Digital Video Out 64006-ES (d)

What is the purpose of this board with engineering sample chips? Or is it mostly going to sit idle until the new silicon is out?
Did I miss the HDMI encoding software?
Maybe it could be used for high speed P2 to P2 communication.
The code right below is from Chip Gracey. Original post: It's on page 10 of a currently 21 page thread, so easy to miss.
Did I miss the HDMI encoding software?
Maybe it could be used for high speed P2 to P2 communication.
The code right below is from Chip Gracey. Original post: It's on page 10 of a currently 21 page thread, so easy to miss.
I'll try other monitors and cables later
Is it just doing some test pattern? Can it display a full screen color bitmap, like the vga demos?
I haven't read all of the posts in the previous HDMI thread from November... If we could output 20 bytes at a time, that is 2 pixels. If they are doubled pixels, it's easy to have correct 1/0 balance at the end of each 2 pixel group. To run 480i, it's necessary to double pixels.
It's still very interesting.
With Hyperram, maybe could do image this way...
The DVI spec calls for the control bits on red and green to always be zero. In the code that is the sync0 word. It was sync2. Was there a reason for that or was it just overlooked because it worked on most monitors?
Anyway, here is a program that outputs a grayscale image. It only produces 52 shades of gray instead of 256. That restriction makes it possible to just grab an output stream from the table and use it without worrying about the 1/0 balance of the resulting signal. I think it would work fine for a text display. They aren't evenly spaced, but 52 gray levels is way more than what the P1 did.
If we had 3 cogs generating to generate the RGB channels independently we could have 140608 colors. If the streamer had an option to shift 3 bits at a time we could have a palette of these colors. We can generate 2 independent signals with 2 bit mode, then vary which 2 channels are linked by changing the LUT. There might not be enough time do this for every pixel. I do this to generate the sync on blue and blanking on red and green.
Still no luck with the TCL monitor, though it does seem to recognize a signal is there now (but doesn't display it), whereas I don't think it did this before.
I noticed in your code you have a point where you get the phase shift of the clock aligned, but make a comment how 'curiously it doesn't seem to matter' - should I try some different values here and see whether it makes a difference?
It may only want to support HDMI modes and not DVI modes. I have an old TV that has separate HDMI and DVI modes. Sometimes it only works on one of the settings. It will be a while before I can test that unit with the P2.
You could try changing the clock phase. It should be "correct" already. 10 sysclocks is 1 output cycle. The code from VonSzarvas generates what I consider the correct phase. We might get it if we generate a 720x480 signal. An easy thing to try would be to use 270MHz sysclock. Also, are you in an NTSC or PAL region?
EDIT: Oops, I should have posted this reply on the other topic (not sure if it's the same program) -
Anyway, if you are interested to see the results of the 480p test, see the photo attached.
Kind regards, Samuel Lourenço