Please read my messages (like the one from 4:50PM). I included a link to the Propeller downloads page where there's a link to download the Propeller Serial Terminal program.
I am sorry, mike. I overlooked it. There was a plane that crashed south of Russia that killed 120 people. I was sorry to hear that. But, it meant something more to me because my son who works there could have been on that plane. So, my nerves are a little shot until I hear from him.
God Bless You for being Sooooo Patient with me!
Thank YOU.
Servos moving? Excellent. You can also use Servo4 to run your ping servo. I recommend not trying to move more than 2 servos at once though. You can have more than one obj name for Servo4 or any other object source for that matter.
Paul Baker's dscope can be run from the same startup module assuming you have a TV or VGA connected. No extra hardware required ... just a little work it runs in the background monitoring pins from within the chip and·takes over your display. It is very useful for understanding what's happening on the pins. Don't think there is a basic version ... but that's ok [noparse]:)[/noparse]
ok, let me reitierate what mike said , to make it clear to moviemaker and me
first hook up the prop to the computer to program it
then load and run botbasic, just like you would femtobasic...
then close the prop programing interface, and run the prop serial terminal program that mikes talking about, on your computer, leaving the usb prop hooked up.
the term program should see the prop. then if you restart the prop, ( reset button ) it should type READY in the prop terminal program on the computer.
then type your servo commands and hit enter..
couple of questions thou. ( havent hooked it up and tried it yet , still at work) do you have to close the prop programming interface ? i remeber having to do that to use hyperterm , so it would let go of the com port
movie, it seems , if your wheels are turning on the other programs, that you are headed in the right direction, just have to use the computer to input rather than the keyboard on the prop
jeeze, go off and play with cnc for a year and i forgot what a thrill it is to get something working with micros
I got the terminal program working, I think. I still haven't gotten any feedback from the protoboard. I tried various commands and they come back with a carriage return but no motors running. Like:
Everything worked until this point:
ok, let me reitierate what mike said , to make it clear to moviemaker and me
first hook up the prop to the computer to program it
then load and run botbasic, just like you would femtobasic...
then close the prop programing interface, and run the prop serial terminal program that mikes talking about, on your computer, leaving the usb prop hooked up.
the term program should see the prop. then if you restart the prop, ( reset button ) it should type READY in the prop terminal program on the computer.
I see no READY
I see the terminal program communicating to the protoboard on com4. It works with femtobasic but not with boebasic.
OK, Guys, it looks like I am stuck here at the "NO READY" limbo. I have tried other stuff and I can't get it to give me a READY. I do not know how late it is for you guys. It is 9pm CST where I am in TN. I apreciate all of your help.
I'm pretty brain-dead thanks to the expo yesterday, but could you
post a message with your code attached as well as a list of the connections
you are using. Please be very specific with information.
Can't promise I'll load it up tonight, but I'm taking the day off tomorrow
to recover and re-setup my shop.
I am simply trying to load up BoeBasic and use Parallax Serial Terminal through the usb port of the computer and the propeller and get the READY back. It works with FemtoBasic just fine, but not BoeBASIC. I have to use BOEBASIC to try to get my boebot working with the propeller. I have a ProtoBoard.· I have an SDcardReader from Sparkfun Soldered in. I have a Ping Unit, A heartbeat monitor object, As well as PING servo. I changed all of my wiring to match the code, so it should've worked perfectly. But, my servos just gives a little grunt when I start everything.
Here are my pin assignments:
0·· -Left Wheel Servo
1·· -Right Wheel Servo
2·· -PING Servo
4·· -IR EMIT
5·· -Ping DATA
6·· -Yellow TEST LED for troubleshooting
7·· -RED TEST LED for Troubleshooting
8·· -SD-D0
9· -SD -Clock
10 -SD DI
11 -SD CS
12· Boot TX
13· Boot RX
14· LED Green for Troubleshooting
15· (Sound Pal·Audio signal will be here)
16 -IR DET
18 -Heartbeat Monitor
The first test was the Heartbeat Monitor which worked fine in Spin.· But , the servos do not work with boebotbasic.· Now, I did run Object SERVO4. This made the two wheel run in various stages. IT all worked from OBJECT SERVO4.· I did see the PING try to give me a BLUE LIGHT, but no servo action.
