I want that simulator GEAR.exe, but when I searched Google all I got was this thread as the only mention of it. Anyone know specifically where it can be found?
Brian L said...
I want that simulator GEAR.exe, but when I searched Google all I got was this thread as the only mention of it. Anyone know specifically where it can be found?
coool. I'm not looking to play robot wars or anything. glad to see some old school. at the same time i play video games sometimes too.
note: sometimes it's fun to beat on people. i certainly wouldn't take any offense. It always seems that the new guy gets beat up on 'til the next new guy arrives, then suddenly you're not the new guy any more but part of the pack. I also know that typing is not conversation in person. Consequently, I type and read indifferently knowing what may seem like one thing is probably just a thing and not bad or good. BUT, here's my rant....I think the younger generation is a bit sensitive and requires alot of back patting. With that said, I temper my sensabilities and go with the flow.
Really didn't want to learn stamps, then SX's, then Props. Stamps seem real useful though. But, I think I'm going for the Props for now (talk about 'yet another language'......).
That reminds me of a thing I have that I'll have to upload. I think it's funny but knowbody I know [noparse][[/noparse]now] could understand it.
Parallax has some great documentation for their stamp products. The sumobot robot course is great for beginners. I would like to see something in that line for the Propeller. I have been playing with a modified sumobot off and on for a while, trying to rewrite that code with a proto board on it instead of the standard stamp controller.
I agree with Perry and Mosquito . I am looking at the object exchange and will study the code before I get the Prop chip. Mosquito suggested I start with the education kit. It looks like the the starter kit is out of stock.
Mosquito why the education kit and not the starter kit????
NOTE: If you found this post helpful in any way please respond. That is the only way to get it to the top of the list so others will see it. If no one responds I will not waste my time with this. I may be totally lost but I wish someone with more knowlege would have made a 1,2,3, list to follow when I first started.
I used BS2's a while back and am just now going to give the prop a try.· I find this post very helpful in giving me some direction - starting to tinker any day now.· Thanks!· -phog
·Do whatever makes your popcorn pop. I don't want to give advice unless I know what I am saying. I know I can have opinions but I have none on the starter kit. I am just saying what I did. I think I passed on the starter because it had sensors I had no interest in but I could be mistaken. · I have spent a bunch of money at parallax and I am happy with everything so far. Their support is great and this forum was invaluable but if new people don't ask questions some of us won't learn much.
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ······· "What do you mean, it doesn't have any tubes?"
······· "No such thing as a dumb question" unless it's on the internet
Technologically challenged individual, Please have pity.
Well. since lairdt posted with a little fire-y thingy I'll respond to that.....
Non-props related part....skip at your discretion:
'younger generation' is probably somebody in their 20's to really young. It was interesting to hear on NPR about all the little kiddies playing soccer where everybody gets a trophy....rendering the trophies for those who won the competition meaningless....because nobody wants to offend their sensabilities....and teachers who have to constantly tell their little people "good job, good job" so their self-esteem won't wane. As most generalities go, it applies only to those who fall in that catagory.....if you don't fall into that category then no problem. I take people for what I exchange with them. Old philosphy says 'one in two is a teacher'. Sometimes you're the student, sometimes you're the teacher.
End of non-props part
Sounds like education kit is winning.....hearing more recommendations for it at this point.
Mosquito...not using gear anymore because you're into the physical part now or is it still a recommendation to get started? 'Cause I was going to d/l it. I have about a 2 month install coming up in chicago and need down time entertainment. (I'm trying to keep within the total newbies theme so newbies can get a feel for where to start.) I guess i'm imagining a sort of table of contents that newbies can gleen from this thread to get right to the good parts.
Yeah, I don't use it because I have the prop running. Absoulutely perfect for away trip lesiure. Learn alot of prop code and run it on the sim. I used it for about 3 weeks before my order came in. They didn't ship the proplug with the first order.
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ······· "What do you mean, it doesn't have any tubes?"
······· "No such thing as a dumb question" unless it's on the internet
Technologically challenged individual, Please have pity.
······· "What do you mean, it doesn't have any tubes?"
······· "No such thing as a dumb question" unless it's on the internet
Technologically challenged individual, Please have pity.
Which when I posted this message was about 10 or so items down on the first page.
note: sometimes it's fun to beat on people. i certainly wouldn't take any offense. It always seems that the new guy gets beat up on 'til the next new guy arrives, then suddenly you're not the new guy any more but part of the pack. I also know that typing is not conversation in person. Consequently, I type and read indifferently knowing what may seem like one thing is probably just a thing and not bad or good. BUT, here's my rant....I think the younger generation is a bit sensitive and requires alot of back patting. With that said, I temper my sensabilities and go with the flow.
Really didn't want to learn stamps, then SX's, then Props. Stamps seem real useful though. But, I think I'm going for the Props for now (talk about 'yet another language'......).
That reminds me of a thing I have that I'll have to upload. I think it's funny but knowbody I know [noparse][[/noparse]now] could understand it.
Oh... what's "younger" to you?·
Mosquito why the education kit and not the starter kit????
· I have spent a bunch of money at parallax and I am happy with everything so far. Their support is great and this forum was invaluable but if new people don't ask questions some of us won't learn much.
······· "What do you mean, it doesn't have any tubes?"
······· "No such thing as a dumb question" unless it's on the internet
Technologically challenged individual, Please have pity.
······· "What do you mean, it doesn't have any tubes?"
······· "No such thing as a dumb question" unless it's on the internet
Technologically challenged individual, Please have pity.
Non-props related part....skip at your discretion:
'younger generation' is probably somebody in their 20's to really young. It was interesting to hear on NPR about all the little kiddies playing soccer where everybody gets a trophy....rendering the trophies for those who won the competition meaningless....because nobody wants to offend their sensabilities....and teachers who have to constantly tell their little people "good job, good job" so their self-esteem won't wane. As most generalities go, it applies only to those who fall in that catagory.....if you don't fall into that category then no problem. I take people for what I exchange with them. Old philosphy says 'one in two is a teacher'. Sometimes you're the student, sometimes you're the teacher.
End of non-props part
Sounds like education kit is winning.....hearing more recommendations for it at this point.
Mosquito...not using gear anymore because you're into the physical part now or is it still a recommendation to get started? 'Cause I was going to d/l it. I have about a 2 month install coming up in chicago and need down time entertainment. (I'm trying to keep within the total newbies theme so newbies can get a feel for where to start.) I guess i'm imagining a sort of table of contents that newbies can gleen from this thread to get right to the good parts.
······· "What do you mean, it doesn't have any tubes?"
······· "No such thing as a dumb question" unless it's on the internet
Technologically challenged individual, Please have pity.