Which Relay ?
I know that has been discussed many times in other threads but I didn't find the exact answer I'm looking for.
I'm using a BS2px to PPT a small TalkAbout radio. The PINx is connected to a transistor who is switching on/off a micro relay (275-240) www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062480&cp= to jump 2 wires from the radio, but, since there is no voltage in those 2 wires I was thinking about using an optocoupler like the 4N26.
Do you think this could work ? Do you have any ideas ?
Thank you for your help.
I know that has been discussed many times in other threads but I didn't find the exact answer I'm looking for.
I'm using a BS2px to PPT a small TalkAbout radio. The PINx is connected to a transistor who is switching on/off a micro relay (275-240) www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062480&cp= to jump 2 wires from the radio, but, since there is no voltage in those 2 wires I was thinking about using an optocoupler like the 4N26.
Do you think this could work ? Do you have any ideas ?
Thank you for your help.
So with the small reed relay (275-232 and/or 275-233) do I need a transistor or I can connect direct to the BS2 (see the attachement) ?
275-232 : www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062478&cp=
275-233 : www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062479&cp=
I think I'll try it like you said in that post. Set the pin to low at the beginning and then high to turn on the relay.
But what exactly is the role of the reverse connected diode across the coil ? If I use a Crydom lc241 (attached file) do I need a diode too ?
With any inductance like a relay or solenoid or motor, when you switch off the current, the magnetic field collapses and, as it cuts across the coil winding, generates a reverse voltage that can become higher than the original activation voltage for the device. This can destroy the switching device if not dissipated. That's the function of the reverse connected diode. It short circuits the reverse voltage so it's dissipated in the resistance of the winding and that of the diode.
I'm heading to radio-shack today to get the reed relay.
Another question off topic: I live in northern California (Tracy) and I'm looking for a good electronics store. The only place I know it's Fry's but they don't carry a lot of electronics components. Do you know a good place in the Bay Area or between Sacramanto and San Jose ?