I need to test the servos from a direct command. Boebasic is supposed to let me do that. But, I have to have a READY in order to enter a command.
One Last report. I ran servo4 and swapped the PING server with the right motor. It ran fine.
Just no READY. It is late for me. I have to get up and go to work, so I bid a fairwell until Monday when I can read your comments. (hope you have many.)
I talked to tech support. They are sending me a capacitor to add to the 3.3 volt line to keep it from oscillating. They said this could be the problem. I should get it in a few days. But, if I can find one sooner, I will use it.
There's no schematic, but there is a description of which I/O pins are connected to what in the FemtoBasic/BoeBotBasic documentation. I've got 1K resistors in the leads to the servos, the PING))), and the IR detector. The IR LEDs have 100 Ohm current limiting resistors and run off the 3.3V supply. There's no accelerometer, SoundPAL, or line following sensors, but there is an HM55B compass. I used the Accessory Kit, but you'd be better off leaving off the VGA and PS/2 connectors and using the extra 12 I/O pins for the compass, accelerometer, and/or line following sensors.
If I have inputs , they are serial connected to a 1k resistor. and LEDs and such have a 100 ohm resistor.
The outputs are connected directly to the cpu pins.
So this sounds just like the oposite wiring. My ins are 1k, 100 ohm. My outs are direct. Do you think THIS is my problem. I read somewhere that you have to protect the INPUT with a current limiting resistor, but the output you hook direct. Is this true?
Please hook it up the way it's described in the BoeBot documentation.· You can do whatever you want once you get it working and you understand what you're doing.
1) 1K series resistor in the leads between the I/O pins and the servo inputs
2) 1K series resistor between the PING))) data output and the I/O pin
3) 100 Ohm series resistor between the I/O pins and the LEDs with the other end of the LEDs grounded
4) 1K series resistor between the I/O pin and the IR detector output
5) The servos, PING))) and IR detector all have +5V power and ground connections
This is known to work.· That's the most important thing at the moment.· Some Protoboards do have the oscillation problem in the voltage regulator.· I've not had it myself in the several Protoboards I've used, but it does happen and the extra capacitance fixes it.
I will send you a brand-new Protoboard and a ProtoBoard Acessory Kit if you PM me with you address
details. This way, you can compare hardware behavior between the two setups. I believe your problem may
be a ground loop or a shaky connection, since you have not mentioned what electronics test equipment
you have. This offer is free of charge, and I will send it First Class Post, but if you want any faster shipping
you need to cover shipping costs. I bought 10 complete ProtoBoard kits six months ago in a fit of madness,
in case you were wondering.
I lived in Memphis TN for 30 years before I escaped, so I feel a kinship with you. This is a sincere offer
to help you out before your wife throws you out .
Just another comment. Using the Heartbeat monitor object, I have hooked up 4 LED's and when I change the port number to the other LEDs, they light up. So, I am really stumped why BOEBOT Basic doesn't want to give me a READY. When I get the capacitor and or the other Protoboard, I will continue to let you know what I find. FemtoBASIC works great on the proterminal, but not boebasic. Weird!
Thanks for your support. You are a GREAT Group of Guys.
I don't know what you're downloading to your Propeller. There are several versions of Basic for the Propeller. The first one I released is called FemtoBasic and only works with a PS/2 keyboard and either a TV display or a VGA display. Next was BoeBotBasic which only works via a serial terminal, either via the programming port or via an xBee transceiver. Last was DongleBasic which only works via the programming port and was intended for Hitt Consulting's Propeller Dongle board, but will work on pretty much any Propeller setup since it only requires the programming port and a 5MHz crystal.
For FemtoBasic, there are precompiled versions for the Hydra, the Demo Board, and the Protoboard because the crystal frequency and I/O pins vary among the 3 types of boards and there are versions for a TV display and a VGA display.
For BoeBotBasic, there are precompiled versions using the programming port and an xBee transceiver as the console port.
There's only one precompiled version of DongleBasic.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 8/26/2008 1:42:36 PM GMT
MovieMaker, what test equipment do you own? I believe you inferred that you have a multimeter.
Is that so? Do you have any other test equipment?
