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Attachment repair.

Clock LoopClock Loop Posts: 2,069
edited 2010-09-14 15:45 in General Discussion
Anyone know when the attachments that were made on the old forum are going to be fixed?

Its kinda a bummer to see old posts that have all broken links, making trying to see what is going on, impossible.

Any progress on this issue?


  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2010-09-03 00:15
    I have just found all my pics and code on the RamBlade thread have not converted properly either. Ouch :mad:

    Of course, all the links throughout the web are broken as well, including Google.
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-09-03 00:40
    These things will get fixed. Jim is working on the attachment remigration, and I've got the post remigration program (nearly) completed and have been running it against the test site to nail down any remaining idiosyncrasies. It's been our consuming focus for nearly a month now. Going from dotNetBB to vBulletin is a bit like translating Urdu to Norwegian when your native language is English. And some dotNetBB elements created with the fancy IE-centric editor (e.g. tables) have no direct translation to vBulletin's BBcode and have to be converted to GIFs instead to be displayed as images. But despite the difficulties -- and the wait -- I believe that, in the end, people will be happy with the results.

  • Clock LoopClock Loop Posts: 2,069
    edited 2010-09-03 06:41
    Thanks for the update!
  • VonSzarvasVonSzarvas Posts: 3,555
    edited 2010-09-09 10:54
    Not sure if it has been noticed, but it might also be that some attachments have a NUL (0x00) added at the end, which might cause them to fail.

    If you open file with a hex editor and remove the nul, of course its fine.

    I reported it here too, as more specific to my discovery.
  • Jim EwaldJim Ewald Posts: 733
    edited 2010-09-09 15:19
    We have completed a full pass at migrating the corrected attachments to a test forum site. You can examine the results at:

    There is no need to login to the site. All of the public forums are open now. Also, please note that anything posted there will be lost when we refresh the site in the next few days.
  • tdlivingstdlivings Posts: 437
    edited 2010-09-10 07:16
    Should everything be on the test site.
    I do a search on "ad9833" and do not get the handfull of posts on the chip and DDS.
    I do the same here and they show.

  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-09-10 07:41
    The test site was migrated in February, so it will not include anything added to the old site since then.

  • tdlivingstdlivings Posts: 437
    edited 2010-09-10 08:02
    The ones I was looking for are past Feb but there are a couple of threads, one in 2008 and the other in 2005 that did not show on a search of "ad9833".
    I will redo it but memory says I got no hits back at the http:/66.60..... site.

  • tdlivingstdlivings Posts: 437
    edited 2010-09-10 08:05
    The old posts are there but not in the propeller section. So all is ok
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2010-09-10 09:03
    Jim Ewald wrote: »
    We have completed a full pass at migrating the corrected attachments to a test forum site. You can examine the results at:

    There is no need to login to the site. All of the public forums are open now. Also, please note that anything posted there will be lost when we refresh the site in the next few days.

    Hi Jim Ewald

    On test site I can't find some of my posts at all.
    One of them.

    3D rendering of new Mikronauts PCB's layout by Sapieha - Open for comments (15 PCB's added) ----> On new Forum ---
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-09-10 09:42

    The test site was migrated in February. Nothing added to the old site since then will show up on the test site.

  • Jim EwaldJim Ewald Posts: 733
    edited 2010-09-10 12:02
    The test site does have older content. For testing purposes, the body of data on that site is quite enough to validate the re-migration tools. The attachments related to the AD9833 posts on the test site look OK to me.
  • Jim EwaldJim Ewald Posts: 733
    edited 2010-09-10 12:05
    @Phil:> Man, you're a couple mouse clicks faster than me today.

    There are still 38,000 attachments on the test site; plenty of opportunity to spot a broken attachment.
  • Jim EwaldJim Ewald Posts: 733
    edited 2010-09-14 15:04
    The attachments have been reloaded from the old dotnetbb forums - without the file size truncation issue that plagued the first conversion. Please report any anomalies that you spot and I'll do my best to correct them.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2010-09-14 15:11
    Hi Jim Ewald.

    Now my attachments function perfectly.

    But I think You have one more work on them.
    REGENERATING thumbnails (Look on this thread)

    On opening Images are correct but thumbnails still show BAD ones

    Jim Ewald wrote: »
    The attachments have been reloaded from the old dotnetbb forums - without the file size truncation issue that plagued the first conversion. Please report any anomalies that you spot and I'll do my best to correct them.
  • Jim EwaldJim Ewald Posts: 733
    edited 2010-09-14 15:14
    Yes, the thumbnails are being processed now... They take just as long to process as importing the attachments.
  • SapiehaSapieha Posts: 2,964
    edited 2010-09-14 15:17
    Hi Jim Ewald


    And Thanks one more time.

    Jim Ewald wrote: »
    Yes, the thumbnails are being processed now... They take just as long to process as importing the attachments.
  • Jim EwaldJim Ewald Posts: 733
    edited 2010-09-14 15:45
    OK - we're done with the attachments (and thumbnails).

    Thanks to all for your patience and the constructive conversations to make this right.
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