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Here we go with Linux



  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-03-28 22:07
    I was able to install the Propeller Tool under Crossover Mac. There are occasional errors that can be ignored. These all seem to be involved in the file tree window on the left side when you change locations in the file / directory tree. I've been able to edit programs and compile them, but downloading doesn't work (probably because some of the serial DLL libraries are missing). Others have indicated that, if you provide the proper hard link to the device, that even those work. The Python downloader works fine and I've used that instead.
  • stevenmess2004stevenmess2004 Posts: 1,102
    edited 2008-03-29 00:58
    I've never been able to get serial to work with the proptool but I have got it to work with propTerminal. Don't know what the difference is but in propTerminal you can set the com port without actually having to have a com port exist so that may be something.
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2008-03-29 09:17
    Thanks all,
    Mike - Yes, there seems to be some work ahead with getting the directory tree to work correctly in Crossover Linux.. I haven't gotten the Parallax stuff to install yet, but another IDE is installed with the wrong directory defaults for some reason.

    I guess it is time to reread the manual in detail and figure out the advanced options. I have high hopes to get this all working. I just located the .conf file where i can turn off the ClamAV interferance.

    17 Days left on my demo copy.

    PLEASE CONSIDER the following:

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    ···················· Tropically,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan

    Post Edited (Kramer) : 3/29/2008 9:23:26 AM GMT
  • OwenSOwenS Posts: 173
    edited 2008-03-29 14:35

    As far as I'm aware, the prop tool runs under raw WINE (From In fact, last time I checked Cross Over Office was just WINE + Nice configuration front end
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2008-03-31 05:29
    Well, I've got the Propeller Tool installed and the Basic Stamp Editor.· I hope to have the SX Key up in a few hours.· Then it will be mostly evaluation.

    I am using Crossover Linux from Crosstalk, not because I like to pay money, but because they make the learning curve much flater.· What one is paying for is the front-end user friendly software that allows you not to spend hours trying to sort out Linux documentation or having to compile binaries from source code.·

    For some of us, it is worth it; others can locate a good version of WINE for free.· The website points to a FREE version of WINE that is supposed to be stable and work with Debian distributions.· Crosstalk's website warns you away from using the free version.

    Here is a Preview/Progess Report·of what I've seen so far.

    USB to RS232 - I haven't yet tried it, but the Parallax Driver did install to WINE

    Propeller Tool - Overall, it seems functional to read and edit programs.·The Propeller Fonts installed smoothly with the rest of the package.·They may even compile properly. The View Info [noparse][[/noparse]F8] is partially messed up.· The right side box is reduced to one column.· This may be a particular video bug with the Asus EeePC because it has a small, not standard height and width screen.

    Basic Stamp Editior - So far everything looks good.· The hope is·that this will support the newer· BS-2px, which is not support by the available Linux software.· Tokens were added after the Linux software was created.

    SX-Key - Pending installation.· There is a lot in the SX-Key as it has SXSim and Debug Mode that can control the SX while monitoring registers.· So, it may be harder to quickly evaluate.· And, will SX/B and SX/C work along with everything else?

    Overall, I'm quite happy as can at least read, study, and write code with·my portable when I am away from my regular PC.· I suspect compiling·will be·okay too.· I still have to see it I can actually program a device·for each of the three.· I'll likely start with the Propeller as the USB interface is built into the Propeller's board [noparse][[/noparse]my USB to RS232 adapter·is not from Parallax and may not be recognized properly].·

    And, I have to see if I can easily share program files between my Linux and XP on a LAN [noparse][[/noparse]I don't see why not as I am already doing this with other files.· The Windows directories in WINE may be a·bit hard to move in and out of.]· Finally, I've made a bit of a mess of my WINE installation in the process of getting this far.· So I've to remove and reinstall all the Windows application in a cleaner installation.

    PLEASE CONSIDER the following:

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    ···················· Tropically,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
  • stevenmess2004stevenmess2004 Posts: 1,102
    edited 2008-03-31 10:49
    Kramer, I have the same problem with the View Info [noparse][[/noparse]F8] box so it is not something with your graphics driver. You will probably get the same problem with the line numbers if you use them.

    OwenS, I may be wrong but I though Crossover provided a few extra files that weren't provided with the standard version of wine.
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2008-04-01 08:53
    Crossover Linux touts extra files, but remains a bit fuzzy if they are the Linux-side or licensed .dll files from MS. The truth might become clear if I remove Crossover Linux and use the Debian Etch WINE binaries to replicate the installations.

