DeSilva's new Posting Policy
Thank you for your requests! No, deSilva has not fallen sick, and also there will be no Easter Holidays for him 
But my humor is black - "british" as my friends call it - which does not match very well with the North-American kind of humor.
So after some introspection I have decided to no longer answer questions here - none. Also there is my book for "Beginners" (in German!) that must take attention, and other things.... I think I shall contribute from time to time to the WIKI where information is less volatile than here in this forum.
I have been accustomed to forums which are shaped by the contributors, but Paul explained very clearly, that this is not the case with the Parallax forums:
So OBC, Fred, Graham, Steven, Clemens, Phil, Hippy, and others - take care
And thank you for the nice time and the things I could learn from you!

But my humor is black - "british" as my friends call it - which does not match very well with the North-American kind of humor.
So after some introspection I have decided to no longer answer questions here - none. Also there is my book for "Beginners" (in German!) that must take attention, and other things.... I think I shall contribute from time to time to the WIKI where information is less volatile than here in this forum.
I have been accustomed to forums which are shaped by the contributors, but Paul explained very clearly, that this is not the case with the Parallax forums:
Paul Baker (Parallax) said...
... they are mainly geared towards users who are just beginning to people with a moderate amount of experience, and you don't fall within that range.
So OBC, Fred, Graham, Steven, Clemens, Phil, Hippy, and others - take care

I can't find those words with either search engine.
Desilva, We are confident that you will be lurking about.. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Any plans for an English translation of that book?
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My 2 cents: DeSilva, you're made of sterner stuff and still welcome here. If you get too nasty, (seldom IM|nHO), we'll rein you in. (Again).
On the other hand, staying current with this forum and weighing in on as many threads as DeS does is like playing at the foot of Niagra. After a while, no matter what slicker you wear, you drown. (In other words, taking a break is a good thing).
(That sent me looking things up either in Google or a dictionary more than once. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Good Luck in your other efforts Desilva!
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Bitte Aufenthalt hier. Ich werde die Hilfe ben
So don't go, it's never too late. I don't find your comments offensive in the least plus you are always helpful and informative. Really, the forum wouldn't be the same without you, might even be a bit frustrating and boring at the same time. Easy up, I promise I won't compliment you too much as long as you stay.
P.S. and remember, I'm not saying goodbye
Some DeSilva gems......
@Grasshopper: You have 82 postings; you already tried many programs: You shouldn't be a beginner any longer... Al right, lets start with your code.... (A) It seems you want to output some elements of...
@Landry, you have a funny view of the Propeller world.... The HUB manager is a part of the fastest hardware possible...The worst schedule time between two COGs is 100ns. But this has nothing to do...
I am well aware this thread will not further my popularity... But I recognize an increasing number of requests of the following kind: This code is generally crippled by missing indentation, omitted...
BTW your quote from my PM was taken out of context, that passage was in direct response to your comment that you found little benefit from Parallax's customer support (which we were discussing the forums being part of), and my response was stating that I didn't find that suprising since it's those who are just starting to intermediate skill level which find the most benefit from the forums. It was not me saying that we don't want people of a higher skill level on the forums, on the contrary they fill another vital role as answering other people's questions.
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
"No, no, no. This had just been a tempest in a teapot caused by an offended Spanish Grande"
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Post Edited (Oldbitcollector) : 3/12/2008 9:47:57 PM GMT
If you just need time for your book, I do indeed understand. But please, at least, chime in and post your creations and discoveries from time to time. A lot of people use the forum just to announce what they are up to, and not necessarily to answer questions all the time.
You have to do what Desilva has to do so good luck in your ventures. But if you want to come back and beat some sense into this member, your more than welcome sir!
Forum-work costs a lot of time, too much time to work continuesly.
Whenever you decide to come back, there will still be a lot of help needed here.
(Sorry about this political incorrectness but·I guess that should be·tolerated·in the grand finale thread of deSilva.)
Thanks for helping me so often, I guess I'll learn assembler now instead of following the forum all night.
Do you know any good source for learning Machine Language?
Take care and let me know when the book is finished!
Take a break if you need to, but don't just disappear.
You are wanted back here by·all of us at·Parallax. Your role as provocateur and common nemesis has molded the forum and has helped to make things especially interesting and educational for many of us. Even for newbies who don't know what you're talking about, it still makes·for spicy reading. And I've always found your third-person self-references intriguing, putting me on high-alert, wondering what I might read next.
And don't be embarrassed to start posting again, just because you made a big scene.
Chip Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Enough said
All the best of luck with your book matey.
And deSilva, I do understand how much time this forum can take up. It turns all your free time (and other time) into not free time
Just kidding. Seriously though, it's a great way to keep in touch in a casual way. Please do stop by again soon!
The forums just won't be the same place without you.
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I mostly respect your opinion and understand how this place can stick ya'.
As far as this great forum goes, I figure you get what you pay for with
"open sores support" just like "open source software" [noparse]:)[/noparse]
"Cancel command not found. Enter ? for help."
.... Good luck deSilva.
PS: That Orwellian sheep watching the "No SPIN Zone" cracks me up [noparse]:)[/noparse]
jazzed·... about·living in·
Traffic is slow at times, but Parallax orders·always get here fast 8)