Are you using a Serial Terminal to communicate with your BoeBot?
Are you using Mike Green's precompiled binaries to test with?
I have personally been extremely impressed by the quality and professionalism of Mike's work.
The binary file for the BoeBot version of BoeBot Basic I have tested myself, and it works.
I believe that you are not using the correct version, but all of us may be wrong.
I will send the ProtoBoard and the acessory kit out today. Until then, stay frosty...
finally got time to play with this.
i loaded boebasicPP.binary ( have to switch file types ) and put it into eprom. then closed the prop tool, and started prop serial terminal. i dont have a READY per say, but i do have a response from the prop that tells me the rev date
so its just as good. i can type in statements and as long as i type them in right i get a OK back.
so it seems to me that moviemaker is using the SPIN verison of boebotbasic ( which has the serial pointing to the Xbee) and therefore isnt getting anything on his computer terminal .
btw mike , why did you provide binarys for this ? it seems to me that if you provided 2 spin versions it would allow us to follow your code and see oh, this is where the difference is.
of course best would be a compiler directive allowing conditional compliation so if we, for example , uncommented dir = xbee , it would compile with the serial pointing to the xbee.
nice piece to play with mike ..... the abilty to change your robot based on what you have installed, and it behaviors allso
movie, if your still having troubles after this, email me , we'll get together over the phoone maybe
This all sounds great. I am at work, so I don't have too much time for another six or seven hours.
I have a multimeter, a digital logic probe, Lots of hand tools, no scopes anymore.
I don't know how to load in a binary file. I can view it but not send it to eprom because when I try to load it in spin it disappears. I am using the spin version of boebotbasic. I also tried the propeller code at first and wired up the ports for this. But, I had to change everything to be the right pins for boebot basic.
I agree, mike's stuff is great by looking at it.
I am using the usb from the computer to the protoboard usb. I have no serial connection.
But, the Parallax terminal program works with FemtoBasic, so should it not work with Boebot Basic?
I just thought of something else. My computer is an AMD Athalon. Do you think because it is not a Pentium that it is causing this problem?
My crystal size is 5mhz.
As always, Thank You Guys for your Help. God Bless You.
ok movie,
when you have prop tool open.
goto file, then open
when you get the scroll box up listing the files,
change the "file type " at the bottom of the scroll box to files of type binary
click on boebotbasicPP.binary and load it
you should get a big multicolored box with several buttons along the bottom. one says " load eprom" , click it
then when it says loading, chacking, done
close the prop tool
open prop serial term and reset the propeller
there it is
God Bless You for being Sooooo Patient with me!
Thank YOU.
Paul Baker's dscope can be run from the same startup module assuming you have a TV or VGA connected. No extra hardware required ... just a little work it runs in the background monitoring pins from within the chip and·takes over your display. It is very useful for understanding what's happening on the pins. Don't think there is a basic version ... but that's ok [noparse]:)[/noparse]
You can find the dscope .zip package here:
first hook up the prop to the computer to program it
then load and run botbasic, just like you would femtobasic...
then close the prop programing interface, and run the prop serial terminal program that mikes talking about, on your computer, leaving the usb prop hooked up.
the term program should see the prop. then if you restart the prop, ( reset button ) it should type READY in the prop terminal program on the computer.
then type your servo commands and hit enter..
couple of questions thou. ( havent hooked it up and tried it yet , still at work) do you have to close the prop programming interface ? i remeber having to do that to use hyperterm , so it would let go of the com port
movie, it seems , if your wheels are turning on the other programs, that you are headed in the right direction, just have to use the computer to input rather than the keyboard on the prop
jeeze, go off and play with cnc for a year and i forgot what a thrill it is to get something working with micros
SRVLEFT = 2500
as suggested earlier.
I am going to try somemore.
ok, let me reitierate what mike said , to make it clear to moviemaker and me
first hook up the prop to the computer to program it
then load and run botbasic, just like you would femtobasic...
then close the prop programing interface, and run the prop serial terminal program that mikes talking about, on your computer, leaving the usb prop hooked up.
the term program should see the prop. then if you restart the prop, ( reset button ) it should type READY in the prop terminal program on the computer.
I see no READY
I see the terminal program communicating to the protoboard on com4. It works with femtobasic but not with boebasic.