    I've used Crossover Linux mainly to allow as many newbies to have verification that there is an easier entry point to WINE [noparse][[/noparse]though requires $$$]. One can initially confirm the installation by installing IE 6.0 and it should be 100% functional according to Crosstalk

    As it stands, I have the 80% functionality of all the Parallax IDEs in Crossover Linux. That means that I am allowed to study existing program files, edit program files, create new program files, and to compile program files. Also, over my LAN, I am able to freely transfer files to and from my XP machine and the WINE environment's virtual C: drive

    This is quite adequate if you are using a portable Linux machine to fiddle with projects while away from your Windows machine where final development is done.

    What is primarily not achieved yet is to download compiled files to either a BasicStamp, an SX, or a Propeller.

    Also, the SXSim is NOT working in the Linux WINE environment and I've yet to try to run SX Debug as it is a sub-function of the USB to RS232.

    Obviously, this will take setting up some bench work to pursue. I'd love to have a portable Linux laptop that could actually program devices for the sake of showing others or field maintence. Nonetheless, the Asus eeePC does allow one to install XP or Vista and have seamless support for all the Parallax IDEs.

    So, it seems those that remain interested in WINE are prime Linux users that cannot or will not use a Windows machine. Regarding the video bug, it may be that a video related .dll file has been cloned with poor understanding of the MS .dll. Regarding using USB to R232 programing devices, it again may be a Linux side problem of just finding a way to properly reach the port with the USB to Serial driver.

    So, there is hope for this to evolve eventually into full IDE uses via WINE. And, it may further the development of WINE.

    Also, I haven't tried any printer functions.

    PLEASE CONSIDER the following:

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    ···················· Tropically,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
  • stevenmess2004stevenmess2004 Posts: 1,102
    edited 2008-04-01 10:26
    Kramer, don't forget the python scripts. There is one that works on linux if you go looking for it.
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2008-04-01 10:55
    Right now, I'm moving on to installing the FDTI Linux driver for USB to Serial. You must go to FDTI to get this as Parallax seems to no longer have a link for the Linux driver, just the Windows driver·is Parallax supported.

    Trying to use the IDEs without the Linux driver·to program the related chips·results in a 'COM1 Port not found' in the WINE environment. Trying to install the USB to RS232 Windows driver into a separate WINE bottle fails and aborts. So, I suspect that WINE interfaces with Linux for I/O rather than independently setting up drivers. {I might try to install my Palm Desktop within WINE to confirm this as it is yet another USB supported device with other drivers.}

    In all honesty, I have never worked with Python. As everyone knows, Linux opens a lot of new doors to the learner - but there are a lot of hurdles too. I AM enjoying the journey - other's may just want the results.

    I'll start lookin into Python Linux scripts. I've seen that many of the utilities are using them - including the package installation utilities.

    BTW, each and every IDE is in a separate bottle.· This is recommended proceedure as a bottle is a fictious C: drive environment for that application.· I suppose some applications might need to share a bottle, but it is not recommended as a starting point.

    PLEASE CONSIDER the following:

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    ···················· Tropically,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan

    Post Edited (Kramer) : 4/1/2008 11:07:32 AM GMT
  • schillschill Posts: 741
    edited 2008-04-01 12:24

    Do you need to install the FTDI drivers for Linux? I've connected FTDI-based devices to my EEE PC and I'm pretty sure they showed up right away, without my needing to install anything. I thought the drivers were already there.
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2008-04-01 15:24
    You are ahead of me. I'm just trying to sort through what seems obvious to me.

    After sorting through the FTDI installation document, I pluged in my Propeller demo board and the eeePC recognizes the driver when you run 'lsmod' [noparse][[/noparse]This lists the modules installed to the kernel]. But it may be an older version. And I am not clear if or if it won't work.

    I cannot locate COM1 in WINE. So I guess that I should try to first set up a COM1 in something outside of WINE. I happen to have a Parallax USB2SER that can be set up to loopback as a test.

    There are some things that make me wonder though. The gentleman in NZ - Bill Ryder - that wrote the Linux driver has said that he updated the driver for 2.4.??? and beyond [noparse][[/noparse]this is the version 1.3.3 that is downloadable from the Linux sites] and that after Kernel 2.6.9 the update is no longer required. The EeePC is Kernel 2.6.18 and that might or might explain the situation.

    Does the 2.6.18·mean Two-point-six-point-eighteen or Two-point-six-point-one-point-eight?

    Seems that the eeePC didn't provide 'make' software and related packages. I suppose that this was to minimize program size. But I am having to download and install these file to test if the 1.3.3 version would be helpful.

    Am I wasting my time?· I suspect I am.

    PLEASE CONSIDER the following:

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    ···················· Tropically,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan

    Post Edited (Kramer) : 4/1/2008 3:34:02 PM GMT
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2008-04-01 16:09
    Well, learned yet another Linux utility command.

    I tried 'dmesg' with both my Propeller Demo Board and the USB2SER. It seems that both are recognized and attach themselves to ttyUSB0.

