinal Fang! Fetch the comfy chair.
Glad to hear you made it back safe and sound.
It is insane to image that you have run almost 600,000 test.... blows my mind.
Enjoy unpacking all you stuff. I recently helped a family member move (not as far as you though :P). So much fun moving house... [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Advertisement sponsored by dfletch:
Come and join us on the Propeller IRC channel for fast and easy help!
Channel: #propeller
Server: irc.freenode.net or freenode.net
If you don't want to bother installing an IRC client, use Mibbit. www.mibbit.com
1) Some file names in the compiler info box have "2" character appended.
2) My tv object is nested under i8080_emu_0 instead of TV_text
These can be seen in the attached picture.
3)In the directory browser window directories with Finnish names like "Ty
I tried out bst on a ubuntu 8.10 machine today. I am using 1440 x 900 resolution. The code edit window is pretty much illegable as you can see from the attached screen shot bst.png.
- edit
I just realized that I didn't install the parallax font. After installing the parallax font it got worse see second attachment.
-edit again
Ok, I copied the font from my windows machine to my ubuntu machine which didnt work. Downloaded the one in the readme and all is good now.
Its strange, I have never had issues with fonts like that.
Post Edited (Greg LaPolla) : 2/23/2009 2:59:55 AM GMT
There are certain point sizes that make the font collapse like that on Windows too, so it's not specific to the OS font painting routines.
@heater, I'm not sure how to even go about reproducing or tracking those issues down. Microsoft don't exactly make localisation easy. I will have a closer look at my UTF-8 routines and see if I'm obviously doing something stupid though. Maybe I can <ahem> "obtain" a localised copy of XP and have a play.
@sevs, yeah the move has been fun so far, but then the container has not arrived yet. Not looking forward to unpacking 66 boxes, but very much looking forward to uncrating the bike [noparse]:)[/noparse] The 600,000 test have occurred since christmas, so it's mostly set and forget. Each test run does about 31,000 tests and I just leave it to do its thing. I have enough propellers here to run a test on each architecture simultaneously, so they add up fast.
Brads SpinTool Loader v0.04 - Copyright 2008,2009 All rights reserved
Compiled for i386 Linux at 16:05:41 on 2009/02/19
Found a USB Serial Device
Propeller Version 1 Found!
Tested 31760 with 0 failures - 31760 loads - 0 detection errors
real 404m48.644s
user 11m2.161s
sys 8m16.867s
Cardinal Fang! Fetch the comfy chair.
News Flash!... Energizer Bunny arrested and charged with battery.
Seems there is enough Perth users to have a Perth represent day :P
Tonight i will hopefully get a chance at installing the latest ubuntu, so you might have another linux tester soon as well. Wont get a huge amount of time though as im going away for work again tomorrow morning.
Advertisement sponsored by dfletch:
Come and join us on the Propeller IRC channel for fast and easy help!
Channel: #propeller
Server: irc.freenode.net or freenode.net
If you don't want to bother installing an IRC client, use Mibbit. www.mibbit.com
I'm a bit of a perfectionist actually. Writing this software has taught me a lot about "Good enough to be fit for purpose", otherwise I'd likely not have released anything yet!
I dunno about that, but 4 is enough to warrant a trip to the pub! (actually, one is enough to justify a trip to the pub, this is Australia after all)
If you want a hand with Linux of any flavour, sign up to the Perth Linux User Group (plug) mailing list. Lots of helpful people there.
www.plug.org.au But a few of them are aviators, so if you mention Propeller you might get some odd looks!
Cardinal Fang! Fetch the comfy chair.
A trip to the pub is definately in order.
One request for BST, is it possible to add a close button onto each tab? Nothing important, just one of those things i wish was there. Latest release has run like a charm so far. Most of my usage has been on XP.
Advertisement sponsored by dfletch:
Come and join us on the Propeller IRC channel for fast and easy help!
Channel: #propeller
Server: irc.freenode.net or freenode.net
If you don't want to bother installing an IRC client, use Mibbit. www.mibbit.com