I will try more tests.
one more day and i get to play also
My son just emailed me and he is "OK". PHew!!!
post a message with your code attached as well as a list of the connections
you are using. Please be very specific with information.
Can't promise I'll load it up tonight, but I'm taking the day off tomorrow
to recover and re-setup my shop.
New to the Propeller?
Getting started with a Propeller Protoboard?
Check out: Introduction to the Proboard & Propeller Cookbook 1.4
Updates to the Cookbook are now posted to:
Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS
I am simply trying to load up BoeBasic and use Parallax Serial Terminal through the usb port of the computer and the propeller and get the READY back. It works with FemtoBasic just fine, but not BoeBASIC. I have to use BOEBASIC to try to get my boebot working with the propeller. I have a ProtoBoard.· I have an SDcardReader from Sparkfun Soldered in. I have a Ping Unit, A heartbeat monitor object, As well as PING servo. I changed all of my wiring to match the code, so it should've worked perfectly. But, my servos just gives a little grunt when I start everything.
Here are my pin assignments:
0·· -Left Wheel Servo
1·· -Right Wheel Servo
2·· -PING Servo
4·· -IR EMIT
5·· -Ping DATA
6·· -Yellow TEST LED for troubleshooting
7·· -RED TEST LED for Troubleshooting
8·· -SD-D0
9· -SD -Clock
10 -SD DI
11 -SD CS
12· Boot TX
13· Boot RX
14· LED Green for Troubleshooting
15· (Sound Pal·Audio signal will be here)
16 -IR DET
18 -Heartbeat Monitor
The first test was the Heartbeat Monitor which worked fine in Spin.· But , the servos do not work with boebotbasic.· Now, I did run Object SERVO4. This made the two wheel run in various stages. IT all worked from OBJECT SERVO4.· I did see the PING try to give me a BLUE LIGHT, but no servo action.
I need to test the servos from a direct command. Boebasic is supposed to let me do that. But, I have to have a READY in order to enter a command.
That's all I can remember.
Just no READY. It is late for me. I have to get up and go to work, so I bid a fairwell until Monday when I can read your comments. (hope you have many.)
Thanks for all of the support you guys 've been!
God Bless!
Could you attach your .spin code?
New to the Propeller?
Getting started with a Propeller Protoboard?
Check out: Introduction to the Proboard & Propeller Cookbook 1.4
Updates to the Cookbook are now posted to:
Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS
There's no schematic, but there is a description of which I/O pins are connected to what in the FemtoBasic/BoeBotBasic documentation. I've got 1K resistors in the leads to the servos, the PING))), and the IR detector. The IR LEDs have 100 Ohm current limiting resistors and run off the 3.3V supply. There's no accelerometer, SoundPAL, or line following sensors, but there is an HM55B compass. I used the Accessory Kit, but you'd be better off leaving off the VGA and PS/2 connectors and using the extra 12 I/O pins for the compass, accelerometer, and/or line following sensors.
If I have inputs , they are serial connected to a 1k resistor. and LEDs and such have a 100 ohm resistor.
The outputs are connected directly to the cpu pins.
So this sounds just like the oposite wiring. My ins are 1k, 100 ohm. My outs are direct. Do you think THIS is my problem. I read somewhere that you have to protect the INPUT with a current limiting resistor, but the output you hook direct. Is this true?
1) 1K series resistor in the leads between the I/O pins and the servo inputs
2) 1K series resistor between the PING))) data output and the I/O pin
3) 100 Ohm series resistor between the I/O pins and the LEDs with the other end of the LEDs grounded
4) 1K series resistor between the I/O pin and the IR detector output
5) The servos, PING))) and IR detector all have +5V power and ground connections
This is known to work.· That's the most important thing at the moment.· Some Protoboards do have the oscillation problem in the voltage regulator.· I've not had it myself in the several Protoboards I've used, but it does happen and the extra capacitance fixes it.
I will send you a brand-new Protoboard and a ProtoBoard Acessory Kit if you PM me with you address
details. This way, you can compare hardware behavior between the two setups. I believe your problem may
be a ground loop or a shaky connection, since you have not mentioned what electronics test equipment
you have. This offer is free of charge, and I will send it First Class Post, but if you want any faster shipping
you need to cover shipping costs. I bought 10 complete ProtoBoard kits six months ago in a fit of madness,
in case you were wondering.