    So how do we get 'ttyUSB0' to be recognizied as COM1 in WINE?

    PLEASE CONSIDER the following:

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    ···················· Tropically,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan

    Post Edited (Kramer) : 4/2/2008 5:58:21 AM GMT
  • schillschill Posts: 741
    edited 2008-04-01 16:32
    I haven't started playing with WINE yet so I won't be able to help at all.

    About as far as I got working with the FTDI stuff was "cat-ing" stuff coming in from the port to a terminal window.

    I won't be surprised if the end result is to run the prop environment under WINE but then do the programming from Linux. But it would be nice if you figure out how to do it all from the environment.

    This might help:

    {edit, again}

    I think .18 means point eighteen.

    I am running the Arduino environment on my EEE PC (the hardware connects through the FTDI-based port I've been talking about). I needed to install various tools to run the Arduino environment (I guess, probably just to compile) that I believe included make. I believe make probably came with build-essential. The others were needed for the compiler. This was discussed in these threads:

    (By the way, I am smee in those threads)

    Post Edited (schill) : 4/1/2008 4:42:22 PM GMT
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2008-04-02 06:05
    Well, I've lots to ponder. It is going to take some effort to understand the Linux ttyUSB0 port, the WINE's intermediate role, and where one can hook into Windows COM ports.

    Take a look at Linux's 'setserial' command. There is a HOWTO for Serial Consoles that seems required reading.

    I am imagining that one will have to recode WINE or produce a customized-for-Linux .dll.

    I found 'lsusb' command and that is another quick identifier of what is plugged in.

    PLEASE CONSIDER the following:

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    ···················· Tropically,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan

    Post Edited (Kramer) : 4/2/2008 6:15:39 AM GMT
  • stevenmess2004stevenmess2004 Posts: 1,102
    edited 2008-04-02 07:23
    Wouldn't have a clue how to get Wine to make the propellerTool recognise any com ports. I tried adding it to the win.ini files and the Wine configuration file and a shortcut to the serial port file in the hardware folder of wine. I managed to get propTerminal to kind of work but propTool was never finding the com port.
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2008-04-02 12:37
    Well, it after looking at the above Serial Ports in WINE document and going through all of Crossover Linux for something to change, it becomes apparent that I have to shift over to Public Domain WINE of Debian Etch version.

    I must say the the Crossover Linux uninstalled easily. There are a few further comments I should make before leaving it.

    First, there seem to be two COM port conditions that occur in Parallax IDEs. The PBasic and Propeller state that NO COM1 is found. Nothing appears in their listing of automatically located com ports. While in the SX-Key, the software says the COM port is busy and cannot be reached. The first NO COM1 condition often occurs with my WindowsXP and is resolved by unplugging the USB and hot plugging the cable to bring up the recognition. It didn't work for me in WINE, but doesn't mean that it won't work for some LINUX computers. If fact, I am tempted to reinstall Crossover Linux and the Propeller software in order to give hot plugging one last try.

    Secondly, Propeller Tool did compile, somewhat - but it wouldn't COMPILE TOP, it would only COMPILE CURRENT. The PBasic and SX seem to compile normally.

    At this point I strongly am hoping that one can tweak the generic WINE in a configuration that calls for 'ttyS0' [noparse][[/noparse]which is a standard RS-232 port] with the apparently recognized 'ttyUSB0' in order to provide for the USB to Serial hardware. I just couldn't fine anywhere to do this in Crossover Linux

    PLEASE CONSIDER the following:

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    ···················· Tropically,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2008-04-02 12:37
    Well, it after looking at the above Serial Ports in WINE document and going through all of Crossover Linux for something to change, it becomes apparent that I have to shift over to Public Domain WINE of Debian Etch version.

    I must say the the Crossover Linux uninstalled easily. There are a few further comments I should make before leaving it.

    First, there seem to be two COM port conditions that occur in Parallax IDEs. The PBasic and Propeller state that NO COM1 is found. Nothing appears in their listing of automatically located com ports. While in the SX-Key, the software says the COM port is busy and cannot be reached. The first NO COM1 condition often occurs with my WindowsXP and is resolved by unplugging the USB and hot plugging the cable to bring up the recognition. It didn't work for me in WINE, but doesn't mean that it won't work for some LINUX computers. If fact, I am tempted to reinstall Crossover Linux and the Propeller software in order to give hot plugging one last try.

    Secondly, Propeller Tool did compile, somewhat - but it wouldn't COMPILE TOP, it would only COMPILE CURRENT. The PBasic and SX seem to compile normally.

