USB thumbdrive becomes unformatted
Has anyone ever experienced a drive quitting? I now have two cases of client projects experiencing the drive stopping when using them connected to a Vinculum. In one case, I do not believe the drive was ever removed from being connected to the Vinculum, in another case the drive was removed, plugged into a pc and the client listened to the mp3s that were on the drive, then plugged the drive back in. The drive stopped, then I had him plug the drive back into the pc, it said this disk is not formatted. So he reformatted, reinstalled the mp3s and it worked. Typical sandisk 4 gig drives from Radio Shack. I cannot duplicate the problem on my end.
A bug in the program could send garbage to the Vinculum drive and cause it to write garbage to the drive.
- Is this an application that writes to the USB drive a lot?
- Have they tried a different brand of USB Thumbdrive?
- As someone mentioned there could be a bug in the code that wrote garbage to the drive and trashed the data.
- How is the project powered? Is it running on batteries or on utility power that may be subject to outages?
The drives only serve to play back mp3's, there is no "open file" process going on in the code that would require closing, mp3's are just a simple instruction to play the file. There is not writing to the drives. Basically the same as a VMusic2. I cannot find mention in the Vinculum manual a command for formatting a disk, but it could still exist.