I lived in Memphis TN for 30 years before I escaped, so I feel a kinship with you. This is a sincere offer
to help you out before your wife throws you out .
Post Edited (Quantum) : 8/26/2008 4:00:43 AM GMT
My address is :
1503 Old Farm Trail
LaVergne, TN 37086
Thank You, so much. I am about to loose my sanity. That would really help out. A fresh start.
God Bless You!!!
New to the Propeller?
Getting started with a Propeller Protoboard?
Check out: Introduction to the Proboard & Propeller Cookbook 1.4
Updates to the Cookbook are now posted to:
Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS
Thanks for your support. You are a GREAT Group of Guys.
For FemtoBasic, there are precompiled versions for the Hydra, the Demo Board, and the Protoboard because the crystal frequency and I/O pins vary among the 3 types of boards and there are versions for a TV display and a VGA display.
For BoeBotBasic, there are precompiled versions using the programming port and an xBee transceiver as the console port.
There's only one precompiled version of DongleBasic.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 8/26/2008 1:42:36 PM GMT
MovieMaker, what test equipment do you own? I believe you inferred that you have a multimeter.
Is that so? Do you have any other test equipment?
Are you using a Serial Terminal to communicate with your BoeBot?
Are you using Mike Green's precompiled binaries to test with?
I have personally been extremely impressed by the quality and professionalism of Mike's work.
The binary file for the BoeBot version of BoeBot Basic I have tested myself, and it works.
I believe that you are not using the correct version, but all of us may be wrong.
I will send the ProtoBoard and the acessory kit out today. Until then, stay frosty...
Post Edited (Quantum) : 8/26/2008 2:30:58 PM GMT
finally got time to play with this.
i loaded boebasicPP.binary ( have to switch file types ) and put it into eprom. then closed the prop tool, and started prop serial terminal. i dont have a READY per say, but i do have a response from the prop that tells me the rev date
so its just as good. i can type in statements and as long as i type them in right i get a OK back.
so it seems to me that moviemaker is using the SPIN verison of boebotbasic ( which has the serial pointing to the Xbee) and therefore isnt getting anything on his computer terminal .
btw mike , why did you provide binarys for this ? it seems to me that if you provided 2 spin versions it would allow us to follow your code and see oh, this is where the difference is.
of course best would be a compiler directive allowing conditional compliation so if we, for example , uncommented dir = xbee , it would compile with the serial pointing to the xbee.
nice piece to play with mike ..... the abilty to change your robot based on what you have installed, and it behaviors allso
movie, if your still having troubles after this, email me , we'll get together over the phoone maybe
I have a multimeter, a digital logic probe, Lots of hand tools, no scopes anymore.
I don't know how to load in a binary file. I can view it but not send it to eprom because when I try to load it in spin it disappears. I am using the spin version of boebotbasic. I also tried the propeller code at first and wired up the ports for this. But, I had to change everything to be the right pins for boebot basic.
I agree, mike's stuff is great by looking at it.
I am using the usb from the computer to the protoboard usb. I have no serial connection.
But, the Parallax terminal program works with FemtoBasic, so should it not work with Boebot Basic?
I just thought of something else. My computer is an AMD Athalon. Do you think because it is not a Pentium that it is causing this problem?
My crystal size is 5mhz.
As always, Thank You Guys for your Help. God Bless You.
(I might be off on my keyboard, but you'll get the idea.)
This will help us understand your connections and we can post some
.spin code to help you narrow down issues.
P16 SD
P17 SD
P18 SD
P19 SD
New to the Propeller?
Getting started with a Propeller Protoboard?
Check out: Introduction to the Proboard & Propeller Cookbook 1.4
Updates to the Cookbook are now posted to:
Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS
when you have prop tool open.
goto file, then open
when you get the scroll box up listing the files,
change the "file type " at the bottom of the scroll box to files of type binary
click on boebotbasicPP.binary and load it
you should get a big multicolored box with several buttons along the bottom. one says " load eprom" , click it
then when it says loading, chacking, done
close the prop tool
open prop serial term and reset the propeller
there it is