    At this point I strongly am hoping that one can tweak the generic WINE in a configuration that calls for 'ttyS0' [noparse][[/noparse]which is a standard RS-232 port] with the apparently recognized 'ttyUSB0' in order to provide for the USB to Serial hardware. I just couldn't fine anywhere to do this in Crossover Linux

    PLEASE CONSIDER the following:

    Do you want a quickly operational black box solution or the knowledge included therein?······
    ···················· Tropically,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
  • Harrison.Harrison. Posts: 484
    edited 2008-04-02 13:49
    You can either edit your wine configuration file to point to /dev/ttyUSB0 or create a sym link ('ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyS0').

    I did have problems with earlier versions with the Prop Tool not detecting serial ports at all (this was back when you had to use the autodetect feature). I replaced tons of wine dlls with official windows dlls. I edited the registry and did all sorts of hacks. I managed to get it to compile and detect the serial ports. But it was never able to actually do any serial IO because Parallax used NTConnectPort(...) which was/is an unimplemented stub function in wine.
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2008-04-02 14:17
    Well, I made the biggest blunder possible with generic WINE. I installed it to 'root' by using SUDO. Luckily, I was able to follow instructions and recover from it, but it can completely down your system. DON'T USE SUDO, to install WINE applications.

    I found that I can use Propeller Tool just the same as before in Crossover Linux. I even located a directory where a 'symbolic link can be established ttyUSB0 and COM1. I've tried that, but no luck so far. I had high hopes, so I am a bit disappointed by this. I can see the ttyUSB0 is being assigned to the Propeller Boards FTDI chip when using 'dmesg'. And I've tried hot plugging.

    Generic WINE is a bit more of a challenge to install, but seems equally functional. One has to create a Shortcut to your desktop and a Menu entry as the actually .exe is quite buried in a duplicate of the Windows directory system.

    In fact, it seems that one can run any .exe application within WINE, including DOS. I haven't gotten all the Parallax IDEs reinstalled, but I certainly will do so within a day or so. Then, I'll retry to get the serial port going. The F8 Window in Propeller Tool is mess up just as in Crossover Linux -- same bug.

    As it is, I suspect I can get at least the same 80% functionality out of either program. You just have to learn more about Linux to install and manage the generic. With on-going updates, there is hope that a serial port will actually program. I intend to push for such as it would make the Linux machine a better bench tool.

    PLEASE CONSIDER the following:

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    ···················· Tropically,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2008-04-02 14:46
    Harrison. said...
    You can either edit your wine configuration file to point to /dev/ttyUSB0 or create a sym link ('ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyS0').

    I did have problems with earlier versions with the Prop Tool not detecting serial ports at all (this was back when you had to use the autodetect feature). I replaced tons of wine dlls with official windows dlls. I edited the registry and did all sorts of hacks. I managed to get it to compile and detect the serial ports. But it was never able to actually do any serial IO because Parallax used NTConnectPort(...) which was/is an unimplemented stub function in wine.
    Thanks Harrison, I am grateful that I don't have to explore all those .dll files.· I created a sym link from ttyUSB0 to COM1 and it does nothing. I'll try creating the sym link bewteen ttyUSB0 and ttyS0 as an alternative.

    I assume NTConnectPort(...) is buried somewhere in a Microsoft compiler product.· Maybe Parallax would eventually re-evalutate their use of it if they could easily have all their software opperate under WINE.· WINE does support I/O for printers and scanners.· I know that part of this is that Parallax uses the Serial Port very creatively in all their IDEs.

    I've reloaded all the IDEs in generic WINE. No luck with serial ports - everything else seems about the same.

    PLEASE CONSIDER the following:

    Do you want a quickly operational black box solution or the knowledge included therein?······
    ···················· Tropically,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
  • csfancsfan Posts: 14
    edited 2008-05-11 20:34

    Have you been able to get the Stamp and Propeller IDE's working properly? Will the .bs2 and .spin programs compile and download? I'm going to buy a EEE PC 900 and will go with Linux only if everything works OK.
  • Agent420Agent420 Posts: 439
    edited 2008-05-12 13:53
    Don't know how this fits into conversation, but embedded Linux is becoming more popular as micro-controller technology increases and prices drop.· It's been used for a while in commercial devices, but the hobbyist / experimenter side is really expanding as well.· It's amazing to think you can have a whole OS pretty much on one chip [noparse]:)[/noparse]

  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2008-05-13 07:57
    For what it's worth, I just recently upgraded my computer from a "dual boot" system to a "dual platform" system
    The "core" boot is a Linux system· (Fedora 8) and I'm running VMware within that for any windows apps.· Everything I have tested so far works just fine...Propeller programming, BS2 Programming, and numerous other apps.
    The biggest hiccup was getting the dual Monitor heads working properly, and a small "patch" for the VMware to allow it to work with a higher than expected·version of the Linux kernel.
    ..Other than finding "just the right recipe"·for some of the other stubborn applications, that's about the only tweaking I have had to do to get a dual platform system up and running.

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.
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